Poll: What story should I start or continue posting after I finish/while writing Love Never Lost? story descriptions at the bottom of my profile Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. Hey my name is Stephanie. I live in a boring small town in North Carolina. There isn't really much to do here besides work, school, play videogames, read, and write. Here are some basic things about me: Name: Stephanie/Snowflake/JazzyPants Age:21 Birthday: January 18,1990 Location: North Carolina, USA I have an xbox live account if you wish to add me, just PM me and let me know who you are so I can accept your friend request...same thing with Facebook. (Favorites not listed in any particular order) Favorite movies: I am a sucker for animated movies whether its Disney, DreamWorks, anime, whatever. I love movies and I will watch mostly anything as long as it has a strong plot and great acting. Favorite books: Oh books. Books are practically my life. I read tons of manga and fantasy books. There are too many manga titles to list but some of my favorite books are: Mercy Thompson series and Alpha and Omega Series (both by Patricia Briggs), The Immortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead, Blood Bloods Saga by Melissa De La Cruz, Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, Divergent by Veronica Roth, Paranormalcy series by Kristen White, Anna Strong series by Jeanne C. Stein, Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr, and anything from Ted Dekker, just to name a few. I am not as obsessed about Twilight as I used to be but I still like the series and the Host. Favorite TV shows: Covert Affairs, Necessary Roughness, The Mentalist, Bones, NCIS, NCIS: LA, So You Think You Can Dance, Psych, and a vast majority of anime. Favorite Music: Mandisa, Lecrae, Red, Pillar, Skillet, Disciple, Decyfer Down, Britt Nicole, Saosin, Fireflight, Eowyn, Flyleaf, Paramore, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Breaking Benjamin, a bunch of JRock/JPop artists like Utada Hikaru, Gackt, Hyde, Ayami Hamasaki, High and Mighty Color, classical music, just to name a few. I really listen to a wide variety. Future career/plans: On my way to getting a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and minoring in Creative Writing Hobbies/Interests: I love to read, write, cook, bake (note cooking and baking are NOT the same thing), draw, daydreaming, playing video games, children. Things that annoy me: Perverts, people who try to compare totally different things, guys who only talk about sex, people who constantly put themselves down (which includes me), spiders, people who want to kill themselves, racist/sexist people, uncanon pairings in fanfiction, brothers, immoral people really bother me but I still read their stories and understand their views, religion bashers, seafood, I think thats it for now. Things I love: God, The Cullens, books, fanfiction, reviews, people that review my stories, pizza, baking, cooking, food in general, music, helping people, kids, writing, friends, movies, video games...and the list continues. PICTURES!! Love Never Lost: Chapter 2: Bella's outfit (the right outfit but picture the top blue and the skirt black and ankle length) http:///books/wac/images/color18.jpg Bella's shoes (except black) http:///Vintage-1900s boots_W0QQitemZ170233114673QQihZ007QQcategoryZ74978QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Chapter 3: The ring: http:///photos/theappraiserlady/223370220/ Chapter 13 Twilight as a filly and full grown: http:///images/mare_sadie_small.jpg Chapter 14 Cayden (I know that its animated but that is pretty much what he looks like and I can picture this guy in real life looking like this: http:///photos/iamprosto/2354279032/ Bella's dress: http:///images/catDS20DR205978.JPG Shoes (just picture them as black or the same color as the dress): http:///files/medieval_wedding_shoes.jpg Cloak: http:///store/image/fwtu/Cloaks_Capes/Black_Chamois_Hooded_Cloak.jpg 4th of July: Bella's outfit: http:///images/2006_trends/monsoon_Womenswear_SS065b15d.22130.jpg |