Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Mythology, Persona Series, and BlazBlue. Looked back at my profile for the first time in years. Realized how pretentious it was and demolished it. Personal Summary: I write a lot; I like to delve into semniotics, or the study of meaning itself, and use it as an element of horror. Reks-the-weirdly-titled is probably the best example of this. In the years since my delve into FF I've branched out into nonfiction and more generalized fiction in my own work. I'm probably not going to ever go full H.P. nuts again because, honestly, I was pretty crazy when I wrote my horror stuff, and I no longer require medication to function as a human being. This isn't to say I don't remember what that was like. It's probably going to stick with me the rest of my life. I tend towards a wordy style, punctuated by pithiness. I think Hemingway was the God Of All Writers, but having grown up on Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf and the other pretentiously English writers, I'm probably never going to reach the depressing terseness required of a Hemingway imitator. I'll probably just have to do my own thing. I'm going to start trying to write things again for the first time in ages. No idea how it'll turn out. It'll be pretty different at least, because I'm a lot different; I'm years older now; I have a job; I'm quite a lot more sane, or at least content. Here's hoping I inspire a few people to something new as well. In terms of personal hobbies: I'm a geek. I watch and read pretty much everything at some point, so the only references I probably won't get are cable show nonsense. Seriously, I never watch standard TV, don't even try to make me understand what it is. Aside from that I play Anarchy Reigns on the Bawx and make people miserable there. Also L4D2. It's pretty cool. No, I don't play recent releases. Ever. Projects: I don't even know. Naruto's my go-to fandom but I haven't checked anything on it in ages. I hear crap about Uchiha and then I don't even want to touch the manga because I'm worried I'll catch eye syphillis or something. Anyone want to suggest a non-insane fandom to switch to? Also, now betaing things. Worked with DeathVelvien over in the BB fandom for a while, if anyone's read On Strange Wings / At Fate's Hands / Confinement / A Pleasant Shade of Grey / Etc. He's pretty cool too. Kind of shy. I think I'll just ease myself back into things. |
A Dyslexic Writer (48) Akraa (1) BukkakeNoJutsu (16) Coeur Al'Aran (40) drakensis (70) Hawk (49) | hazeleyes180 (2) Junky (1) Kami no Kage (3) Kowaba (40) MogtheGnome (8) | nonjon (25) rgm0005 (21) storybookknight (8) Terumi Gremory (2) Umodin (17) Yojimbra (125) |