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Author has written 25 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Code Geass, Avengers, and Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries. Replaying FFVII. I mainly post on my AO3 now, so lurk me there! EPIC fanart for chapter 17 of Training by Superwitch/mindlessidiotxx. Check it out, it is AMAZING: http:///art/Training-150884920 MOAR Epic fanart for Training, the snake battle scene, by Amaranthblacktree. Check it out, it's freaking spazztastic. Detail of the snake's mouth is so COOL: I am a lucky lucky girl! Check out these sexy pieces of action right here from Confidence by Kiti Renentine: http:///art/Confidence-colored-167897176 http:///art/Confidence-take-2-159362444 Moar Training Fanart, by the terrible gorgeous lady-yuna 7: http:///art/Training-Walking-in-the-rain-159037228 I AM UBER EXCITED TO SEE THIS BEING SPREAD AROUND. :D Thanks for everyone who's copied this, spread the love xD Okay, so a friend and I were bored, as is per usual, and we both realised there just simply isn't enough FFVII surveys on , so we made one of our own. Bored of the "standard" questions on EVERY survey, we went nuts and amused each other as well as ourselves. Enjoy. lol. Spopococ's Unconventional FFVII survey (Cause there’s too much KH and not enough FF) 1. Have you honestly ever thought of Cait Sith as a useful character? No. rofl. 2. In a fight out of Cloud and Vincent, who would kick the most ass? I think Vincent, actually. 3. Rather be stuck in a room with Barret, or Cid? Uhmmm... prolly Barret. I get enough second hand smoke as it is. lol. 4. Aerith or Tifa? Urgh... I guess Aerith? 5. Yuffie or Elena? I like both. lol. Probably Elena. 6. Cait Sith or Kunsel? Kunsel! 7. Reeve or Rude? Reeve. I loves him. 8. Did you ever manage to create more then one mastered all, simply to become a millionaire? Yup, was a hobby of sorts. lol. 9. You all liked to find ways to kill a few hours, admit it. Was it mindlessly levelling every character or Gold Saucer trawling? Bit of both. lol. 10. Explain your first experience with Ruby weapon. ROFL. Something along the lines of "Ooh... what's that? :D -flies straight at it- WAHHHHH! D:" 11. Standard question: favourite pairing? That's a horribly difficult question. I NOW HAVE AN ANSWER. Tseng/Sephiroth. Mhrmm. 12. How much would you have to be bribed to completely abandon the FFVII world? As ridiculous as it sounds, I don't think you could pay me. 13. Honestly, did you like Advent Children Complete more, simply because there was more Zack? Partially. lol. ainly cause there was more details though, and blood! Yay blood! 14. Did you cringe, or squeal with manic delight when Cloud got stabbed by Sephiroth in AC: Complete? Bit of both :3 15. Have you ever read a FFVII pairing that made you think “wtf?” and then ended up becoming one of your favourites? Tseng/Rufus. Rude/Reno. Reno/Yuffie. Sephiroth/Tseng. Roflmao xD 16. Is there anyone in the FFVII universe that you honestly thought didn’t belong there? Uhmmm... no, not really. 17. Have you ever wondered how Bugenhagen was Red’s grandfather? I don't even wanna THINK about it. lol. Hopefully it was just cause he was adopted. No beastiality. -cringe- 18. Which character just blatantly pissed you off the most? Cait Sith. 19. If you've played Crisis Core, how was your experience with VR Zack? -runs round in circles- "GET HIM OFF MEEEEEE!" 20. Did you ever 100 percent the missions? Yes! :D 21. How many times did Minerva kick your ass? Lost count ._. 22. If you had to see Cloud have just one life long partner, would you pick Tifa or Aerith? Zack :D 23. Did you get teary when Aerith got knifed, or secretly cheer to yourself? Originally, got teary. After being introduced to Yaoi, I now laugh. 24. Did you ever have the experience with Lucrecia in the mountainside? Ya. Dunno how. lol. 25. If you were to get a birthday present for Cloud, what would you give him? A T-Shirt saying "Cheer up Emo Kid" 26. Which WEAPON kicked your ass the most amount of times? Ah, prolly Emerald. 27. If Genesis were to meet Gackt in real life, what do you think would happen? Hot make out session, cause they'd both think the other one was prettyyyyy. 28. Do you think Genesis and Angeal played dolly whilst growing up in the same town? I think they played with each other a lot, yes ;o 29. If you could pick one character to date, who would it be? Tseng. I mean... I have to think about that... Hmmmm... Hrrrrrmmmmmm... Maybe... Tseng. 30. Do you think that, behind the scenes, Tseng blows off steam by having bubble baths and playing with a rubber duckie? BAHAHAHAHA. I frikkin hope so! 31. Do you think Red ever chases his tail? Yes. Repeatedly. 32. Which Yaoi pairing do you think is the most believable? Most believable? Prolly Zack/Cloud or Reeve/Vincent. 33. Which Yuri? Tifa/Aerith. 34. Which het? Hrmmm... Elena/Rude ;D 35. Do you think Reno’s hair colour is natural, or he dyes it just to be pretty? -snorts- To be pretty xD I think he's a brunette. 36. Is it unfair that Cloud never made it to SOLDIER? Nuuuu. 37. If Sephiroth were to have his theme song changed from ‘One Winged Angel’, what should he have it as? "I'm too sexy for" By Right Said Fred. 38. If Rude were to have a catch phrase other than “…”, what would it be? "Reno, you dumbass." 39. Do you think Hojo or Vincent is Sephiroth’s Real father? As much as I hate it, I'll always 100 percent believe Hojo is. Frikkin asswipe. I refuse to accept Vincent. Ashen Skies is the only exemption. lol. 40. Rufus Shinra or Papa Shinra? Rufus ftw! 41. If Zack was to have an AOL screen name, what would it be? throw-me-a-bone or wagglytail9225 42. If Genesis lost his copy of Loveless, do you think he’d go for Dr. Seuss? LOL yes. 43. Which book? One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. 44. If Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud formed a band, what would they call themselves and what kind of music would they play? -click- Story idea! rofl. Nah, uhm... they'd call themselves "Kick ass capers" and they'd be a punk rock band. 45. Who would play what? Seph on lead guitar, Genesis on guitar, Angeal on bass, Zack on drums and Cloud on vocals. xD K, now that you've read it on my profile, go put it on your own and credit spopococ. ;D PLEASE check out my favourite authors and stories if you have the time. They're wonderful. They're just down, just a little. Right underneath here. LOOK. |
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