Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, and Supernatural. My name's Jess and I love Harry Potter. I keep all of my stories at my LJ community treefics, including ones I haven't posted here. I am a Hermione-centric fanfic writer and reader. I love Time-Turner stories, Supernatural crossovers, and complicated, real relationships between Hermione and her suitors. My favorite characters in the books (besides Hermione) are Bellatrix, Fleur, and the twins. Reviews are obviously appreciated, though if you have anything bad to say, I hope you tell me what you think I can do to fix it instead of just bashing me. Constructive criticism, people.
I have joined the review revolution. I always try to respond to reviews, even if it's just a short thanks. But everyone should know that a lot of writers depend on your reviews, on your opinions on their stories -- good or bad -- and it's unfair to (a site for writers wanting reviews on their work) and the writers themselves to not review everything you read. It's quick and simple and there's no amount of laziness that can excuse not showing your appreciation -- or disgust -- for a brilliant or lousy piece of work. /rant. If you want to know more about me, or be kept up to date on what I'm working on or to see my personal favorite stories on a variety of ships, add treeson to your f-list on livejournal. Just send me a comment. I do love friends. I also post my stories there. Banner for Well Roared, Lion made by annihilation of The Dark Arts. Poster for Well Roared, Lion made by SpeedDemon315. Poster for Well Roared, Lion made by catchpenny. Wallpaper for Well Roared, Lion made by Spirit of the Gauntlets. Vanilla Verse Series Hermione, An Abridged History - Hermione, Gabriel - PG Vanilla Verse side stories: Children, Wednesdays - PG Poster for Vanilla Verse made by Livejournal user imeccentric |
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