![]() Author has written 16 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars. UPDATE: Soon. Very soon. -- -glomps Alternator Jazzyman avatar- "Into the water! Let's be daring! Last one in is a rusty herring!" Me: Just in case you're curious... the screen-name 'Dreamchylde' isn't based on some weird Mary-Sueish fantasy. It's been my moniker for quite some time in both real life and online. It's based on my initials, on my uncanny ability to zone out completely, my infantile humor, and my need to experiment with things that shouldn't be touched. When phrases such as 'I wonder if this burns' or 'Ask me if I'm an orange' are heard, then it is wise to leave the area immediately. Especially with the former. Stories: I'm in the process of catching up with chapters for 'Young Turks' so certain events in 'Countdown of the Ancients' make sense. I wasn't going to have the stories relate at all, but that has changed, hopefully for the better. Be warned that plot-bunnies and caffeinated Seekers have a tendency to annoy me. Plot bunny stories are for fun. My serious writing is 'Countdown of the Ancients' and 'Young Turks'. Art: I keep saying I'm going to post some pictures on my DA account and one of the free moments I will. I swear I will! You can see my boys and what I look at every day on there. Just a few of my junkyard pictures and stuff is up. I have a weird fascination with cars. http:/// You can also find me hanging out in the Comics In Disguise forums under the persona of Stealthshadow. http:/// Warning: I would like to point out that there are some disturbing and violent parts to my stories. These stories are rated 'T' because of that. I do not write smut. While I do enjoy some pairings in fanfiction, I do not approve of the rape and torture fics that are appearing more frequently on the site. Rape is not funny, nor is it sexy. If you are a reader or writer who disagrees with me on this subject allow me to pose one question to you: What would you do if you found your children reading stories about cartoon characters being raped and tortured? Please keep in mind that there are children who visit the site and seriously think about what you have written before posting. A bit about my thought process: I was in the 4th grade (yes, I am that old) when the Transformers cartoon first aired, and this fangirl was born. I always loved Jazz and his cool as ice personality, I wished someone as cool as Jazz would fall into my life. -swoons- And I held a crush for Starscream. Even today I find him one of the more engaging characters, and I love him as the anti-hero in Armada. So it makes me wonder about the whole 'girls love the badboy' mentality. I adore the Twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe; they pose an interesting possibility of one mind/spark in two bodies. Thundercracker is one of the most interesting characters in the Transformers mulitverse with so much potential. He's an enigma of conflicting thoughts and emotions driving him in every direction. It's just exciting to even ponder what kind of internal turmoil he must be going through. And Skywarp... Skywarp, I believe, puts on an act that he's not very bright just so he can get away with some of his antics. Rant: I don't understand why in TF:TM they felt it necessary to kill off a ton of characters. Yeah, I realize it's in a war with wartime mentalities, but Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ratchet, Prowl and Ironhide were awesome characters. There was no need to kill them off!! (Which in why I will never use the TF:TM references or story in any of my work) And I'll admit now that I cried when both Optimus Prime and Starscream died. And we just won't go there about the new movies and what they did to Jazz and Ironhide. Just. Don't. Go. There. I am also highly disappointed in the IDW-verse. I was thinking about looking into the series because of some of the great fics out there by other writers, but after seeing the mosaic where Simon Furman butchered Sunstreaker... just no. Just no freaking way will I spend my hard earned money on crap where they destroy one of my favorite characters. Fav Movies: New Transformers, LoTR Trilogy, 5th Element, Original Star Wars, all the Godzilla movies (except the American one, that one wasn't worthy of the name Godzilla.), The Princess Bride, Willow, Labyrinth, Hellboy I & II, The Dark Knight, Ironman. Fav Books: The Wheel of Time series, the Pern series, all of the Drizzt books, LoTR Fav Music/Singer: Celldweller, VNV Nation, Malice Mizer, Enigma, Gackt, KMFDM, DJ Tiesto, Deadmau5, Delerium, Front 242, Linkin Park, Leonard Cohen, T.M. Revolution, - eclectic, I know. Fav Artist: Michael Whellan. Go visit Midian3k on Youtube and listen to his awesome work! Arrival to Earth/Scorponok Theme (Midian Remix) PLEASE DO NOT USE MY CHARACTERS OR CREATIONS WITHOUT MY WRITTEN APPROVAL: Character Biography for Rachel Milne: (heroine of most of my stories) Rated independently an 18 on the Mary-Sue Litmus Test. Age: 27 - 02/19/1980. Appearance: 5'6", mousy, long brown hair and brown eyes (until the nanite exposure, now they're a weird murky purple/brown) Education: Two Doctorates, Electrical Engineering and Supramolecular Chemistry from MIT Profession: Was leading scientist for the Nanotechnology Program at Kirtland National Labs. Now works with Ratchet and Wheeljack. Is also the liaison between the Autobots and the upper echelons of the US Government. Persona: Shy, quiet, slightly antisocial due to shyness but works well with others, gets defensive over her work, actually speaks well in front of crowds or lectures. Is prone to serious panic attacks, candidate for ulcers. Current Situation: Lives permanently with the Autobots. Has a serious romantic relationship with Jazz. And due to nanite exposure has some strange 'abilities': Can see energy signatures, everything from the power in a battery to the pulse of a mech's spark. Higher brain functions with math and learning languages and able to design and build new electronic devices. Created a wireless version of Teletraan 1 that she can carry about with her. Likes: Dancing (is her second love after science, pre-Jazz of course), the color red, music, her red MP3 player, Pepsi, Porsches (obviously). Dislikes: A certain snarky Seeker, spiders, flying, people not giving her a chance to prove her worth, people criticizing her work, watching Jazz leave on a mission or for a battle. Character Biography for Stealthshadow: (minor character turned into a main character in 'Young Turks') (He's got fangirls even!) Skywarp's creator. Age: Indeterminate. Appearance: Mech. Cybertronian stealth flier. Muted jet-black with narrow silver stripes along his wing edges. Worldly vibrant green optics. Profession: High-ranking Wraith officer and veteran of the Scintillian war. (Retired?) Persona: Pain in the aft, foul mouthed, cold and devious, smart-aft, sneaky, crass, can be charming in his own twisted way, protective of Skywarp and the other younglings. Keeps his wits about him. Keeps you guessing on what his motives might be. Keeps his IQ well-hidden. Head-over-heels in love with a certain blue flier, but won't admit it. Can and has no problem with using force or violence to protect what (or who)means the most to him. Current Situation: Presumed offline. Last seen in Iacon. Led rescue parties into Ky-Alexia to rescue Neutrals. Current whereabout are unknown. Character Biography for Nebula: (minor character turned into a main character in 'Young Turks') Thundercracker's creator and Starscream's guardian. Age: Indeterminate. Appearance: Femme. Alpha Class Cybertronian Guardian Flier. Dark silvery-blue. Violet optics. Profession: Retired Air Commander, Flight Squadron AA-17. Persona: Passionate, noble, sweet, caring, protective of her youngling Thundercracker and her two 'adopted' younglings, Starscream and Skywarp. Highly intelligent. Enamored with a certain playboy flier. Current Situation: Deceased. Shot down during a rescue attempt in Ky-Alexia. Received Cybertron Medal of Honor and Autobot Medal of Freedom posthumously. Wraith and Wraith Technology: A group of seven elite fighters, the Wraith are a covert fighting force in the Cybertronian Guardian Forces. They are the end-all-be-all for Black Ops - Delta Force and the Navy Seals have nothing on these guys. Motto is: Get in, get out, leave no trace, leave no witnesses, leave no mech behind. Their weapons and technology are unheard of in Cybertronian society and it is quite possible that their technology was taken from unknown alien sources. Shadows in the dark. Loyal to each other and Cybertron, you will not find a more fierce or more loyal warrior than a Wraith. You don't want to piss one of these guys off. The Nanites and Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology refers to a field of sciences and technology that centers around the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, and the creation and fabrication of materials and devices (microcomputers) that lie within the size range of 100 nanometers. Dr. Rachel Milne designed and programmed nanites(microcomputers) with the ability to meld with metal and make armor, specifically HumVee's and Kevlar body armor, impervious to any and all forms of damage. The Horde: Stemming from poorly manufactured nanites with the sole intent to poison her Decepticon captors, Rachel unknowingly gave the basic formula for the armor enhancing nanites to the Constructicon Hook. In the aftermath of the massacre on the Nemesis, Hook used the dead and dying Decepticons and transformed them into a drone army using Combiner technology and the specialized armor intent of wiping out the Autobots and all of humanity. Somewhere between the activation of the Combiner technology and the increasing concentrations of nanites, the drones began to evolve and the Horde was born. After the destruction of Portland, only one of the Horde remained functioning and now is currently kept in stasis in the Autobot medical bay until a decision about the creature's future has been made. Before being placed in stasis, the creature was self-aware and able to communicate psychically with others. He has shown astounding feats of strength and possesses highly intelligent processing functions with only a basic neural net. Moral questions have made discussions on his well-being and his future among both humans and Autobots heated and ugly. Stories! Note to my readers: I have been updating the alternate modes of some of the G1 characters I use, call it writers prerogative, I try to preface each story with what I've changed so readers won't be too confused with my crazy writing. FYI: I am also posting stories for Moonpiper and those will have her name in the summaries. 101 Things To Do Before You Die - Jazz and Rachel's much needed vacation, unfortunately, they have chaperones. Aliens, skydiving and throwing sand at Lamborghinis! It's the intermezzo between 'Thrown To the Front Lines' and its sequel. -completed- 28 Skywarps - Following along the '28 prompt' theme, short stories about the prankster Seeker. Action Figures or Why my Wingmates Hate Me - Based on Thundercracker's attempts to kill me while I work. Starscream's POV about toys and your best friends. Will/can go along with 'Young Turks'. -completed- Always With You, Always With Me & A Valentine's Day Surprise - Always With You written by me - It's inventory day at the Ark and Jazz is out on a mission leaving Rachel alone on Valentine's Day. While she's working in the med bay and Wheeljack's lab strange things start appearing, including exploding confetti. A Valentine's Day Surprise written by Moonpiper - Jazz surprises Rachel in their stargazing glen. -completed- Countdown of the Ancients - Sequel time! The Seekers are looking for something very important to them, but just what is it and why is Rachel important for this search? Jazz and Rachel at their best with the Seekers in a light that you've never seen them before! Are they finally going to tell Megatron to shove it up his afterburner for good, or will all their efforts be in vain and life as we know it be in danger? Life, the universe, and everything, come into play. -in progress- Crayons - What happens when you give a certain mech a box of crayons and paper? Exactly! Portraits of everyone in the Ark! -completed- Fallen - Jazz has a dream of Rachel. A side story that happens in Chapter 20 - The Return, of 'Thrown To the Front Lines' -completed- Have a Paranoid Christmas - Everyone's favorite Security Director gets a strange visit on Christmas Eve. Written in the style of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.' Poem -completed- Prank Club - No one talks about Prank Club! What do you offer Rachel in a contest to cause the most havoc? An uninterrupted week with Jazz! And what does Rachel do to ensure her success? Move over Sideswipe. There is a new prankster in the Ark and no one is safe! April Fool's Day story. -completed- Quantum Mechanics for Autobots - Not all of Wheeljack's experiments end in explosions... Our favorite inventor pays his worst critics back in his own devious way. Blame the idea on Lia Jax and her man-eating bear. Skywarp's Transformers Drinking Game - Our favorite immature Decepticon prankster has devised his own drinking game. Heavy emphasis on 'his' drinking game. Charmingly puerile with Skywarp's unique ability to twist anything to the Nth degree of vulgarity. Rated T. Not for the faint of spark or for canon-freaks! So Much Can Be Said In A Song - The premise is to put your music playlist on shuffle, hit play and write for as long as each song plays. One of those challenge thingies that looked interesting, so I filed the idea away for later. Well, drabbles came to mind while writing my other stories and no amount of PostIt Notes could keep ideas at bay. I've changed the parameters of the challenge just to amuse myself and because I can. Drabbles are based on song lyrics that can be used in a story: meaning the lyrics aren't just flowery filler, they tell the story. -in progress- Thrown to the Front Lines - Rachel, a young engineer, is working on creating micro computers (nanites) to help save people. She finds out her Porsche is an alien (Jazz) sent to keep her safe from another set of aliens who want her project. She falls in love with Jazz as her life gets stranger and stranger ending up with her being kidnapped and eventually the destruction of Portland, Oregon. She tries along side the Autobots to save the world from the Decepticons and a new menace. -completed- (will be cleaned up!) Thundercracker Versus Dreamchylde: Morning Coffee - Ever since Movie Thundercracker came home he's had a passion for coffee. Missiles in your morning cup get old very quickly and he now has his very own cup just so he'll leave me alone! Goofy. Very goofy. Part of the 'Tales From the Desk Top' comic I'm working on. Young Turks - The history of Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp as friends from childhood to being in the Decepticons together, the mythology behind what a true Seeker is and their ongoing quest to become Seekers. Delves deeply into each of their personalities, i.e. Starscream's neurosis, Skywarp's ADHD, and Thundercracker's unsure and almost apathetic nature. Violent and dark at times, but with good doses of humor. -in progress- Permanent collection: (102 mechs and counting) Alternators - Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz (best looking Jazz ever!), Bluestreak, Prowl, Mirage, Wheeljack Animated - Jazz, Starscream, Prowl, Bulkhead, Soundwave, Laserbeak, Lockdown, Skywarp, Swoop, Jetstorm, Jetfire, Ratchet, Blurr, Sunstorm, Wreck-Gar Armada - Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Hot Shot Binaltech - Jazz Classics - Mirage, Ramjet, Skywarp Energon - Starscream Henkei - Thundercracker, Skywarp, Jetfire Masterpiece - Skywarp, Starscream, Grimlock Movie 2007 Voyager Figures - Jazz (Silver Solstice and G1 repaint), Rescue Ratchet, Ironhide, Blackout, Barricade, Chromia, Scorponok and Thundercracker! Ultimate Bumblebee (who sits here and talks to me. He says I'm his first human friend. Yay! ) Revoltech - Starscream Robot Heroes - Movie Jazz, G1 Jazz, Protoform Jazz, Starscream, Thundercracker, Mirage, Optimus Prime, Cliffjumper, Frenzy, Sunstreaker, Galvatron, Blaster, Thrust, Ironhide, Kickback, Brawl, Sideswipe, Sideways Takara - G1 Sideswipe, G1 Jazz, G1 Prowl Titanium Series - Sideswipe, Thundercracker, Jazz Universe 2.0 - Sunstreaker, Prowl, Bluestreak, Sideswipe, Ironhide, Hound, Ravage, Starscream, Ratchet, Acid Storm Lots of ROTF figures! Lots of DOTM, Prime, and many more! If you bothered to read all of this to the very end (including this statement!) Please Rate and Review my work! I'm looking for helpful and constructive criticism and your input helps. I don't always get the time to answer my reviews, but I take all constructive input seriously: if I screwed up something, please tell me. Don't Steal Cars! Or characters or story ideas or plots! Some people work very hard to come up with creative ideas for stories and people ripping them off ruins the fun and the creative juices that spawned them! Stealing is bad and you will go blind if you do it. Knowing is Half the Battle! |