![]() Author has written 69 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, Legend of Zelda, Digimon, Pokémon, and Gundam Wing/AC. "In the end, writers write--amateurs only talk and think and dream about writing." --Leigh Michaels Currently working on: Chapter 21 of "Angels". Basically, I am a young aspiring writer of fantasy (urban/contemporary, dark, essentially anything that is not considered 'high' fantasy, though I highly respect the genre), horror, and, surprisingly for me, paranormal romance. Right now, however, fanfiction is a writing addiction I am slowly learning to break, so I can focus on my own works. I used to not be, but I am a bit of a nature girl. I love gardening and being outside. Other than writing, my other great passion is bellydancing. I prefer the various Tribal styles over the more traditional Cabaret styles but I respect both greatly. If I'm not writing, I'm usually practicing or conditioning for dance, though I always seem to need to practice more... If I'm not writing or dancing, I read. Mostly Neil Gaiman, Edgar Allen Poe, Amy Tan, Richard Matheson, Kurt Vonnegut, Charles de Lint, Haruki Murakami...for starters. I've always been an avid reader, enjoying the classics along with their contemporaries. Really to put all the writers I like would take a while. Of course, I read now mostly fantasy and horror, because it's my genres, but the classics are always worth rereading. I want to eventually be a writer for a living, but I'm sure there's room for improvement in my writing, and I haven't been formally published yet. Like anyone here, I write what I think people might find entertaining or things I want to read. Often I wind up writing certain pairings because I can't find any other fics for it. That's how most of my Shad/Link and my Irwin/Kris fics came about. Simply that I wanted to read a fic and couldn't find one. Also like anyone here, I do none of this for money, therefore my sole profit that I gain is your reviews, your opinions. I can't know your thoughts on what you read unless you tell me in a review and if you have a question, concern or wish to bring an error to my attention, go ahead and ask me. But in the end, as long as someone reads my stuff, I'm happy. So...let's share in the joys of writing and reading together. --saiyuri-dahlia 6/20/15: It's been a while since I actually updated this profile. I actually went through and cleaned out a few of my favorite stories. If you're one of the writers whose story I unfavorited, it wasn't anything personal. A few of them I deleted because I had multiple stories favorited by the same author so I knew where I could find the other stories if I wanted to read them. The others I had enjoyed at one time but my tastes changed. On Archive of Our Own: I now also have a profile on Archive of Our Own. Mostly as a just in case for when FF gets really stupid about M-rated stories. So, yea, if you're on Archive of Our Own and you see a story of mine under saiyuri_dahlia, it's me. Unless it's not under that name and it's not me, then I would like to know. On DeviantArt: I now also have a DeviantArt as saiyuri-dahlia. I can't draw but I do have a journal for any readers that might be interested (or bored) and want to read fic updates/progress reports and just stuff on pairings, writing, or whatever the topic of the day happens to be. I also might do book reviews. It exists to hopefully provide whatever meager entertainment it can to the few kind readers I have. On Tumblr: Because why not, I guess... Figured I'd repost some fics there and just have fun. I'll probably end up using it more than my DA journal. Also known as saiyuri-dahlia there as well. My blog is called cyanprose and you should be able to find me in the search filter now. Follow me there if you so wish to. Other Info About Me: Believe it or not, but I used to be a rabid anti-Hiei/Kurama fangirl. Now I write Hiei/Kurama yaoi. People change. In big and small ways. Always keep and open mind and heart. You never know what might change about you, at least that's how I try to be. In life and in fiction, I tend to gravitate toward the smart guys, the polite, shy, nice sweethearts, the adorkable woobies and goofballs. Some of my favorite characters are Kurama, Touya, Jin (YYH), Quatre Raberba Winner (GW), Future Trunks (DBZ), Shad (TP), Ken Ichijouji (02), Radu (Space Cases), Juggler Irwin (Crystal) for starters. Lot of my favorite anime are from the 90s and early 2000s. I still like anime but I've grown quite selective of finding new favorites. I tend to write pairings no one cares about. Which is usually why I wind up writing for these pairings because I like them but can't find anything to read. I am gradually learning that being girly is not a bad thing. I am also learning that being a geeky girl is also not awful. "It's hard to argue when Hands open, and my eyes open |