![]() Hello, there! Welcome to my profile. If you've been here before, you may have noticed something... LE GASP! More than half of my stories are gone? Yes, yes they are. I'm doing you a favor, little 12 year-old girl! Really, they sucked. Thank you to the kind reviewer that attempted to give me some constructive for "Artemis Fowl: The Missing Friend". Even the TITLE was pathetic! Really, why did it get read? But this review reminded me that the sad piece of shit was still viewable to the general public and wasting people's time. I then realized that all of the stuff that I'd written before age 14 was shameful, and proceeded to take it down. You should be grateful. Really. Now, if you really are a 12 year-old, believe me, you will look back on your fics in two or three years, cringe, and then delete them. Tweens should not be allowed near word documents. At least, not this one. Moving on to the stuff that's still up! To be honest, I've lost interest in "You Found Me". I may, just for the sake of finishing it, crank out those last few chapters, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Feel free to trash my formspring with your complaints (like you have any.) http:///EloquentEllie I also now realize that direct quotes end in commas... Public school education has failed me. Do I feel like going back and fixing all of the dialogue in my two remaining fics? No, not especially. Does anyone particularly care? crickets chirp Yeah, I didn't think so. As for Over and Over... It's pretty much a self-indulgent Fangst fic, because everyone loves an angsty teen... Well, maybe not everyone, but definitely thirteen year-olds up at 2:30 in the morning who feel the need to post a song-fic... Of course, said thirteen year old felt so badass, being up so late!! Moral of that story? Middle school students fail... Or maybe it was just me. :D Actually, I know for a fact that this one does... From: person () stop useing that kind of laungauge! Look, im 12, just 2 years younger than Okay, so I'm not going to even go into how pissed off that this review wasn't signed, so I'll put my incredulous response here: Well, person (), I would like to point out the information at the top of the page of this fanfiction. See the rating? Okay, last time I checked, there wasn't a "teen" at the end of the word "twelve", but maybe I'm mistaken. Feel free to correct me, anyone. I'm also a strong believer of the fact that a fourteen-almost-fifteen-year-old girl who is responsible for the welfare of five other children who are being attacked on a regular basis and has the weight of saving the world on her shoulders would not say "Oh my gosh!" in a time of crisis. I seriously could care less that Angel is seven. In real life, Max would swear. Especially since she wasn't raised by overprotective parents but instead inside a dog crate where she was abused and experimented on on a regular basis. I apologize that Max doesn't have the fear of God in her; I feel like The School wouldn't exactly push the ten commandments on you. "Thou shalt not covet my doritos, little starving experiment!" Yeah, okay. Rant over. MOVING ON: Here is a list of books I would strongly suggest reading: Harry Potter (if you haven't... what are you doing here?!) Maximum Ride Looking for Alaska Let it Snow Artemis Fowl Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Mortal Instruments The Hunger Games If there are any books you think I should add to the list, please PM me! I'm ALWAYS looking for books to read!! Actually, PM me for anything. I'm always up for a new person to talk to! (I'm like Nudge that way! XD) Also, talking to you means I'm not doing my homework. So, YAY! |