Author has written 19 stories for Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, MiyukiChan in Wonderland, Magic Knight Rayearth/魔法騎士レイアース, Harry Potter, Odin Sphere, Final Fantasy VII, and Naruto. 6/2015 Weapon (FFVII), finishing this up. About four more chapters left. (Don't believe me, I've been saying this to myself since Chapter 8). Amnesia (Naruto), working on this when I'm not working on Weapon. I have it all plotted out to the end, but struggling with time and words. If I'm being honest with myself I've lost the motivation to continue this story, but I don't want to let it go yet. So, it is still on this list. Oiroke no Sakura (Naruto), not that I'm not still doing research, but at least now I've got enough of a handle on how I want to portray Sakumo in a way that is realistic with regards to real experiences that I feel I can start writing. InuYasha: New Game (should be obvious), I've enjoyed the video game genre for a while now and have wanted to try my hand at it, but didn't have the inspiration. Then I finally got around to reading the ending of Inu Yasha. And I hated it. I thought it was unfair to Kagome, and I wanted to give her a different ending. A better ending. All the endings. Original: Misc: LJ only posted entries, kink meme fills and stuff I otherwise may not get around to posting here (primarily because I am lazy): Last Fan Standing Master List. (http:// oniko-inuki. dreamwidth. org/ 1185. html ) A word-a-day challenge posted by the KakaSaku Dreamwidth Community whose entries have evolve into longer stories including: A SOLDIER's Weapon Meta: Materia Science (http:// oniko-inuki. livejournal. com/ 17309. html ), Game Mechanics (http:// oniko-inuki. livejournal. com / 19591. html # cutid1 ), ShinRa Military (http:// oniko-inuki. livejournal. com /22444. html ). A Well Cared For Weapon (http:// community. livejournal. com/ crack_rack/ 7790. html? thread=1225582 #t1225582 )- FFVII Sephiroth knows what he wants, and what he wants is the mysterious First Class that agreed to take Sephiroth under his wing, Cloud Strife. AC!Cloud/Young!Sephiroth Kink/warning: rimming, mentor/student, underage (not Cloud for a change) Sparring Practice (http:// community. livejournal. com/ crack_rack/ 7790. html? thread= 1139566# t1139566 )- FFVII 'It was a lucky blow that left her gasping for air...' Tifa/Rude PWP Violence kink. Belated Gifts (http:// community. livejournal. com/ crack_rack/ 7790. html? thread= 1153134 #t1153134 )- FFVII - Zack's birthday Gift to Aerith is a little late but well worth the wait. Zack/Cloud/Sephiroth/Aerith. PWP Traitor (http:// community. livejournal. com/ crack_rack/ 7790. html? thread= 1092462 #t1092462 )- FFVII - Sephiroth in his madness takes his anger out on the first boy he comes across in the Shinra Mansion before Nibelheim. Non-con Sephiroth/Cloud. Not Even (http:// badbadbathhouse. livejournal. com/ 1488. html? thread= 8222928 #t8222928 )- Persona 4 - Poor Kanji, not even the bad guys think he has any redeeming qualities. Response to picture. Cross-dressing!Souji/Kanji. The True Self (http:// badbadbathhouse. livejournal. com/ 1488. html? thread =7451856 #t7451856 )- Persona 4 - A training run goes horribly wrong as Souji and some of the others come across something they aren't prepared for. Horror, no pairing. WIP Challenges: In the Seraglio of the Second Flower - KakaSaku AU Challenge by Aorin107 for the Harem Theme (http:// kakasaku. livejournal. com/ 734029. html ). In the Woods -WIKTT Picture the Story Challenge 2 for Fleab's pic also titled In the Woods. (http:// www. eccentrix. com/ members/ picturethestory ) Rosemary and Thyme - WIKTT 'It's All Been Done Before' challenge by Cynthia Weasley inspired by Bare Naked Ladies song of the same Title. (http:// groups. yahoo. com/ group/ whenikissedtheteacher/ ) |
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