![]() Author has written 166 stories for Immortals, Tamora Pierce, Bones, Circle of Magic, Fire Emblem, Loveless, Pokémon, Avatar: Last Airbender, Beka Cooper series, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Song of the Lioness, Fruits Basket, Hunger Games, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, Trickster series, Downton Abbey, Legend of Korra, Castle, Doctor Who, and Warriors. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my page! A little bit about me: I'm Kitty, and I'm 23 years old. Employed as a part-time babysitter, camp counselor, teaching assistant, and currently living in Spain.I don't write as much as I used to, but every now and then, new inspiration hits me. I'm very open and appreciative of constructive criticism. I absolutely adore all reviews. Please, please, review! I will send responses. Thanks for reading my ramblings! Now, for my interests, I have mainly two - fantasy and relationships. Here's a more complete list. I'm always open to requests for ships or scenes or anything, though, so if you have something you would like to see written that falls under a fandom I know and love, please send in your prompts or ideas! INTERESTS Books: Harry Potter (unhealithy obsessed); Tamora Pierce books (especially the Immortals series); A Song of Ice and Fire; Erin Hunter's Warriors; Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials; The Hunger Games; Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind; books by Sarah Ash and Kristin Cashore and Robin McKinley; Steig Larsson's thrillers; Philippa Gregory's historical fiction; Shakespeare plays; and Jane Austen - basically a lot of fantasy/romance. I've read TONS. TV: Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, Doctor Who, Castle, Merlin, Bones, House, Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones, Reign, The Tudors, The Pillars of the Earth, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, and The Legend of the Seeker. Games: Fire Emblem. FE4 Seisen no Keifu, FE6 Fuuin no Tsurugi/Sword of Seals, FE7 Rekka no Ken/Blazing Sword, FE8 Sacred Stones, FE9 Path of Radiance, FE10 Radiant Dawn, FE11 Shadow Dragon, FE13 Awakening, and FE14 Fates. Also all Pokemon games, especially B/W, and Zelda - Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time. Anime: Pokemon, Death Note, Yugioh, Spice and Wolf, and Miyazaki movies (Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Whisper of the Heart, Castle in the Sky, and Kiki's Delivery Service.) Can't go wrong with the classics. Manga: Fruits Basket, Loveless, Pokemon Special/Adventures, Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu by Oosawa, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Blood Alone, Immortal Rain, Dawn of the Arcana, Until Death Do Us Part, Dengeki Daisy, Faster than a Kiss, Hana to Akuma, Black Bird, Kodomo no Jikan, and The Earl and the Fairy. SHIPS (vaguely ordered within their categories) Tamora Pierce: Tortall - Daine/Numair, Alanna/Jon, Alanna/George, Aly/Taybur, and Beka/Tunstall friendship. Circle of Magic: Briar/Evvy and Tris/Niko friendship. Fire Emblem: FE4 - Lex/Aira, Cuan/Ethlin, Sigurd/Dierdre, Levin/Fury, and Shanan/Lakche. FE6 - Noah/Fir, Tate/Klein, Rutger/Clarine, Lalam/Percival, and Cecilia/Percival. FE7 - Lyn/Hector, Matthew/Leila, Nino/Jaffar, Eliwood/Ninian, Priscilla/Heath, Serra/Erk, Legault/Isadora, and Serra/Oswin. FE8 - Seth/Eirika, Ephraim/Myrrh friendship, Ephraim/L'arachel, Rennac/L'arachel, Joshua/Natasha, Gerik/Tethys, and Gerik/Marisa. FE9 and FE10 - Jill/Haar, Micaiah/Sothe, Naesala/Leanne, Titania/Greil, Geoffrey/Elincia, and Sephiran/Sanaki. FE11 - Lena/Julian, Nyna/Camus, Xane/Tiki, and Ogma/Caeda. FE13: Frederick/Lissa, Lissa/Lon'qu, Frederick/Cordelia. FE14: F!Corrin/Kaze, Takumi/Azura, Sakura/Subaki, Subaki/Hana, F!Corrin/Jakob, Jakob/Flora, Xander/Sakura, Takumi/Elise, Kaden/Azura, Ryoma/Elise, Saizo/Kagure, Laslow/Selena... Harry Potter: Lupin/Tonks, onesided Snape/Lily, the typical HPGW and RWHG, Hermione/Malfoy, and Sirius/Lily. Pokemon: Manga - Wallace/Winona (Gracefulshipping), Ruby/Sapphire (Franticshipping), Eusine/Crystal (Crystalshipping), Yellow/Lance (Grantedshipping), Silver/Green(girl) (Chosenshipping), Anime - Ash/Misty (Pokeshipping), May/Brock (Shoppingshipping), and May/Drew (Contestshipping). Game - White/N (FerrisWheelshipping) Yu-gi-oh: Joey/Mai (Polarshipping), Yami/Tea (Revolutionshipping), SetoKaiba/Kisara (Blueshipping), and Tristan/Serenity (Ardentshipping). AtLA and LoK: Zutara, Makorra, Pemzin, Sokka/Yue, Sukka, Tokka... I can't decide! Fruits Basket: Shigure/Akito, Katsuya/Kyoko, Tohru/Shigure, Tohru/Hatori, Hatori/Kana, Shigure/Rin, Kureno/Arisa, Ayame/Mine, Yuki/Machi, Tohru/Kyo, Haru/Rin, Hanajima/Kazuma, Kisa/Hiro, and so many more. That's all for now, folks. Thanks for reading my profile. The info about all my stories is contained in their summaries or their intros. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the icons I use as my covers, I found them online and thought they were beautiful, so I used them to represent my stories. I do not take credit for them! Also, please don't hesitate to review. Each and every review, constructive criticism, compliment, or anything means so much. Enjoy reading! |