![]() Author has written 6 stories for Gundam Seed, Code Geass, and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Updated 4/13/2015 Name: There are those who call me...Tim. Seriously though, I was given the nickname "Tim the Enchanter" by one of my friends (we both like Monty Python and the Holy Grail). I go by Timothy4468 over on Youtube, although I have no videos as of yet (I don't have the software to make them). Age: 29 Gender: Male Country: United States Favorite Anime Series: Bleach, Blue Gender, Code Geass, Elfen Lied, Eureka Seven, FLCL, Gundam AGE, Gundam SEED (Destiny's not quite as bad as some make it out to be, but nowhere near as good as the first series), Gundam SEED C.E. 73: Stargazer, Gundam 00, Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Guyver, Mobile Suit Gundam: the 08th MS Team, Please Teacher Other Favorite Shows: Firefly, Megas XLR, Mythbusters, Primeval, Special Unit 2, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles Favorite Video Games: the Gears of War, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil series Favorite Pairings: Kei x Mizuho (Please, Teacher) Yuji x Marlene (Blue Gender) Kira x Flay (Gundam SEED) Shinn x Stellar (Gundam SEED Destiny) Why can't my favorite GS couples have happy endings? Mu x Murrue (Gundam SEED & Gundam SEED Destiny) Kou x Nina (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) They're so awkward, it's great! Shiki x Arcueid (Tsukihime) Words fail to express how much I like these two. Kouta x Lucy (Elfen Lied) She's got mental issues and has caused him a lot of pain, but I can't help but want to see these two get together. Suzaku x Euphemia (Code Geass) These two are so sweet, and what happened to Euphie was just so unfair. Lelouch x C.C. (Code Geass) Weirdest pairing I've ever supported, but they are kind of cute together. Ohgi x Villetta (Code Geass) Well, maybe this is the weirdest pairing I've supported. Amusing, there were links to more fanlistings for my favorite pairings, but they all got closed down...except for this one. Code Geass fans will no doubt appreciate the irony. Sho x Mizuki (Guyver) Ada x Leon (Resident Evil 2 & 4) Claire x Steve (Resident Evil: Code Veronica) Yes, technically, he's dead, but tell that to Ada and Wesker. Abby x Connor (Primeval) Okay, so Connor's one seriously awkward guy, and he screws up a ton, but I can't help but root for him and Abby. John x Cameron (Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles) Now this is the weirdest pairing I've ever supported...but for some reason I find it really touching Favorite Heroes/Heroines: Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Detective Nicholas O'malley (Special Unit 2) Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly) Coop (Megas XLR) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 2 & 4) Mu La Flaga (Gundam SEED & Gundam SEED Destiny) Kou Uraki (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) Arcueid Brunestud (Shingetsutan Tsukihime) One of only two characters I know of who can be both cute and badass. Stellar Loussier (Gundam SEED Destiny) The other character who can be both cute and badass. Soma Peries (Gundam 00) Has an iron-hard facade, but with quite an endearing vulnerability underneath. It seems she's been written out of 00. If so, this is a sad day for me. Hopefully, this isn't really the case. Favorite Villains: Slade (Teen Titans) My personal favorite villain of all. He anticipates what the heroes will do and factors that into his plans, has formidable combat skill, and to top it all off, Ron Perlman gives him the perfect voice. Aizen Sousuke (Bleach) Very powerful and extremely clever, not to mention that he blocked Ichigo's sword attack with one finger. Azazel (Supernatural) Interestingly enough, even after being killed off, he's still messing with our heroes. Osmund Saddler (Resident Evil 4) The Plant (The Ruins) Normally I wouldn't put a creature of instinct (in this case a carnivorous plant) on here, but this thing is malevolent, predatory and intelligent, and it just seems to fit on the list. Ali Al-Saachez (Gundam 00) Not the main villain of the show, of course, but he's just so badass. The Joker (Batman; The Dark Knight) Jack Nicholson's sophisticated villain and Heath Ledger's avatar of chaos. Completed Stories: The Necklace (Gundam SEED): This story is part of my Evolution timeline, and goes in between Second Chance and Evolution. When I first decided to include that silver necklace in Evolution, I came up with a background story of just where and when Kira gave it to her. I thought that fleshing the story out would make a sweet little birthday fic for Flay, and hopefully it's touching to read. Pieces (Code Geass): It seems that I'm fated to like characters everyone else hates, be it Fllay Allster or Suzaku Kururugi. Moreover, I absolutely loved the Suzaku and Euphemia pairing that formed during Code Geass Season 1. However, it seems that I'm also fated to like pairings that don't last, and Euphemia died near the end of Season 1. I kept watching into Code Geass R2, and eventually decided that I wanted to do a fic based on the series. I didn't want to start this fic until R2 finished, but I still found myself wanting very much to do a little Suzaku x Euphie piece before I started on the rest of the story. I settled on the idea that it would take place after the show is done and Suzaku is asking the inevitable question: what happens now? I wanted this to be a sweet little Suzaku x Euphemia moment right from the start, but only while I was writing it did it occur to me that if Euphie had survived the massacre, she would probably be quite traumatized, and this changed things quite a bit. While the end of R2 threw me for such a loop that I couldn't write the larger fic, this little story remains. It evolved as I wrote it, and hopefully the end result is worth reading. Second Chance (Gundam SEED): As I'm sure you know by now, Kira and Flay are my favorite Gundam SEED couple, and in my opinion they have the most romantic love story in the series, in no small part because of how dysfunctional their relationship is. I felt awful when Flay died, and I thought that it was just so unfair that she never got her second chance with Kira. This story was the result. The idea, of course, was that if I was going to have Flay survive, I wasn't going to let her off easy. I wanted her to suffer very severe injuries in the blast, and I didn't want to gloss over her apology to Kira. I'm honestly shocked at how many fics simply have her say "I'm sorry" and that's it. Apologizing to Kira was something she desperately wanted to do in the series, and I wanted to make the scene as emotional as possible. I really enjoyed writing this story and finally getting, at least in some small way, to give Kira and Flay their happy ending. If I could, I'd probably lengthen this a bit, giving Kira more time to make up his mind after Flay reveals the extent of her manipulation, but I made a rule for myself when I decided to post these stories: I can edit for things like spelling, grammar and minor technical descriptions, but I'm not allowed to change the plot. Watching over You (Gundam SEED): My very first fanfic. I hate how so many fics have a scene where Kira reflects on his relationship with Flay and decides that he never loved her, and that she never loved him, or he decides that Lacus is much better than Flay in some manner. I wanted to write a fic where Kira does love Lacus, but there will always be a place in his heart for Flay. Moreover, I wanted to show that Flay loved him back, and that she's waiting for him. I had the idea of a sort of spiritual visit, much like the moment in Phase 50, which was either a hallucination or a real visitation that Kira couldn't hear, depending on who you ask. I just liked the idea that when Kira gets upset, Flay might be there to do sincerely what she once did with an ulterior motive: to offer him comfort when he needs it the most. What I Want Most (Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles): The circumstances under which I wrote this are similar to those when I wrote Second Chance. I was upset after "Born to Run", the Season 2 finale and de facto series finale (thanks a lot, Fox). I wanted to write something for John and Cameron, but I really didn't have any idea of where the show would have gone in a third season, so I didn't feel confident enough to do a continuation. Instead, I did a short piece from Cameron's PoV during the last episode. In an attempt to stay true to the characters, I consulted several interviews with Summer Glau where she spoke about what she thinks Cameron feels for John, and hopefully the result is a decent story. Stories in the Works: Blue Gender: the Gathering Darkness (Blue Gender): The story is a prequel to the series, staring out in 2017 when the first of the Blue appear, and chronicling the ensuing mayhem. I have a few main characters and the opening chapter figured out, but I'd like to have a little more for you guys before I actually start posting the thing. Failures and Heroes (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory): In battle, it is often a choice between victory and death, but what about the survivors on the losing side? In the wake of Operation Stardust, Kou Uraki must decide just what he is now, and perhaps what he needs the most is to see himself through the eyes of another. Kou x Nina Gundam SEED Evolution (Gundam SEED): Sequel to "Second Chance." One year after the first Bloody Valentine War, Kira is abducted by unknown forces. Now Fllay, Cagalli, Athrun and some new friends are out to rescue him. What do the kidnappers want with the ultimate coordinator, and what are their wider plans? Action with romance, comedy and just a small touch of horror (shades of Resident Evil in some parts). Update 4/13/15: After a long period where I totally lost interest in Gundam, I'm back and working on the story again. Path of Destiny (Gundam SEED): Follows "Second Chance" and "Gundam SEED: Evolution". The year is CE 73, and events are in motion that will soon plunge the Earth Sphere into war once again. For Kira, Fllay, Athrun and company...and Earth Forces Lieutenant Roger Doolittle, this means a return to the battlefield. For young ZAFT pilots Shinn Asuka, Lunamaria Hawke and their friends, it could mean questioning their most fundamental beliefs. Gundam SEED Defiance (Gundam SEED): Follows "Path of Destiny". The year is CE 94, and the wars between the PLANTs and the Earth Alliance are long over, but now a new threat emerges from the outer solar system, an army of religious fanatics calling themselves the Scions of the Void. As the Scions launch their assault on the Earth Sphere, 16 year old Katsuro Asuka becomes the pilot of the new Defiance Gundam. |