Author has written 5 stories for Sailor Moon.
Hello! It's been quite a while since my last "profile" update. I see my "Running From The Fire" story has taken off quite successfully compared with my others(flops). Eh, you can't help the beginning stage being rough.
I've been working a lot lately, mainly on a new two or three to throw out in the Harry Potter mainstream. I'd predict their releases to be scheduled somewhere in the middle to end of June--hmm, I'll be getting my Harry Potter fix about around the same time. ^_^ Life is good.
For all of you Potter fans out there:
I will be new to this section of the fanfiction world, so go easy on me-- even though i have noticed that the rate of reviewers is dramatically higher, so is the margin between like and hate. Actually, I take that back. Don't go easy on me. Tell me what you think. What you honestly think. Think "Simon Cowell." (for those of you who do not watch American Idol or know who he is, just think about as brutally honest as you can get).
For my fellow Sailor Moonies:
I will keep writing on my "Fire" story and update ASAP. I suppose, since I haven't the slightest idea of what couple to do next, I could ask you guys to review or e-mail me and tell me which you'd like to hear sooner(with the exception of Mina/Malachite-- they'll be last). On the "Sword" story, geeze, I didn't have any idea it was liked. I just started it for my best friend. I'll get on it as soon as an inspiration hits me. And, last but not least, on my own favorite brainchild, "Rebel", I will update as soon as i get the rough patches out and finish this next chapter-- and I like Rei/Jadeite stories, so as far as the Serena/Darien crap goes, it's for background purposes and fillers.
Anywho, thanks to my loyal reviewers and those eight of you who thought me worthy enough to place upon your favorite list. ^_^
Con Amor,
Con Amore,
Avec Amour,
With Love,
perhaps soon-to-be Silveritas
PS- I am willing to beta for people who need it.
Write more soon!!