![]() Author has written 12 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Captain America, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, and Arrow. I'm a 43 year old mother of two grown kids. I’m a project manager in real life which sort of pays for my hobby which is farming. I live on a farm and raise Quarter Horses. I started reading Fan Fiction about 2007. I tend to be interested mostly in Stargate SG1 with the original team stories and have to confess that I am a Sam/Jack fan. I've read some really good Buffy fiction here also and a couple of BSG crossovers and Supernatural crossovers with SG1 that I liked. Actually I'll pretty much read anything if it is well written and holds my attention. Well as long it doesn't have very much of Vala. Sorry, loved the actress in Farscape, but she never made sense to me on SG1. March 23 2008... I posted my first Fan Fiction story in the form of a SG1 AU story Continuum Interrupted a few weeks ago. Everyone has been so encouraging that its been a great experience. The story is really turning into a long saga, but I'm having lots of fun writing it. I’m really enjoying hearing what people think. I'm amazed at the ideas that come out in the reviews. June 28... I am getting very close to being done writing Stargate Continuum. I have had such a good time writing it. I have a few ideas for other stories, but nothing that really excites me yet. If anyone reads this and has any ideas they'd like to see written shoot me an e-mail. Thank you to everyone that reviewed. I've had a blast with my first posting experience! September 14 2009... I finished my first FanFiction! It was so much fun to write and hear what everyone thought. Even the stuff people didn't like I enjoyed hearing about! Gategirl7 (my amazing beta and friend) requested a 'Jack and Sam stranded story' so that is what I'm working on. I have a few chapters written already, but I work at a haunted house attraction during most of September and October so the writing will be a bit slow until that is over. I'm really enjoying all the people that I've started to email and talk about stories and characters with. Feel free to drop me a line anytime. April 2010: I am working on two stories right now but it is slow going because I am having a bit of writers block and it is very busy in real life. One is a episode tag and the other is more complicated then I have written before based in the second season of SG1. I have chapters written on both just have to get motivated to write more. To help with the writers block I am writing a continuation of a story another author posted and invited anyone that wanted to post a sequel. We'll see what comes out. I hope everyone is having a great spring! September 10, 2010... I got nominated for a GateFic award for Continuum Interrupted. That's very cool. My first nomination for anything. Anyway if anyone is interested in the stories there here is the link: http:/// There is quite a bit of good stuff. I am having fun reading a bit and voting for some of my favorite stories. This is cool... Continuum Interrupted won a Gatefic award. Very cool. Thank you for whoever nominated me and all those who voted for me!! September 19, 2011 Thank you whoever nominated Crumbling Foundations for a Gatefic award! Anyone interested in some good stories should check out the link (its the gatefic link above). Anyone following Reflections may have noticed that I have not been updating regularly like I usually do. In April I became very active in helping with a haunted attraction for a charity. We don't have a big budget and I am the one tasked with filling the 19th century mansion with ambiance so my writing time has been filled with making bodies, learning to make realistic blood that doesn't fade, and all manner of scary things, but it is for a really amazing charity and benefits children with Autism. If anyone wants to check it out the website is shocktober (dot) org. We are on twitter too, which is actually me trying to remember to update the thing. lol. Ok so what that all means to my writing is that it is slow until the end of September. We open the 30th so everything should be built by then and my writing time will suddenly be open again. Until then I am fitting writing in, just not with my usual regularity. Thank you to anyone hanging in there and still reading!! I love all the reviews and emails. Anyone on Facebook.. go like Paxton Manor and you can see some of my makeup work since I am the makeup artist for the haunt. I'm still learning, but it is awesome fun. I put a brain on a bald guy's head and a zipper on someone's face! And scared people into screaming their heads off as the line entertainment (I played a clown named Spaz). How cool is that! Halloween is just plain fun. December 5, 2011 I have told myself that I need to slow down and stop volunteering as much. I'm trying to get back into Reflections in Time. I have every intention of finishing it. I am writing one quick story as a birthday present (very late) to my amazing Beta (more like a partner with all of the encouragement she gives me) Gategirl7 (if you like supernatural or Chuck, slip over to her profile and read. She is an awesome writer). As soon as the quick story is written (it is one chapter away from finished), I am going to not let myself write anything else until Reflections is finished. Thank you everyone that has stuck by and is still reading my stuff. You all rock!! Hope everyone is having a great holiday season. June 2014... I'm back... I'm finally writing again so everyone that has written and asked me not to abandon Reflections in Time, don't worry. I'm not abandoning it. I've written one chapter I just sent off to Gategirl7 so that should be up soon and I'm working on the following chapter. I've also started a new story. Its Avenging Arrow. Its an Avengers/Arrow crossover. My first venture outside of SG1 so we'll see how that goes. |