Author has written 4 stories for Sailor Moon. I'll be 27 on September 22nd and I'm very sad about it because I can no longer be considered a young adult. :'( I'm married to my junior high sweetheart for just over three years now. I don't have any kids at the moment so my cat, Nibbles, is my baby girl. We live in an apartment with our roommate and we all enjoy writing. I work for a major cell phone company full time. I also sell Avon for supplemental income and because I really, really like their products. I really enjoy role-playing Dungeons and Dragons, super hero type games, and which is a game based off of Jim Butcher's Harry Dresdon novels. I'm kind of picky on my anime/manga but I love Sailor Moon, Red River, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Magic Knight Rayearth, Chobits, and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, in that order. I've always had a pretty big imagination I came up with some awesome ideas for Sailor Moon which I'll be writing. I have about 5 stories in progress, one being the next one on the list, but I ended up abandoning them for a while. Part of the reason is I can't access this website at work anymore and part is because I've run into another mind block that I'm really hoping to conquer. When I do get the next story posted, I hope you'll enjoy it and leave me feedback because it really does help my inspirations and desires to write more. I'm also working on a novel which I intend to have published, but that'll take a while before it's done. I might post a few chapters of it on here later to get feedback from everyone. Also if you get a chance check out Bill K, Heavenly Pearl, Deep Serentiy, Cherazor's Sailor Moon stories because they are absolutely amazing. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished -- After the first episode "Crybaby Usagi's Magnificent Transformation" Three's Good Company -- After the second episode "Punish Them! The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion" A Rabbit's Confusion In Affairs Of The Heart -- After the fifth episode "A Monster’s Scent! Chanela Steal Love" For The Sake Of Dreams -- Before the eighth episode "Is The Genius Girl A Monster? Brainwashing School Of Terror" For The Sake Of Honor -- Before the tenth episode "Cursed Buses! Fire Senshi Mars Appears" |
Bill K (116) Cherazor (46) | Deep Serenity (0) Heavenly Pearl (128) | Sanguine Reverie (1) |