Author has written 73 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Death Note, Mirage of Blaze, Takumi-kun Series/6月の自尊心, Yami no Matsuei, Hobbit, and Final Fantasy XV. Updating for 2022. Hello, I'm Amarissia! A forty-something aspiring writer who loves fanfic, both reading and writing. FFVII and Zangeal owns my heart, and I've recently fallen HARD for FFXV (fave characters Noctis and Ardyn, but I love all the Chocobros) but since conquering my anime-phobia (thanks, Scripta), I've also been branching out. I love Takumi-kun, Death Note, FullMetal Alchemist, Yami No Matsuei, Mirage of Blaze, and there's some others that I just like so far. In real life, I am an agoraphobic trying to recover from severe anxiety and depression, and I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high-functioning form of autism. All forms of autism are now under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorder, but I just like the word Aspie so much... Also, I have a live-in Choir consisting of Sephiroth, Zack, Cloud, Angeal, Genesis and occasional guests, such as Death Note's Near and Gravitation's Ryuichi. You talk to me, you talk to them too, so don't say I didn't warn you. Guess what? I am now actively posting my work on AO3 as well, and have put all my old works there, too. So, if you prefer it there, you can still read my stuff! :) My user name there is the same as here. *Most of my stories found here are hurt/comfort and often contain serious noncon/psychological trauma/dark kink stuff. I in no way intend to minimize these themes or offend those who have been affected by such things in real life. This is just...the stories that come to me, who knows why. Please read at your own risk, and if you're currently being hurt by someone in your life, PLEASE, tell someone you trust. I swear to all the gods, you're not alone and there is help out there. Thank you for your attention.* The fiction I post here is and will be my multi-chapters, series and the tamer shorts. If you want darker or more explicit fic, or random conversations with me and my pals, you can visit me at my LiveJournal, A Soul Seeking Holy . I'm checking LJ periodically again, really hoping to see familiar faces wander back in. Also, if you're on Twitter and want to say hi to me and the Choir, my handle there is at Athlynne81. Next up: more Decorum. One left and the series is finished, which kind of kills my heart, to be honest. I've been doing it for so LONG. In the future sometime, currently being brainstormed: multi-chapter FMA fic. I won't spoil the pairing for you, but I will say this - Genesis refers to Colonel Mustang as the Pedo Pyro for reasons. In progress: Takumi-kun/DaiMao multi-chapter which I'll eventually get back to. Also currently plotting more FFXV shorts, and a multichapter when I know the story, characters, and lore a bit better. Choir!verse fic in progress too, one chapter to go. More when I think of it... The "Decorum" series, in chronological order, goes like this: "Irreversible" However, I suggest you read them in their order of posting, not chronologically. Either way is fine, but my writing has improved over time, I warn you. ATTENTION! Fans of "Like A Dance", Katan Yue has written a missing piece of the story, and it is awesome. All who are wondering about that mysterious other victim of Genesis and Lazard's, check out her The Price of Beauty. |
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