Author has written 4 stories for Supernatural, and How to Train Your Dragon. Hi there, fellow fanficcers! The (screen) name is PsychicWonderKitty...though you may call me Kitty for short, as that's a lot to type. Mind you I have no REAL precognitive powers...but those who are in a certain fandom may get the reference, heh. I've lived with my parents in wild, wonderful West Virginia for 32 years and wouldn't you know - that's exactly how old I am as well! I love cats and enjoy doing art of all sorts...though sadly not yet for a career as I am currently but a humble medical records representative. Oh well, it pays the bills. But on the side in my free time, I love to draw, paint, mess around in Photoshop, create elaborate costumes and set designs for unconventional themes every Halloween...and naturally, I also love to read and write fanfic, hence my presence here! My big-time fandoms, however, are few. Well, are TWO, to be more precise...and you may think them strange bedfellows, but it is what it is and they are what they are - Supernatural (the TV series) and How to Train Your Dragon (movies/shorts/TV shows)! Yes, that's right...I can and will fangirl over a dark and gory horror series meant for adults, and then turn around and do and same with a mostly-happy/lighthearted and kid-friendly franchise - all in the same day and with equal intensity. Told you it was an odd combo, but what can I say...I've loved ghost stories since my late teens and I've loved animated movies and cartoons my entire life! So you can imagine that when Supernatural's Jared Padalecki dressed his family up as the HTTYD2 characters for Halloween 2015, my squee went through the roof. My favorite actor from my favorite show portraying my favorite movie on my favorite holiday?! Yep, pure kismet. Maybe it's not such an odd combo, after all, eh? As for the finer details of my writing, there are certain things you can definitely expect...and other things that just aren't gonna happen. My fanfic lifeblood is the suspense and angst that comes with endangering the lives of characters, and my favorite ones at that, sooo...Sam Winchester and Hiccup Haddock? Tag, you're it...but fear not! I only like seeing them hurt because not only do I love them, but many of their fellow canon characters do too...and them being in pain or trouble brings that out to a whole new degree. So, just as seeing and putting those boys in peril is my bread, getting subsequent big-bro!Dean or Astrid and Toothless all protective and worried and caring is my butter! And man, do I like butter, haha. No, really I do... And I like tea, as well. But some things that aren't my cup of that particular beverage include unhappy endings (how I'm still sticking with SPN is anyone's guess!), slash/yaoi romances, giving the Winchester brothers a random sister, pairing Hiccup and Astrid with anyone besides each other, or introducing an original character that takes over the don't expect any of those things from my fics, though I mean no offense to those who think and write differently from me! Also, don't expect an overabundance of foul language - as a committed Christian I'm not one for cursing - or anything rated above T, really. That said though, I do aim to be as realistic as possible while staying true to the characters - so I don't shy away from blood and threats and intense, even violent or suggestive scenes. The Winchesters will still be gruff, tough hunters, toned down from the show in no way...and the HTTYD crew will still mostly be their PG/Y7-rated selves from the movies/TV shows, albeit I may put them in decidedly more mature situations at times. Never anything actually inappropriate though! Finally, to put it as - ironically! - both Sam and Hiccup once put it in their respective show/movie, I'm really pretty (extra) sure that SPN and HTTYD will be the only fandoms I write for in the near future, as they're pretty much the only entertainment fare I faithfully (and obsessively) follow...well, that has fanfic attached to it anyway. Yes, I really like paranormal stories and I really like many other animated movies - but I LOVE SPN and HTTYD. So there you go. To fellow fans of the former, I know it's been quite a while and that I'm now splitting my interest, but don't count this writer out just yet...I may get inspired again one day! To fellow fans of the latter, be on the lookout for my new story which is already fully written...and then expect more to follow it relatively soon after. To fellow fans of both? Boy are you in the right profile! And just as before, I promise to update this said profile accordingly should I surprisingly ever add another writing fandom to my list. In the meantime though, thanks for checking it out and - if you decide to check them out along with it - I sincerely hope you enjoy my stories as well! :-D - PsychicWonderKitty |