![]() Author has written 5 stories for Black Clover/ブラッククローバー, and Fairy Tail. Hey, guys so my SYOCs officially now have a Discord! This is my discord ID: Cleo Crimson#2639 Discord Invite: Ask for it and I'll send a link Paladins of the Ace Kingdom SYOC: Hello all! QueenNox27 and I are Co-writing this story together. If you have any questions please let us know. Nox and I have a Discord server for this story, separate from our main ones. If you would like the Discord link, let one of us know. Submission Rules and Restrictions/Things to Know: 1. Nox and I are going to be accepting thirteen OCs. 2. Submissions are due on Sunday, March 2, 2025 3. We will accept three mages from the Clover Kingdom (0/3). 4. No Mary or Gary Sues. Make your OCs complex, no one is perfect, so make sure they have good pros and cons. Be as detailed as possible with your OCs, the more details the better. 5. Do not make your OC OP 6. You are always free to ask questions, you can either ask me or Nox. 7. OCs cannot be younger than 19 years old and have been in some form of military service for four years. This means they have had to have four years of military service elsewhere before joining the Paladins at nineteen at the earliest. 8. We will only be accepting submissions through PM ONLY. Forms through reviews will not be accepted. You can also PM your form to QueenNox27. 9. Please title the Subject line in the PM [Paladins of the Ace Kingdom: OC Name] 10. The first official chapter is a world-building Info chapter. 11. We will allow three submissions specifically for Kleoné's unit. Just remember, they can't be first-year Paladins. Restrictions: 1. No more Solar Court mages Paladins of the Ace Kingdom SYOC Form: [General Info] Name: Title/Nickname: Gender: Sexuality: Age (Remember, they have to be 19 or older. They CANNOT have joined the Paladins at fifteen): Birthday: Court (Royal, Solar, Lunar, Celestial. Or are they from Clover?): Class (Noble or Commoner): [Appearance] Physical Appearance (hair, eyes, skin, height, etc): Notable Features (scars, piercings, etc): Main Outfit (Required): Armor (Required- They do change into personal armor when on missions): Sleepwear: Swimwear: Formal Outfit: Other Outfits: Accessories: [Background] Personality (At least three paragraphs- be detailed as possible): Character History (At least three paragraphs- be detailed as possible): Why Did they join the Paladins?: How many years have they been in the Paladins? (Are they just joining?): Character Introduction (How do you want them to be introduced?- optional): Suggested Character Arc (Optional): Flashbacks (Optional): Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: What are their favorite and least favorite Citadel Tasks?: Fears: [Relationships] Family: Friends: Rivals: Romance (what type of people are they attracted to? Or specific character?): What Type of Team Member Are They? (Team player/Loner/Etc?): How do they treat Queen Inara? What are their opinions of her?: How do they treat the other Paladins? Does it matter if their nobles or commoners?: Enemies: [Magic/Weapons] Weapons/Equipment (If any): Description of Grimoire (color/thickness): Magic Attribute (Name/Describe what their magic can do): Magic Form(s) (Maximum 3): Magic Spells (At least 5): [Anything else you want to add] Paladins (7/13): Nicoletta Tessaro - 24 - Feather Magic - Solar - Commoner - SeraphOfStars Hastur Carcosa - 26 - Ink Magic - Lunar - Noble - Lawless-Afterlife Aeriela Mufasa - 26 - Lion Magic - Solar - Noble - ZetsunaFlames Orcust Lunarsong - 19 - Holy Magic - Royal - Noble - Alucard Deathsinger Alexei Khunetsov - 24 - Forge Magic - Celestial - Commoner - JustARandomBaka Lucian Astor - 20 - Inversion Magic - Celestial - Noble - Bedbay Certia Inoue - 19 - Data Lost Magic - Solar - Commoner - Hofund Philomel Milim - 22 - Sound Magic - Solar - Noble - renren-writes Celestial Phoenix Lore (Mostly Ace Kingdom Stuff) 1. This fic starts three months after the War with the Spade Kingdom 2. Valance has been in the Clover Kingdom for the past eleven years Ace Kingdom History Summary: The Ace Kingdom is surrounded by many Grand Magic Zones and has a natural magic barrier that keeps people without Ace Kingdom blood out. Since the Kingdom is surrounded by dense zones of mana, it is dangerous to try to get through the borders of the Ace Kingdom. The Ace Kingdom has a Ruler that governs the Kingdom as a whole overall, but the kingdom itself is split into four separate Courts, the Solar, Lunar, and Celestial Courts, and the Royal Court which is where the royal family resides. The three other Courts are mostly self-sufficient and self-governed, lower political issues, events, and crimes are seen in their own Courts, but the larger, kingdom-impacting events are overseen by the Royal Court. The Lunar, Solar, and Celestial Courts are ruled by the High noble families who answer in turn to the Royal Court. For the past century, the Hyberion Kingdom from across the sea has been trying to invade the Ace Kingdom but has been held back by the mages of the Ace Kingdom, and the magical barrier that surrounds the Kingdom. The closest time the Hyberion Kingdom got close to invading the Ace Kingdom was twelve years ago, which is when the Previous Queen, Jannah died protecting the Kingdom and her husband, King Celino became Regent since their daughter was only six at the time. Celino was a bad King, easily manipulated, and many people took advantage of his more simple nature. The Ace Kingdom almost fell under his regency, and many corrupt nobles came into power during his Rule. The only reason the Ace Kingdom didn't fall was because the Hyberion Kingdom pulled back their attacks, the last battle decimating their troops for a time. Once his daughter Inara became Queen, she tried to undo much of what he did, though she is having trouble, with the nobility, with the added bonus of the Hyberion Kingdom trying to invade full force again. Courts of the Ace Kingdom: The Royal Court: This Court is in the very center of the Ace Kingdom, it is where the King/Queen resides and where the Royal Citadel is. The current Queen is Inara Dragomirnova-Ace, a seventeen-year-old mage who uses Aether Magic. She became Queen when she was fifteen, right after she got her grimoire. She pushed her father out due to his bad rule and he is currently under house arrest. She is a good Queen who is trying to make up for her father's bad decisions and trying to root out the corruption that took hold under Celino's rule. The people who work under her adore her. The Celestial Court: This is the Court that Valance is originally from and the Court that pushed for her exile. The High family that rules over the Celestial Court is the d'Chevalier Family. The High family of this court specializes in Celestial and Star types of Magic. The head of the family is Meliora Bouverie-d'Chevalier, a woman who married into the family, but acts like she is a true-blooded d'Chevalier woman. She is a cruel, power-grabbing woman who will do anything to hold onto her power. They are the harshest family when it comes to rules and laws, mostly to protect their own power, but the younger generation is all right and likes Inara's rule so far. The Lunar Court: This is the Court that Adriane is from. The High family that rules over the Lunar Court is the Vasilikov family. The High family of this court specializes in Lunar and Night types of magic. They have a new Head of House, Qrow Vasilikov, he has a bad reputation because it is known that he tries to shrug off paperwork, choosing to sleep or roam around his City instead of doing actual work. But he is actually a good Lord and roams around to make sure that the people in his court are happy and well. He's rather easy-going. The Solar Court: The High family that rules over the Solar Court is the de'Sauveterre family. The High family of the court specializes in Sun and Solar Magic, the current head of the House is Kiran de'Sauveterre. She is more a scholar of medicine than a warrior. This court has always dealt with some level of corruption and backstabbing; the de'Sauveterre family suffered from various betrayals. Despite all the betrayals, they are still the most accepting of the courts. This is also the court where the current Clover Queen, Celande Novalic Kira-Clover is from. Submission Rules and Restrictions: 1. I'm going to be accepting twelve OCs. I was thinking of splitting it down the middle by having 6 mages from Clover and 6 mages from Ace as close as possible. 2. No Mary or Gary Sues. Make your OCs complex, no one is perfect, so make sure they have good pros and cons. Be as detailed as possible with your OCs, the more details the better. 3. Do not make your OC OP 4. You are always free to ask questions, if you want to send an Ace Kingdom OC and want more information, please feel free to ask me anything. 5. If you send in an Ace Kingdom OC, they can't have the magic attribute of the High Families. 6. I will only be accepting submissions through PM ONLY. I will not accept Forms turned in through the reviews. 7. Please title the Subject line in the PM [Celestial Phoenix: OC Name] Restrictions: 1. No more blue eyes 2. Characters who are more serious and cold 3. No more Male OCs SYOC FORM: [General Info] Name: Title/Nickname: Gender: Age: Birthday: Kingdom (Ace or Clover): Realm of Origin (Forsaken, common, noble): Class (If From Clover- Peasant, commoner, noble, royalty): [Appearance] Physical Appearance (hair, eyes, skin, height, etc): Notable Features (scars, piercings, etc): Main Outfit: Sleepwear: Swimwear: Formal Outfit: Other Outfits: Accessories: [Background] Personality (At least three paragraphs- be detailed as possible): Character History (At least three paragraphs- be detailed as possible): Why did they join the Magic Knights?/Why do they want to join the Magic Knights?: How did they get recruited into Celestial Phoenix? (choose one of the below and explain a bit here please): Valance or Adriane met them before the Magic Knights Entrance Exam They are recruited during the Magic Knight Entrance Exam They switched from a different squad (explain the reason please) Valance will meet them after the Magic Knight Entrance Exam (possible OC intro as well) Character Introduction (How do you want them to be introduced?): Suggested Character Arc (Optional): Flashbacks (Optional): Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: [Relationships] Family: Friends: Rivals: Romance (what type of people are they attracted to? Or specific character?): What Type of Squad Member Are They? (Team player/Loner/Etc?): How do they interact with/treat Valance and Adriane as Captains? How do they treat their squadmates? How do they feel about some members being from the Ace Kingdom?: Enemies: [Magic/Weapons] Weapons/Equipment (If any): Description of Grimoire (color/thickness): Magic Attribute (Name/Describe what their magic can do): Magic Form(s) (Maximum 3): Magic Spells (At least 5): [Anything else you want to add] Celestial Phoenix Squad: Captain(s): Valance d'Chevalier - 28 - Celestial Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Adriane Valeryon - 28 - Night Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Vice-Captain: Eisen Beaumont - 28 - Earth Magic - Derekjay2000 Squad Members (7/12): Illyea Talisiere - 16 - Sensorium Magic - QueenNox27 Alex Oulfsen - 18 - Spatial Magic - WitnessofFate Kanna Levine - 15 - Purgatory Magic - Sempi Dimitri Alexeyev - 19 - Mosaic Magic - Oddlyillregular Regen Myrsky - 19 - Storm Magic - SpiritOfArt Glacien Verglas - 21 - Ice Magic - Saltzcabello Sera Morgenstern - 18 - Summoning Magic - SeraphOfStars Dragon Hart: A Fairy Tail SYOC Story Dragon Hart Guild Master: Juniper Marrow - 28 - Greenery and plant magic - RevolutionaryCleo Mages: Kaisa Westfalia - 19 - Fire and Sun magic - RevolutionaryCleo Kían Castellan - 22 - Storm Devil Slayer - RevolutionaryCleo Tidus Castellan - 20 - Sky Devil Slayer - RevolutionaryCleo Rose Emrest - 19 - Precognition - RevolutionaryCleo Jadus Skurge - 19 - Stone Dragon Slayer - DapperCat Ramses Kingsley - 23 - Solar Magic - ArieneDirecrest Sena Mohns - 15 - Take-Over: Monster Soul - LevelNineCPU Crag Armas - 19 - Applied Magic - WitnessofFate Yu Daoji - 18 - Celestial Magic - KaousuShin Delyana Dylong -20 - Diamond Magic - SoImAWriterSoWhat Aster Mulberry - 18 - Plant and Flower Magic - Sempi Pavon Mulberry - 18 - Butterfly Magic - Ahn Jihlo Willem Corvus - 25 - Shadow Magic - King0fP0wer Lucien Talon - 25 - Alter Ego - ArcanaFortune Illyea Talisien - 18 - Aether Magic - SeraphOf Stars Detaka Yoshi - 28 - Teleportation Magic - VirgoDrago Mia Llewelyn - 24 - Requip: The Wayfinder - Gibles Vale Greenwood - 18 - Acid Dragon Slayer - PoppingPoppies Luka Avalon - 19 - Magic Girl Magic - VividIsSleeping Bernadette Flores de Aquinas - 19 - Prayer Magic - Just A Bad Writer For Fun Ursula Nyx - 12 - Alchemy and Darkness Magic - NSPunny Abigail Arden - 30 - Vain Magic - WarMachine375 Alastor Ainsoth Wormwood - 24 - Qliphoth Spirit Magic - Roggi Acacia Sinclair - 30 - Slime Magic and Doll Attack - Flaming Fate Zero Valkyrie Dawn: A Fairy Tail SYOC Story Valkyrie Dawn Affiliation Guide Guilds (Town-Nation) Valkyrie Dawn (Artair- Albion) Master: Farrah Solberg - 47- Ice and Snow Magic - RevolutionaryCleo S-Class Mages: Aisha Luna Kavin - 30 - Sun, Moon Magic, Weather Eyes - SoImAWriterSoWhat Koen O'Neil - 22 - Storm Dragon Slayer - ArieneDirecrest Mages: Gian Morgenstern - 19 - Angel Soul, Light Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Jeanne Arche – 18 - Spatial Magic, Transmutation Magic -RevolutionaryCleo Rhys Griffiths – Male – 20 - Lightning Devil Slayer – RevolutionaryCleo Charlet Magnet – 15 - 2nd-Gen Holy Light Dragon Slayer, Pure Eyes - Just a Bad Writer for Fun Otto Leau – 19 - Water magic, water-make - KeepMeRunning Juno Crossley – 17 - Star Magic - Derekjay2000 Adelaide von Hevring – 20 - Visualization Magic – Sempi Ash Canera - 19 - Take Over: Hound Soul - SeraphOfStars Lorna Dèanadair - 26 - Maker's Might - Benthino Adriano da Veronica - 52 - Telekinesis, Fire Magic - Alby199800 Lucius Albrecht - 29 - Serpentine Arcana - Theotakureader101 Jethro Calister - 23 - Lava Magic - Ahn Jihlo Eden Furst - 16 - Gardener, Wood-make Magic - Flaming Fate Zero Jacquelyn Felwinter - 23 - Heavenly Body Magic - TheDapperCat Morgana - 16 - Elemental Magic, Equilibria Fortuna - Hofund Silas Barlowe - 27 - Analysis, Counterfeit, and Needle Magic - TheRestless Drifter Syren Orynthe - 24- Blood Devil Slayer - BiggerGuilmonmon Sol’s Reverence (Zorinth- Caelestine) Guild Master: Stella d’Angelo – Age 32 - Light magic – RevolutionaryCleo Midnight Basilisk (Aleppo- Xeria Empire) Guild Master: Byron Mercer – 54 – Blast Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Dark Guilds Hydra's Wroth (8/?): Guild Master: Valere de Charlie - 54 - Abyss Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Mages: The Madam - Age ??? - Thread Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Ishim Licht - 20 - Vantablack Magic - GodDecim Elektra Argyris - 17 - Lightning Magic/ Empathy Magic - Zachary Boyd Zeno Harlow - 28 - Machina Soul, Archive - KeepMeRunning Varick Barschheit - Age ??? - Modification Magic -Derekjay2000 Sylvie Clockworker - 20 - Sleep Magic, Holy Devil Slayer - Lezusia Lemon Paris - 32 - Light-make, Explosion Magic - klbubblepop786 Invisible Fenrir Created (5/?) by LuciferXIII Trollkaiger Green Guild Master: Wolfgang Hughs - 64 -Soul Magic, Necromancy - LuciferXIII Trollkaiger Green Mages: Hadrian Leons - 23 - Face-Stealer, Soul Magic - LuciferXIII Trollkaiger Green Andrax von Lucifang - 29 - Fallen Angel Magic, Light Magic - SoImAWriterSoWhat Eve Razorlock - 23 - Possession Magic, Telekinesis - BansheeGreen4 Aemond Volti - 25 - Machias Physiology, Celestial Spirit Magic - Sempi Other Organizations: Sanctuary of Sage: The Grand Sage of Sanctuary: Bellamy - 35 - Memory Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Titled Mages: Cleo Conley "Crimson" - 20 - Purgatory Fire Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Oren von Heinrich "Onyx" - 25 -Darkness Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Gideon "Green" - 32 - Greenery Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Other Residents of Sanctuary: Koel Halstead - 30 - Gun Requip, Mana Absorption - RevolutionaryCleo Caia Everette - 21 - Magnetism, Metal-make - RevolutionaryCleo Unknown Affiliations: Viola - Age ??? - Magic ??? - RevolutionaryCleo Nations Kingdom of Albion Albion Royal Knights: Lord Commander Lorenzo - 73 - RevolutionaryCleo Kingdom of Caelestine Temple of Laias: Priestess Aine - 18 - Heavenly summoning, Light magic -RevolutionarycLeo Xeria Empire The Xeria Military: Commander Asriel van Daphnael - 41 - Gun Magic - RevolutionaryCleo Lieutenant Casee van Daphnael -18 - Spatial Magic - RevolutionaryCleo |