Poll: If you had the opportunity to play the part of any character in Sherlock, which character would you be? Vote Now!
Author has written 6 stories for Leviathan series, Sherlock, Things They Carried, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Err...hi. What is one awkward person supposed to say as an introduction? I'm Corey...I enjoy both reading and writing (which isn't a hard leap to make). I promise that I'll update Determined eventually. It hasn't been abandoned! Right now, my priority is pre-college stuff (grades, schoolwork, AP classes, AP tests, SATs, applications, visits, finding a safety school that won't make me miserable, finishing my junior year with my sanity intact, etc.), but when I have enough time to breathe I'll update it. Since I don't have enough time to grapple with an actual plot, the most you'll be getting from me for a while is random one-shots. I have recently been sucked in by the Hetalia fandom. I may not be able to write anything else for a little while. Yep...that's it. |
DeleteForever97 (0) | Polkahotness (40) | scifigrl47 (5) |