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Author has written 5 stories for House, M.D., Mutant X, and Harry Potter. Dear readers, WARNING!! I am extremely new at writing fanfiction. Granted, I read it all the time, but I've never had the patience to sit down and write it. However, recently I've found that I have stories in my head, and they just don't want to stay there. My interests currently are House MD, Mutant X, and Harry Potter. Mutant X trumps the others currently, probably because its been screaming to get out the longest. I've started stories for Mutant X and House, but though I started House first, it will probably be the last one finished. I just really need to get the Mutant X one out right now before it drives me insane. Hopefully, I'll update my stories pretty regularly, but no guarentees. I have good days and bad days in regard to writing. Sometimes, I need it. Sometimes, I'd rather just read. Please keep the comments kind. I enjoy a little constructive critisism. I know my style is all over the place right now, but please be gentle with your corrections. I hope that you will enjoy my stories. I'm thinking of writing a Harry Potter deathfic, a sort of what happens when he finally does die kind of thing, but I don't know when I'll get around to working on that. Hope you'll enjoy that as well when I get around to it. Smiles at the number of hits on her stories. I like deathfics, so be warned in advance, characters will die in my stories. Not necessarily main ones, but there will be death and it will at least be tragic to one or more of the main characters. Be prepared to cry. I know I love a good tear-jerker myself, but if that's not your thing, you may not want to read any further. That's all for now, I suppose. Hopefully, I'll add an update soon. :) -eisamiller88 UPDATE: Haven is currently on hold until further notice. I have started a Harry Potter fic, and its screaming at me the loudest right now. I will continue Haven, but I want to finish Heiress of Slytherin first, so it may be a while. I'm also still toying with the Harry Potter deathfic idea, but if I do anything with it, it will in all likelyhood be a one-shot. I've not done one of those yet so I'm a bit nervous about posting it. Thanks so much to all my loyal readers, and thank you for your patience with me. I know my updates are sporadic at best, but bare with me. I'll get it done eventually. -eisamiller88 UPDATE: No deathfic, but I did start another Harry Potter fic. Living Again takes place in a parallel universe to Heiress of Slytherin, but has a completely different plot. I've posted a cast list with ages listed below...Ron and Hermione have a LOT of kids but they aren't really that important. Anyways, Enjoy! -eisamiller88 UPDATE: Living Again is officially my most popular fic that I've ever written. smiles. Thanks for all of the support. I will post another chapter soon, but I have a horrible cold at the moment. My head is all stuffy, and I can't think. As soon as I'm thinking again, though, I'll have the next chapter up. Its actually half-way done now, but I don't want to mess it up in my cold induced stupor. Blah! Colds are the awfullest thing ever. :( UPDATE: hee, hee. So, that must have been the longest cold ever huh? Chapter 5 of Living Again has been posted. Sorry for the delay. My excuse is in the AN at the end of the chapter. I'll try to update this again soon. I want to update Heiress as well. We'll just have to see where my muse takes me. :) The cast list for Living has been updated. I put in the healers and the chief auror. Let me know if I missed anyone. lol. :) See you again soon, and PLEASE REVIEW!! :) UPDATE: Major update planned tomorrow(10/21/2010). I lost my plot outline for Living Again. Someone stole my flash drive. Then I lost everything in a flood. The computers are down at work tomorrow, and I have finished reproducing my chapter outline(25 chapters when it is finished unless something changes). My goal is to write at least one chapter(possibly more) tomorrow. When they are done, I'll be uploading them. Cross your fingers that I don't get blocked!!! I've added some characters to the cast of this story that will eventually appear. To those waiting on my other stories, they are NOT forgotten, but I no longer have the plot outlines of those either due to the stolen flash drive and the flood. I've been thinking about Haven lately, but I don't know when I'll have time to write for it. Living Again currently has priority, and I probably won't write anything else until it is finished. Cast of Haven: Shalimar Brennan Lexa Jesse Haven: Emma Brittany Bo Eckhart Rain Baby Merridy Future Merridy(coming soon) Dominion The Creator Kellyn Other Characters: Adam Mr. Pierce(Coming Soon) Cast of Heiress of Slytherin: Bellatrix Lestrange Lord Voldemort Meissa Ester Merope Mehida Lestrange Narcissa Malfoy Draco Malfoy Rodolphus Lestrange(Mentioned briefly, but will possibly return) Harry Potter(Coming Soon) Ginny Potter(Coming Soon) Ron Weasley(Coming Soon) Hermione Weasley(Coming Soon) Teddy Lupin(Coming Soon) More to come later Cast of Living Again: Remus Lupin (age 38) "Dora" Lupin (age 25) Ted Lupin (age 20) Sirius Black (age 36) Lily Potter (age 21) James Potter (age 21) Harry Potter (age 37) James Sirius Potter (age 10) Lily Meissa Potter (murdered age 11; would be one month older than Ted) Ginny Potter-Weasley (age 36) Ron Weasley (age 37; deceased) Hermione Weasley (age 37) Allan Weasley (age 19) Maude Weasley (age 16) John and Jacob Weasley (age 14) Jane and Justinia Weasley (age 13) Evan Weasley (age 12) Natalie Weasley (age 10) Ronald Weasley Jr. (age 8) The rest of the Weasleys also appear Draco Malfoy (age 37) Kingsley Shacklebolt Headmistress Fawcett Healer Ohura Blake, Matthews, Stewart, Levine, and Duckett(healers...who aren't that important. lol.) Patrick Nielson Victoire Lupin(age 19) Romulus Lupin(age 2) Minister Michelle Dereigne Natalia Ebonezer Dubois Genevieve Dubois Violet Rose Potter Talitha Adara more to come as the plot develops My House MD fics are currently on hold until I get the inspiration to continue them. Untitled may never be finished, but I might do something with the Deadly Brilliant at sometime in the future. No promises though. UPDATE: I've deleted Deadly Brilliant. The writing really was quite atrocious, and I can't remember where in the heck I was headed with it. There were only five followers, so I'm sure it won't really be missed. I do still have my other fics in my thoughts, but working full time and going to school leaves zero time for writing. I'm hoping things will calm down a bit towards the end of next year. I may have some time then to dive back into these. I am really sorry to my followers for the extremely long waits between chapters. The only thing I have to offer you is that Living Again, Haven, and Heiress of Slytherin(with some tweaks) are all finished in my head. If I can ever get a good block of time, it'll come pretty fast. Until then, thanks for your patience!!! -eisamiller88 UPDATE: House MD and Mutant X fic are officially abandoned. Sorry! I've just realized that I have not updated anything since 2010...where the heck did all that time go?!!! The Harry Potter stories are NOT ABANDONED! I just have no time to write. :( I have redone the chapters on Heiress of Slytherin...considering finishing this one with a different plot point ending than originally planned which would end it sooner but open up the opportunity of a sequel. If I go that route, you may expect it to be done...soon?...I am not making promises. I go to school full-time AND work a full-time job=NO TIME! Living Again is one of those stories that I desperately want to write, but never actually manage to. It will get done. I'm just not sure when. Thanks so much to all of you for being patient. -eisamiller88 |