Likes: Common sense, violence, betting, underground fighting, money. You know, the good stuff. Dislikes: Love. Fluff. Cuteness. Marriage. Ugh, horrible. Favourite Activities: Gym, MMA, Skydiving, Wingsuit Flying, Bungee Jumping, Mountain Climbing. Least Favourite: Any activity with two men in the same room. Wait, you're still reading this? Wow, and people say I need to do something with my life. Random Thoughts From Me: 1. To anyone who cares or possesses one, I own a PS4...Which I didn't want until I finished University. 2. Staying single is the best thing possible. No wife and kids mean you have all the time for work, family, gym, fun, and most importantly yourself. 3. I will always favour the anti-heroes over the protagonists because they always go for the kill, rather than sparing the life of the enemy. Sure Batman doesn't kill, but he does beat his enemies up and sends them to the hospital, why doesn't he just break the Joker's spine, I wonder? 4. When you're offered money in exchange for doing a favour. Demand the cash first before keeping up your end of the bargain. 5. I have scientifically tested and proved that if you pour a cup of water or other liquid on a sleeping person's face, they will automatically wake up. Facts. 6. I almost never use Instagram or any form of social media because they bore me after a few minutes. |
Raging Smurf (5) |