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Can Jedi Wear Orange? by dextron11 reviews
At the start of their trip, a mysterious power pulls Naruto and Jiraiya into the distant future. With no way back home, and no idea what's going on, what will they do? Join the Jedi, naturally. But there are other, more sinister forces after them as well. With the Force to wield and a new group of friends, can Naruto change the future of a galaxy threatened by darkness?
Crossover - Star Wars & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 60 - Words: 544,224 - Reviews: 1702 - Favs: 3,168 - Follows: 3,746 - Updated: 2h - Published: 5/18/2021 - [Naruto U., Ahsoka T.] M. Windu, Jiraiya
Pokémon Radiant Sun by FlygonNick reviews
After fleeing Kanto to the Alola region with his mother, Sun becomes the Pokémon Trainer he's always dreamed of. Join our newest hero as he gets a crash course on Alolan culture through the Island Challenge, overcoming his own past while also unraveling the mysteries of a strange girl along the way, and fighting to save his new home from threats near, far...and beyond. SunXLillie
Pokémon - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 185 - Words: 2,316,255 - Reviews: 1795 - Favs: 716 - Follows: 721 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 12/24/2016 - Sun, Lillie, Gladion/Gladio, Hau
Lunar Phases by BonesBoy15 reviews
By popular demand, the Son of Artemis has broken free of the Olympian One Offs. The first few chapters will end the start of his story, and those that follow...Well, read on to find out. Rated T for Language, gore, adult situations, childish adult humor and copious amounts of Letoide arguments. Reader discretion is advised.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 36 - Words: 256,950 - Reviews: 1024 - Favs: 1,605 - Follows: 1,681 - Updated: 2/14 - Published: 1/7/2022 - Naruto U., Kyuubi/Kurama, Thalia G., Artemis - Complete
Gladiator by Seyary-Minamoto reviews
In a world where the Avatar wasn't found, the Fire Nation took over two nations and they strive to overcome the last one. Water Tribe warrior Sokka seeks to fight for his people's rights, but he's captured by his enemies. His life is no longer in his hands as he fights as a Gladiator, and his fate will eventually depend on the Fire Nation Princess, who needs him for her own ends...
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 389 - Words: 5,702,460 - Reviews: 6304 - Favs: 3,639 - Follows: 3,491 - Updated: 2/14 - Published: 3/26/2013 - [Sokka, Azula]
A Shinobi's Take on this Wonderful World by SpiritSage124 reviews
Kazuma already has enough trouble looking after the "problem children" of Axel. A priest that causes more harm than good, a hot-headed mage that is only good for one spell a day, and a perverted crusader that can't swing a sword to save her life... Why not add a loudmouthed ninja who yearns to stand out? Rated T for "prudish" humor.
Crossover - Naruto & KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 127 - Words: 658,428 - Reviews: 4967 - Favs: 3,835 - Follows: 4,201 - Updated: 2/11 - Published: 9/18/2017 - Naruto U., Kazuma S.
A String and A Choice by lubelle321 reviews
Aphrodite and Artemis do not hate each other, as much as everyone expects them to. They respect one another and that respect is born of choices made and choices offered.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 44 - Words: 57,084 - Reviews: 210 - Favs: 702 - Follows: 932 - Updated: 2/11 - Published: 2/12/2021 - [Artemis, Percy J.] - Complete
The Seventh Son by Cowboy Alchemist reviews
Booker Bridges is an orphaned boy who wants to find his place in the world. Luz Noceda is a young girl who wants to live a life of excitement. These two friends accidentally stumble upon a portal and befriend a rebellious witch and an adorably tiny warrior. Together, they'll become the apprentices of the witch while remain in the Demon Realm seeking enlightenment.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 22 - Words: 336,019 - Reviews: 1470 - Favs: 870 - Follows: 905 - Updated: 2/8 - Published: 6/26/2020 - [OC, Luz N., Amity B.] Eda
The Seven Secrets of Starlight by lassify reviews
A new school year begins and everyone is age 17/18: Anya is back on Plan B, and tries to get closer to Damian. Damian is starting to see a few different sides to Anya, and he wonders how much he ever really knew about her. As their lives weave together, and spin out of control, just how many of Anya's secrets will be revealed? ((slow burn))
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 125 - Words: 454,968 - Reviews: 466 - Favs: 233 - Follows: 232 - Updated: 2/7 - Published: 10/1/2022 - Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight, Damian Desmond, Becky Blackbell
Daylily by daz171 reviews
Saving the world would normally ensure a life of tranquility, but unluckily, the life of a demigod is often anything but normal. None know that better than Perseus Jackson. Sure, things have calmed down in the time since the last war, but who's to say things won't pick up again. It's hard to say when the moon goddess takes an interest, but he's always been up for the challenge.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 55 - Words: 298,753 - Reviews: 892 - Favs: 1,807 - Follows: 2,048 - Updated: 2/3 - Published: 12/7/2022 - [Percy J., Artemis]
The Telekinetic Son by Bad Ass Female Fighter reviews
What if Anya wasn't the only test subject to escape? Meet Eric, Anya's older brother with the ability to move objects without touching them. Together they are adopted by Loid Forger, a spy who must create a fake family in order to infiltrate Eden College and protect world peace. Easier said than done when he doesn't know the first thing about fatherhood.
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 151,051 - Reviews: 486 - Favs: 718 - Follows: 765 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 5/31/2022 - Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess, OC
The Hunter's Heir by Jon-Ur reviews
Kept a secret from the world, the son of Artemis finds himself swept up in a quest he didn't ask for and a war he doesn't want to fight. Along his journey, he meets both friends and enemies who could mean the difference between life and death as he tries to find his place in the world. Rewrite of Broken Vows.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 49 - Words: 268,905 - Reviews: 390 - Favs: 639 - Follows: 724 - Updated: 1/4 - Published: 11/7/2017 - Artemis, Apollo
Titania and The Hunter by Master Attlon reviews
Born as a human. Treated as a demon. Gathered as a slave. Viewed as a leader. Traveled as a Mage. Grew as a Legend. The journey and life of The Hunter, Naruto Uzumaki
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 82 - Words: 1,012,634 - Reviews: 3634 - Favs: 6,509 - Follows: 6,344 - Updated: 12/28/2024 - Published: 11/18/2012 - Naruto U., Erza S.
Reading From the Other Side by Roman trooper reviews
Curious Kitsune654 permission the newest reading of the other side is here. Join camp half blood as they read from the other side as the quest to save Artemis has only begun... Pause until more content is out
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 135,988 - Reviews: 468 - Favs: 1,189 - Follows: 1,285 - Updated: 12/27/2024 - Published: 8/23/2020 - Naruto U., Artemis
No Goddesses Need Apply by lord of the land of fire reviews
Aqua abandons Kazuma and he is forced to survive on his own. There is no stopping him now.
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 60 - Words: 135,265 - Reviews: 3515 - Favs: 6,804 - Follows: 7,592 - Updated: 12/25/2024 - Published: 7/2/2019 - Darkness, Kazuma S.
Those Who Can't Teach by mixedvalence reviews
When you're from another world, mopping classrooms and organizing bookshelves at Garreg Mach for room and board is a pretty sweet deal. It seems easy enough to keep a low profile, but as an outsider in a world like Fódlan, you'll need to make friends fast to stay employed—and alive.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Drama/Fantasy - Chapters: 16 - Words: 177,405 - Reviews: 586 - Favs: 1,474 - Follows: 1,935 - Updated: 12/24/2024 - Published: 5/13/2020 - OC, Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard, Seteth
When a Heroine Disappears by Kipke reviews
After a failed attempt to get rid of the Great Saiyaman, new plans are made to hit him where it hits him the hardest. If they can't kill him, they will destroy him. A sequel to 'When a Hero Disappears'. [Warnings: Lime with hints at Lemon & Graphic description of violence]
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 102,544 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 84 - Follows: 126 - Updated: 12/18/2024 - Published: 8/1/2022 - [Gohan, Videl] [Sharpener, Erasa]
Persona V: Reversing the Wheel of Fate by CaptainBluesoftheFleetingDream reviews
Ren was killed by the traitor after the end of Sae's interrogation but when he dies, Ren suddenly finds himself waking up on the train to Shibuya, at the very start of his journey. Guided by emotions and memories that aren't his, Ren unknowingly begins his adventure again. New challenges, characters and even new thieves will take the stage alongside him in this P5 Retelling!
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 99 - Words: 338,203 - Reviews: 429 - Favs: 1,003 - Follows: 1,192 - Updated: 12/18/2024 - Published: 10/2/2018 - [Akira K./Ren A., Makoto N.] [Ryuji S., Ann T.]
The Owl House: Son of Edalyn by MetroXLR99 reviews
Long before Luz Noceda ever came to the Boiling Isles, Edalyn Clawthorne was once awoken by a strange sound in the dark forest one night. And what she finds in the enchanted woodlands...will forever change her life, and the lives of many others [Owlphibia AU]
Crossover - Owl House & Amphibia - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 35 - Words: 99,388 - Reviews: 203 - Favs: 245 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 12/14/2024 - Published: 9/20/2020 - Anne, OC, Luz N., Eda
RM: The Rise of the War Lord's Child by Marsalad reviews
In the old times, gods were similar to us. Irrational, humane. And if I can say anything about humanity, is that without change, they will eventually rot. If that's the case, someone should shake up the Olympians in their high thrones before they rot. Don't you think?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 67 - Words: 299,356 - Reviews: 311 - Favs: 605 - Follows: 632 - Updated: 12/7/2024 - Published: 10/9/2021 - [Artemis, Zoë N., OC]
Pretty Maelstrom by Harpra reviews
Nani just wants to find a stable job, so she can take care of her sister. What she gets is a strange blond man who hides his right hand in his pocket, and wants her help with his research at the library. At least he pays well. Adult themes. [Starts Pre-movie]
Crossover - Naruto & Lilo & Stitch - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 33,588 - Reviews: 427 - Favs: 2,145 - Follows: 2,601 - Updated: 11/21/2024 - Published: 8/27/2020 - [Naruto U., Nani P.] Sakura H.
Olympian One Offs by BonesBoy15 reviews
A bunch of oneshots that have potential to be more! Naruto as the son of (INSERT OLYMPIAN HERE)! Multiple pairings, some non-ninja Naruto, some smart!Naruto, and some new Naruto! It's our favorite orange clad ninja facing the multiverse with different origins. Rated T for language and suggestive dialogue.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 22 - Words: 166,424 - Reviews: 1728 - Favs: 2,071 - Follows: 2,017 - Updated: 11/13/2024 - Published: 4/9/2015 - Naruto U., Percy J.
Kisses of Fire and Ice by Just a Girl Who Likes to Read reviews
Summary: Katara and Zuko kiss at the end of the battle with Azula, but both quickly backtrack not revealing their true feelings for each other. What happens when Katara and Zuko are forced into an arranged marriage to ensure the Fire Nation will not start another war? Three-Part Story; Part One & Two are Finished! CHAPTER 31 COMING JANUARY 2025
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 30 - Words: 403,970 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 279 - Follows: 323 - Updated: 11/12/2024 - Published: 5/2/2021 - Sokka, Zuko, Katara, Azula
Trails of Eastern Steel by TF1990 reviews
This a rewrite of the first Cold Steel game, with some twists concerning Rean Schwarzer, the rest of the story will mostly follow canon. -Instead of training in Ymir, Rean left with his Master to travel the eastern part of the Continent. -Emphasis on Rean/Alisa -A more experienced, but still as dense and insecure (maybe a bit more than canon) Rean. -Can somewhat control his Power
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 35 - Words: 528,715 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 10/30/2024 - Published: 9/1/2023 - [Rean S., Alisia R.]
Talking With a Monster by RoxaShadow reviews
Set in the dark timeline. Due to a chance encounter, Android Eighteen is left with a feeling of doubt that leads her to question her and her brother's way of life. In a desperate search for answers, she finds herself turning to the one man who she never expected to harbor anything but hatred towards her. Son Gohan. Android 18 x Gohan
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 34 - Words: 455,020 - Reviews: 735 - Favs: 918 - Follows: 1,034 - Updated: 10/24/2024 - Published: 8/16/2019 - Gohan, Trunks, Android 17, Android 18
Fairy Tail: Dark Heart by ratedn777 reviews
Naruto Namikaze is a young wizard who lost what was important to him from a young age, but in time, he will gain new friends and a family who will fight for him. I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or any other piece of fiction referenced or utilised in this story.
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 18 - Words: 57,632 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 331 - Updated: 10/21/2024 - Published: 3/15/2021 - [Naruto U., Wendy M.]
Blazing Steel and Freezing Bullets by Shinn of Destiny reviews
Left alone in a blazing forest, Relon is soon saved and the path before him opens. With much to learn about such as his past, family, friends, even the very people trying to destroy the peace and him to an extent, his enrollment at Thors will be anything but normal.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 59 - Words: 525,878 - Reviews: 122 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 131 - Updated: 10/15/2024 - Published: 10/4/2020 - [OC, Claire R.] Laura S. A., Musse E.
Secrets and smiles by sabersoul13 reviews
A prank gone wrong ends with Naruto's secret being found out by the unlikeliest of his comrades. Learning to trust each other more, and discovering new feelings along the way, the two blondes can only hope that their stubbornness doesn't get in the way of the new bonds being formed. NarutoxIno.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 173,563 - Reviews: 311 - Favs: 1,418 - Follows: 1,753 - Updated: 10/13/2024 - Published: 9/10/2023 - [Naruto U., Ino Y.]
Trails to Eternity by UnlitCrow reviews
The last thing Towa had expected upon starting her second year at Thors was to develop a crush on one of her underclassman, and the last thing Rean expected upon enrolling at Thors was to develop a crush on one of his upperclassman. Will they be able to sort out their feelings and confess to each other as soon as possible, or will it take an Eternity?
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 71 - Words: 229,578 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 10/6/2024 - Published: 4/7/2021 - [Rean S., Towa H.] Angelica R., Crow A.
Eine Kleine by MasterHamsters reviews
All they needed was "something small". An encounter between a girl proud of her homeland and a boy pondering over his place in the world. Juna Crawford from Crossbell and Rean Schwarzer from Erebonia. Despite their differences, the two create an everlasting bond for the rest of their lives. (Childhood Friend AU)
Legend of Heroes - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 22 - Words: 269,862 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 159 - Updated: 10/3/2024 - Published: 10/25/2020 - [Rean S., Juna C.]
His and Her's and His and Her's Circumstances by Tabasc0 reviews
Kazuma Sato has spent the last 4 years of his life as a typical Japanese NEET, unable to escape the feeling that somewhere, somehow, his life went wrong. But one night, he learns that destiny will only be put off for so long... Some post Vol 15 elements used, fair warning.
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 89,632 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 9/13/2024 - Published: 2/18/2023 - Kazuma S., Yunyun, Iris, Claire
Last Hope by The Wasp1995 reviews
Immediately after the fall of Ben Solo, Luke Skywalker has exiled himself to the planet of Ahch-To to live out the rest of his days in shame and to end the Jedi once and for all. But when offered a chance to undo all of the horrible events of the past, Luke takes it and embarks on one last hero's journey to create a future that never was. Time Travel fic
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 61 - Words: 552,210 - Reviews: 1280 - Favs: 1,870 - Follows: 2,021 - Updated: 9/12/2024 - Published: 5/4/2021 - Luke S., Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Ahsoka T. - Complete
In an Ocean of Stars by The Last Centurion 1 reviews
After the Giant War Percy thought that he could finally get a quiet life, but it all came crashing down when Zeus went to war against Poseidon, forcing Percy to go into hiding. After countless skirmishes, the Council has made a tough decision and forced Percy into a marriage with Artemis in hopes of stopping the godly war. Also, deep down in a dark pit, a Primordial stirs...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 232,728 - Reviews: 1090 - Favs: 2,327 - Follows: 2,811 - Updated: 9/8/2024 - Published: 10/18/2021 - [Percy J., Artemis] Apollo, Diana
Learning How To Be a Princess by LetsGetIt reviews
14 Years ago Camilia Noceda fell into a mysterious rip in Space-Time, falling into the Boiling Isles, specifically into the arms of Emperor Belos, they naturally fell in love. Finally, years later, Camila decides it's finally time for Luz to meet her Father. Join Luz as she learns how to be a witch and learn how to be a princess...
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 353,496 - Reviews: 265 - Favs: 462 - Follows: 436 - Updated: 9/7/2024 - Published: 10/15/2020 - [Amity B., Luz N.] [Camila N., Emperor Belos]
Role of a Leader by Kazuma420 reviews
After a series of unfortunate events that transpired while in the Capitol, Kazuma can't help but feel useless and dejected. This is a what if scenario taking place in and after Volume 6 of Konosuba Light Novel so beware of some spoilers. Rated M for some future chapters and to be safe. Kazumin Fanfic. (I'm still working on it, won't be left unfinished)
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: M - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 41 - Words: 236,077 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 184 - Follows: 205 - Updated: 9/6/2024 - Published: 7/2/2021 - Aqua, Megumin, Kazuma S., Yunyun
Love On Your Skin by KotoriLexy reviews
Trust Naruto to try her best at making new friends, and accidentally start a revolution along the way. Or how Naruto, her friends and their soulmates fix the world without even really trying. (Soulmate AU where whatever you write on your skin also appears on your soulmate's. FemNaru x Shisui) / AFTER CH.18, WILL UPDATE ONLY ON AO3. (see end note)
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 111,310 - Reviews: 517 - Favs: 1,028 - Follows: 1,200 - Updated: 7/31/2024 - Published: 3/24/2019 - [Naruko U., Shisui U.] Naruto U., Ino Y.
Behind Closed Doors by Vipper73 reviews
The Forger family is going through a crisis that leaves Anya unable to cope. After accidentally making Damian think that she hates him it causes a misunderstanding that unexpectedly kickstarts their secret relationship
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 39,904 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 173 - Updated: 7/31/2024 - Published: 7/16/2022 - Anya Forger, Damian Desmond
Four Reflections: Scarlet Carnation by KWG0D reviews
It seemed their path was set in stone, a path that led over the corpses of their friends, through piles of innocents. An immutable fate... right? A mysterious mercenary and ambitious emperor-to-be discover that while fate cannot be broken, perhaps, it could be bent. Maybe romance was in the cards after all. The 5th route I wish existed.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 55 - Words: 253,697 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 165 - Follows: 189 - Updated: 7/22/2024 - Published: 12/3/2021 - Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard
Titan of the Hunt by vPxForerunner x reviews
During the final days of the Second Giant War, Percy loses the one he loves and his purpose for living. So he asks the gods for a task, to challenge him and give him a new purpose. Unfortunately for him, a certain man hating goddess and friends are going to be gaining a new Guardian. Post MOA. Pertemis. 18/9/22 Currently in the process of re-writing the early chapters
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 132 - Words: 915,840 - Reviews: 5061 - Favs: 6,959 - Follows: 6,597 - Updated: 7/21/2024 - Published: 7/21/2013 - [Percy J., Artemis] [Thalia G., Reyna R.]
An Extraordinary Sage's Not-so-Ordinary Adventure (REWRITE) by RedFistCannon reviews
Having a relaxing vacation? Avoiding trouble? Not when you're Naruto and Zetsu! Read on as an unlikely pair engages in shenanigans in a land they have no business being in. Story Art by @satan navi. Note that this is not Canon Zetsu. (REWRITE OF MY PREVIOUS FANFIC, FURTHER DETAILS IN A/N)
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Family/Supernatural - Chapters: 8 - Words: 42,851 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 908 - Follows: 1,061 - Updated: 7/14/2024 - Published: 12/6/2022 - [Naruto U., Rhea] Zetsu, Hestia
Love struck goddess by 100hypersonic reviews
After getting saved from being eaten by a giant frog Aqua starts developing feelings for Kazuma (which is the last thing that he asked for)
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,900 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 7/2/2024 - Published: 7/9/2023 - Aqua, Kazuma S.
skip the exit to our old street (and go home) by nemthegemeverdeen reviews
"Understood, Agent?" Handler asked, though not unkindly. "Yes." "You still have time left." And the thing was, Twilight knew that he did. But he also knew that it wasn't enough. (or, twilight wonders about his family's future once operation strix ends)
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,896 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 5 - Published: 5/18/2024 - Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess, Frankie
Arc of Time by Skairipa1337 reviews
As he was called to the task of saving his world, he both succeeded and failed. In their moment of triumph, he let his guard down to the danger that had been there all along. As he died at the hands of his best friend, Naruto cheated death and was reborn as a Devil, as well as the son of the House of Sitri. Time Magic Naruto. Naruto x Kuroka.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 100,743 - Reviews: 457 - Favs: 2,595 - Follows: 3,251 - Updated: 5/10/2024 - Published: 3/21/2022 - [Naruto U., Kuroka] Kyuubi/Kurama
Secrets Unraveled by euphoric image reviews
Out of all the possibilities Loid had calculated for, he admitted that being tied to a chair with the Thorn Princess standing in front of him was not one of them. Much less the fact that the Thorn Princess was apparently his wife, Yor. Things just got a lot more complicated.
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,615 - Reviews: 179 - Favs: 1,251 - Follows: 1,456 - Updated: 5/6/2024 - Published: 5/28/2022 - [Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess]
The Future of Class VII - Trails of Cold Steel by KedharS reviews
When a mysterious being transports Class VII to see their future: lies will be uncovered, secrets will be revealed and perhaps the future of Class VII will never be the same again
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,822 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 5/5/2024 - Published: 2/24/2024 - [Rean S., Emma M.]
The Fourth Beast by AlphaDreamer00 reviews
In order for Shinto Religion to survive, Amaterasu made a bargain with a hero from another dimension. Yes, she got their hero, but he was more than that. A savior, a leader, and someone who has the potential to reach the likes of Ophis and Great Red. (Revised). Complete AU
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 43 - Words: 260,461 - Reviews: 2927 - Favs: 9,605 - Follows: 10,411 - Updated: 4/11/2024 - Published: 5/15/2018 - Naruto U., Yasaka
Redemption of the Dragon King by MedrickLanster reviews
Acnologia was not always a monster. He was once a human that had lost everything he loved. His name was Naruto Uzumaki. Now given a chance to make things right, can Naruto protect what he has left, or will he be consumed by his own guilt and anger. And how will Zeref and the rest of Earthland take this change? Nothing will be the same again. Grey/Good Acnologia
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 28 - Words: 306,080 - Reviews: 1219 - Favs: 4,039 - Follows: 4,124 - Updated: 3/31/2024 - Published: 5/13/2017 - Naruto U., Natsu D., Zeref, Wendy M.
Mysterious Magic by Chance Green G King reviews
In another world lies the Boiling Isles, a place full of many weird ,bizarre wonders, and a place filled with magic. To some magic is merely part of everyday life. But there's a certain place that's unique all on its own housing those who live a life of freedom, to those that are curious to what magic has to offer, then look no farther, the Owl House is your destination.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 27 - Words: 294,709 - Reviews: 1296 - Favs: 432 - Follows: 446 - Updated: 3/20/2024 - Published: 7/18/2020 - OC, Luz N., Amity B., Eda
Naruto the Warrior White Mage by Mad Raptor Fanfiction reviews
One in a million wasn't high enough to explain the sheer amount of chance to explain what happened to force 2 blonds to meet each other.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 26,102 - Reviews: 451 - Favs: 1,093 - Follows: 1,343 - Updated: 3/16/2024 - Published: 2/1/2024 - [Naruto U., A. Asia]
Redemption or Damnation: Annie's Choice by DMtotheAAFan reviews
A Post-Rumbling Annie Leonhart finds herself on Paradis in the past, 10 years before the Fall of Wall Maria. If that wasn't strange enough, she finds she's trapped as the Female Titan! Armed with the power to shatter mountains and knowledge of the future, but lacking any means of communication or her old allies, how will Annie handle this situation?
Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 102,866 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 3/15/2024 - Published: 8/24/2023 - [Annie L., Armin A.]
you there (you're better off here) by DropTheBasil reviews
Don't be sorry, Sy-on boy. Don't be sad. Don't get married to a random rich girl. Don't have dinner all alone. Don't plan your funeral. Don't try to hurt yourself. "Don't die." (Or: Damian's thoughts are a mess, but fortunately he has Anya to help him sort it out.) [Two Shot]
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,583 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 21 - Updated: 2/29/2024 - Published: 5/18/2023 - [Anya Forger, Damian Desmond] Loid Forger/Twilight, Donovan Desmond - Complete
The Worst That Could Happen by AngryOwl reviews
New world, new problem. Just as he got used to gods existing, life decided to throw him a few hundred more to get to know. Screw it. As long as one of them helped him out, he was all for it. He just hoped they all weren't so weird.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,757 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 1,206 - Follows: 1,495 - Updated: 2/18/2024 - Published: 12/25/2023
Two Dragons by The wiErDos Association reviews
Saved from the tragic event of Tenrou Island, Natsu and Wendy press on to their future as they lived throughout the years of loss and hardship until the day of their friends return. Join as they fought through pain and sadness fate has in store for them and eventually will pave a way for the two to realize their growing feelings for each other. (Split-off route in the canon. NaWen)
Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 255,544 - Reviews: 778 - Favs: 1,990 - Follows: 1,943 - Updated: 1/24/2024 - Published: 11/20/2015 - Natsu D., Wendy M.
Morality Chain by Pureauthor reviews
/AU-ish/ "You're my brother. That's got to count for something. Right, Zuzu?" If Azula and Zuko had always cared for each other, how different would their live's paths have been?
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 47 - Words: 278,464 - Reviews: 2530 - Favs: 5,831 - Follows: 5,768 - Updated: 1/17/2024 - Published: 3/19/2010 - Zuko, Azula - Complete
Rise of the Terran Alliance by Raptor2216 reviews
Several months after the Battle of Geonosis, the Republic learns that the CIS is exploring into a neighboring galaxy. A Republic search for the CIS results in the discovery of Earth. With the Clone Wars now expanding beyond the galaxy, the Republic aids the people of Earth against the CIS, and the Terran Alliance is born. When the Republic turns to darkness, how will Earth respond?
Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Chapters: 80 - Words: 228,989 - Reviews: 915 - Favs: 877 - Follows: 705 - Updated: 1/9/2024 - Published: 9/25/2019 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Captain Rex, Ahsoka T. - Complete
Maybe Someday by Muckdile reviews
Fie's birthday came and went. Not that anybody knew.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,756 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 7 - Published: 12/30/2023 - [Fie C., Rean S.] - Complete
The life of an Adventurer by Audidriver007 reviews
He wanted to become an Adventurer and be known as the Hero that saved the world from an evil so great that the Gods had sent him to save the day. Instead, Kazuma spends his time wondering if the Gods will send someone to save him. Parallel cannon events with different outcomes. Rated T for language and a certain Crusader's behavior.
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 114,913 - Reviews: 136 - Favs: 465 - Follows: 547 - Updated: 12/26/2023 - Published: 3/7/2017 - Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, Kazuma S.
A Simple Teenage Shop Owner by AngryOwl reviews
Things aren't always as simple as they seem. Just because he found himself in a new world, Naruto shouldn't have forgotten this. Now he must deal with angel, fallen angels, devils, perverts and god, all while maintaining a relationship and running his store. Things can never be simple for him.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 44 - Words: 267,663 - Reviews: 6708 - Favs: 12,224 - Follows: 10,823 - Updated: 12/25/2023 - Published: 7/8/2015 - Naruto U., T. Koneko - Complete
we all want love, we all want honor by LJF613 reviews
In a world where Toph and Zuko were betrothed as children, she joins him on his Avatar-hunting quest.
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 45,416 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 158 - Follows: 201 - Updated: 12/6/2023 - Published: 3/17/2023 - [Toph, Zuko] Aang, Iroh
Reasons by SilverShadow1711 reviews
The world could be a cruel, wicked place, filled with nightmares and terrors unending. Erwin Smith made the choice to throw himself into those nightmares, but even the most steadfast man is not an island. At the very least, there was someone he could fall back on, even if it took him some time to realize it. (Erwin backstory-centric, the slowest of slow burns. Cross-posted on AO3)
Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人 - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 67 - Words: 676,463 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 11/26/2023 - Published: 7/5/2021 - [Erwin S., OC] Levi A., Mike Z.
True Potential by DryBonesKing reviews
One discussion in the academy introduces Naruto to his first real friends and changes his life forever. Together, they will work hard, push each other, and unlock their true potential. NaruHina
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 143 - Words: 1,693,467 - Reviews: 7520 - Favs: 13,463 - Follows: 13,448 - Updated: 10/22/2023 - Published: 8/5/2012 - [Naruto U., Hinata H.] Shikamaru N., Anko M.
Konosuba: But Chris is here too by Firelord67 reviews
AU. Chris joins Kazuma's party after the cabbage quest, thanks to a game of rock-paper-scissors. How will having a sensible girl affect the story? Surprisingly, a lot. Also includes Kazuma shipping, none of the Devil King Generals dying, references, ghost girls, snow sprites, demon maids, everyone's favorite Crimson Demon cutie, and BITES ZA DUSTO.
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 73,841 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 344 - Updated: 10/12/2023 - Published: 7/15/2020 - Complete
A Daughter's Difference by Dyton reviews
Mirai Trunks, seeing as this was his final trip to the past, decides to bring the daughter that Gohan never met in his time. He decides to leave Pan, so she may have a better life here with the others. How will the presence of his future daughter affect a grieving Gohan? Will he be able to balance studies, training, and being a father or not? "Dad at 11 years old, are you serious…"
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 20 - Words: 202,553 - Reviews: 413 - Favs: 735 - Follows: 882 - Updated: 10/10/2023 - Published: 7/30/2014 - Gohan, Videl, Pan, Lime - Complete
MISSION N: No More Lies by TETRACIDE reviews
In which Loid and Yor crossed paths as Twilight and Thorn Princess.
Spy x Family - Rated: M - English - Crime/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 15 - Words: 70,705 - Reviews: 214 - Favs: 1,014 - Follows: 1,185 - Updated: 9/16/2023 - Published: 4/18/2022 - [Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess] Anya Forger, Yuri Briar
Papa X Mama by ThisAuthorIsSleepDeprived reviews
A month ago, Mama and Papa learned each other's secrets. Anya doesn't want to watch cartoons anymore. Anya wants to watch Mama and Papa. It is like a re- reya... reyality TV show! Anya wants to watch them fight bad guys and save Princess Honey together like Bondman!
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,199 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 8/31/2023 - Published: 7/16/2023 - [Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess] Anya Forger, Bond
TLS by Lanthys reviews
The last shinobi. He didn't ask for this at all, it was the last thing he wanted. The gods up above had a way of messing with him though. Nonetheless he wouldn't give up. Because who was Naruto Uzumaki if he was to give up? Slight Fluff/ Slight changes after Chapter 1
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 17,795 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 272 - Follows: 383 - Updated: 8/28/2023 - Published: 6/14/2022 - Naruto U., T. Koneko
Through Your Door by WaffleDogOfficial reviews
A shinobi must not value himself but rather adhere to his village's ideals. A shinobi must always put the mission first. A shinobi must never show any weakness. Jinchuuriki are tied down by a long list of both written and unwritten rules of things that they aren't supposed to do. Playing Peek-a-Boo with the vessel of the Kyuubi is probably at the top of that list. [X-posted on Ao3]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 56 - Words: 368,806 - Reviews: 311 - Favs: 1,045 - Follows: 1,202 - Updated: 8/26/2023 - Published: 5/10/2019 - Naruto U., Gaara, Fū, Jinchuriki
Aggressive Negotiations by could-have-beens reviews
There was no love lost between the Jedi and the young upstart politician from Tatooine. Unfortunately, after one too many attempts on his life, Senator Anakin Skywalker is in need of a bodyguard or two. / Anakin may not be a Jedi, but the Force still finds a way to bring the gang together.
Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 8 - Words: 40,706 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 188 - Follows: 261 - Updated: 8/6/2023 - Published: 11/14/2017 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka T.
Better Left Unsaid by Kenchi618 reviews
Mizuki never got to shoot his mouth off at Naruto the night he took the Scroll of Seals. Other than skipping a half-manic monologue from him, what exactly did this change for everyone's favorite blonde ninja? Who knows? Rated M for language/later events.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 85 - Words: 1,081,945 - Reviews: 11578 - Favs: 20,469 - Follows: 19,399 - Updated: 7/28/2023 - Published: 12/14/2010 - [Naruto U., Ino Y.] Team Ten
Love in the Dark by GirthJohnson reviews
Though the path they walk is one that is dyed blood red, it is a path they take together. A tale of friendship, heartache, and love between the Adrestian Emperor and her beloved mentor from their days at the monastery, up until the very end. A retelling of Crimson Flower.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 45 - Words: 422,147 - Reviews: 1326 - Favs: 1,372 - Follows: 1,569 - Updated: 7/3/2023 - Published: 8/3/2019 - [Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard]
Damianya Side Stories by Iacrya reviews
A fanfic expansion of season 1 events in the anime; avoided spoilers for SxF s1 part 2 onwards In this story series, Damian accepts the fact that he is crushing on Anya, their 'lowly commoner classmate' who punched him in school. How will their childish interactions change in this alternate universe?
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 83,935 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 5/30/2023 - Published: 8/27/2022 - Anya Forger, Damian Desmond, Becky Blackbell, Loid Forger/Twilight
A Father's Love by Kyoka Suigetsu Totsuka reviews
Being a single father with two little girls is hard enough, but when there are monsters trying to kill them everyday, it's even worse. Well, he loves them more than he loves himself, so he would just have to hope for the best and pray to the mothers of his children.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 153,767 - Reviews: 6038 - Favs: 11,244 - Follows: 11,269 - Updated: 5/11/2023 - Published: 9/15/2014 - Naruto U., Annabeth C., Lacy
The Elemental Mage of the Isles by Kitsune98469 reviews
11 years after his mother was killed in a car crash, 15 year old Kailin was left in the care of his mother's friend Camila Noceda and her daughter Luz Noceda who accepts him as a member of the family but after getting into trouble at school, Kailin and Luz ends up in a demon realm where they meet Eda Clawthorne who is his dad’s sister. Now cross posted on AO3
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Family - Chapters: 58 - Words: 348,170 - Reviews: 339 - Favs: 225 - Follows: 209 - Updated: 5/5/2023 - Published: 6/19/2022 - [Luz N., Amity B.] [OC, Viney] - Complete
Frozen Electricity by KedharS reviews
Grusha dosen't really think he meshes in well with the other leaders of Paldea, but soon a collaboration stream with Iono might cause him to rethink that thought.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,564 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: 4/28/2023 - [Grusha, Iono/Nanjyamo] - Complete
A Special Pearl by Soulstealer8 reviews
Ash trying to process his thoughts and feelings on his first crush. (Pearlshipping, Ash x Dawn, Satohika) An *SS8* story.
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 61,107 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 51 - Updated: 4/23/2023 - Published: 1/1/2023 - Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari
The Dynasty of Hope by Orion'sKnight reviews
All things end up being forgotten, friends, family, love, hate, sadness, happiness, and memories. Yet in the end, what is forgotten can be remembered, and what is remembered can lead to either happiness or outright vengeance.
Crossover - Naruto & Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 12 - Words: 54,114 - Reviews: 176 - Favs: 348 - Follows: 381 - Updated: 4/8/2023 - Published: 8/17/2020 - Naruto U., Luz N., Amity B.
Trails of Blood and Steel by ultimatedbzmaniac reviews
The Blood and Iron Chancellor, Giliath Osborne. The Debaucherous Prince, Olivert Reise Arnor. The board is set; the players are ready. Caught between these titans, Class VII are forced to serve as pieces in their game. However, three of these pieces: Rean Schwarzer, Fie Claussell, and Crow Armbrust; are not content simply being used. No, they would make this game their own.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 359,166 - Reviews: 250 - Favs: 325 - Follows: 349 - Updated: 4/6/2023 - Published: 12/28/2016 - [Rean S., Fie C.] Crow A.
Lord of crows by Jaguarian76 reviews
Itachi didn't go to pure earth after he defeated Kabuto. Instead he was reincarnated in a new world. Now he has a little sister to watch over and will do anything for her.
Crossover - Naruto & Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,982 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 175 - Updated: 4/1/2023 - Published: 9/20/2021 - Itachi U., Amity B., Hunter/Golden Guard
Their Future, Together by KnoxZone reviews
With the Great Twilight ended Rean finally has control of his own life and the freedom to decide on his future plans. Of course those plans would involve becoming a Bracer. After all that is the one job that would let him work alongside the girl he loves more than anything. Fie is just happy that she isn't stuck with a useless drunk as her partner anymore.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 60 - Words: 354,404 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 99 - Updated: 3/13/2023 - Published: 7/23/2021 - [Rean S., Fie C.] - Complete
Strength in Body and Mind by Mr. Spinner reviews
Since fleeing the castle, the Golden Guard is no more; only Hunter. But the Silver Belle remains, and Willow's confidence is ever-rising. But as the Day of Unity draws nearer, Belos's grasp draws only tighter. Can Willow and Hunter, and their many friends and allies, save the Boiling Isles from its fate? And can they protect each other? R&R. Sequel to "Masks of Love and War."
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 155,095 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 3/11/2023 - Published: 6/17/2022 - [Willow, Hunter/Golden Guard] Luz N., Eda
My World, But Not Mine (Part I) by Zayden Shade reviews
23 year old Percy Jackson is thrown from his world into another universe, one that seems too similar to his own. What happens to him as he relives his own adventures, but beside himself. Or is it herself? Future character pairing, Mild language, AU & Time Travel, OP MC (Discontinued for now, But I love you all)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 223,100 - Reviews: 467 - Favs: 1,703 - Follows: 1,790 - Updated: 2/23/2023 - Published: 12/3/2020 - Percy J., Artemis, Zoë N., OC - Complete
Give My Luck Back to Me by TheSoundDefense reviews
The night before Ash's battle against Paul, Dawn has something special to give to him.
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,554 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 26 - Published: 1/20/2023 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari] - Complete
Always With You by mrshat reviews
Sequel to Retrouville! After a couple of months of not seeing each other, Dawn reunites with Ash and friends. Together, they take on all new challenges together. How will Team Flare's sinister plans and their fates intertwine? Pearlshipping
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 52,296 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 1/16/2023 - Published: 5/22/2020 - Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari, Serena, Clemont/Citron
An Electric Connection by T. Funk the Coolmunk reviews
Iono is a happy, energetic streamer who is also the Paldean Electric-type gym leader. She's also someone who cares a little too much about her popularity. Iono thought she was the most popular gym leader in Paldea, but when a popularity poll is made public, the streamer is shocked to find out the boring Normal-type Gym Leader Larry is more popular than her. -DISCONTINUED-
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,905 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 1/14/2023 - Published: 1/7/2023
A Shinobi Among Monsters by euphoric image reviews
Naruto was dying. Kurama had a jutsu to save him. The only problem? It didn't quite work as intended. And now Naruto is reborn in a world where gods and monsters roam the lands. Thankfully, this time around, he has a mother with the most striking silver eyes the same color as the moon.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 213,477 - Reviews: 3476 - Favs: 9,596 - Follows: 10,644 - Updated: 12/30/2022 - Published: 3/20/2020 - Naruto U., Artemis, Apollo
Percy Jackson: An Age Gone By by JustASimpleWriter1 reviews
Long ago, in the time of Alexander the Great, the maiden Goddess Artemis finds herself watching over the Macedonian expedition. She journeyed far into the rugged and arid lands of Asia, which lay beyond the rule of the Greek Gods. In her observations, she found one individual far more interesting than any other. This is her tale of adventure, friendship, and love: all for Perseus.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 246,614 - Reviews: 1118 - Favs: 3,319 - Follows: 3,691 - Updated: 12/21/2022 - Published: 3/10/2017 - [Artemis, Percy J.] Zoë N., Phoebe
A Mercenary and a Goddess land a Professorship by EternalCombOver reviews
What could possibly go wrong? A novelization of White Clouds and Azure Moon combined, with quite a few twists. Proofread and somewhat influenced by the brilliant mind of droffatsstafford as of Chapter 30.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 44 - Words: 500,853 - Reviews: 283 - Favs: 451 - Follows: 542 - Updated: 11/20/2022 - Published: 9/28/2019 - Avatar/Byleth, Sothis
Spy x Son by SilverSoulmmc reviews
Anya Forger didn't expect someone to transfer into her class nor did she expect this new girl to have lived such an extraordinary life! "Her papa's a superhero? That's so cool!"
Crossover - Dragon Ball Z & Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,272 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 256 - Follows: 225 - Updated: 11/20/2022 - Published: 10/22/2022 - Gohan, Pan, Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight - Complete
This Magic Known as Family by Kahli Stank reviews
Twilight, a renowned mage of the Westwind alliance Illusionary enchanters and Spellcrafters Empire division, or simply shortened to WISE. Must travel to the heart of the Ostanden Empire to stop their ever-expanding regime. He must make contact with Emperor Desmond, and in order to do so, he must enroll a child in the prestigious Eden School of Sorcery.
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 29,107 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 11/6/2022 - Published: 7/5/2022 - Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess
Unwritten by DJNS reviews
Darth Vader travels back in time for a life do-over. Can he truly escape his past as a former Sith lord?
Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 29 - Words: 112,231 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 307 - Follows: 222 - Updated: 10/16/2022 - Published: 9/8/2022 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala - Complete
Loose Lips in the Tavern by nickdaman6 reviews
Ah, so you wish to hear another tale? The one before did not satisfy you? Of course not, you are an inquisitive one, after all. Well, there are more tales to tell about the Octopath Travelers, before their journey ended, before they defeated the darkness that plagued Orsterra. An adventure? Not as much as one would think, but a tale of their bonds. It all starts in a cold tavern...
Octopath Traveler - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 45 - Words: 104,795 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 46 - Updated: 10/9/2022 - Published: 10/4/2018 - Primrose, Alfyn, Ophilia, Therion - Complete
Operation: Red Herring by Kahli Stank reviews
Thorn Princess, the best assassin Garden has at their disposal. Twilight, the greatest spy Wise has ever seen. Both are protecting their respective countries interest, and both will do whatever it takes to see their job completed. They are both the greatest in their fields of expertise, working for rival countries. So, it was only a matter of time before they crossed paths.
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 30,828 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 129 - Updated: 9/13/2022 - Published: 6/3/2022 - Anya Forger, Loid Forger/Twilight, Yor Briar/Thorn Princess
As Your Wife by Eronald reviews
After catching a rubber bullet for Nightfall, Twilight scores some heavy bruising. Later in the evening, Yor, wrapped up in her sad overthinking, catches sight of Loid exiting the bathroom. Stunned and concerned, Yor tries her best to be a good wife, and tends to Loid's battle scars. Post-Chapter 34.
Spy x Family - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,615 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 80 - Published: 8/17/2022 - [Yor Briar/Thorn Princess, Loid Forger/Twilight] Anya Forger - Complete
Coming of Dawn (The Chosen Twins Book 1) by Courtesy Trefflin reviews
Growing up a slave, even with a twin, has not been easy for Anakin Skywalker. When Qui-Gon and Padme appear needing help, his sister is as willing to assist as he is. Even if Anakin wins his freedom, what about Aniya? Will they both be allowed to become Jedi? The twins both have darkness, and the Council can feel it... NOT A REGULAR FANFIC WHERE ANAKIN HAS A TWIN!*full plot inside*
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 70,708 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 151 - Follows: 139 - Updated: 7/18/2022 - Published: 9/11/2020 - Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon J., Padmé Amidala, OC - Complete
Trails of True Steel by Manu259 reviews
A retelling of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel with some personal twists. ReanxFie and possibly other pairings. And yes I am this bad at summaries but not so much at actually writing. I hope you enjoy!
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 303,988 - Reviews: 160 - Favs: 212 - Follows: 234 - Updated: 6/26/2022 - Published: 9/1/2017 - [Rean S., Fie C.]
The Anomaly by sarahwrites1234 reviews
Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi and Padawan Ahsoka Tano are shocked to discover an impossibly high concentration of force sensitives on a desolate, backwater planet in the outer rim. Something weird is happening on Tatooine, and they will get to the bottom of it. Meanwhile on Tatooine, there is a slave who has gotten exceptionally good at podracing, and the Hutts have taken notice.
Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 140 - Words: 171,989 - Reviews: 221 - Favs: 257 - Follows: 255 - Updated: 6/18/2022 - Published: 8/19/2021 - [Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala] Obi-Wan K., Ahsoka T. - Complete
Trails of Tempered Steel by Alexxer
Rean Schwarzer has always been an insecure boy, and surely there were enough reasons for him to be like that, but now as he starts his new life at Thors Military Academy he sees an oportunity to be a new person, more assertive, confident... or at least fake it until he makes it.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 221,933 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 36 - Published: 6/16/2022 - [Rean S., Laura S. A.] - Complete
What now? by 3laxx reviews
But Hunter couldn't sleep and Luz couldn't sleep and it seemed a time as good as ever to be putting the question out there when it was just the two of them. - The Day of Unity is over, and the gang is trapped in the human realm. Some Late Night Conversations are inevitable.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,449 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 15 - Published: 6/15/2022 - [Luz N., Amity B.] Camila N., Hunter/Golden Guard - Complete
Masks of Love and War by Mr. Spinner reviews
Under the apprenticeship of the Plant Coven, Willow is determined to help her friends in the Owl House resist the hold of Emperor Belos. And with her beloved Hunter - the Golden Guard - at her back, what could stand in her way? Many foes will try, that is certain. Will our prodigies make it through what lies ahead, together? Sequel to "When Marigolds Bloom." R&R
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 102,855 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 6/7/2022 - Published: 12/31/2021 - [Willow, Hunter/Golden Guard] - Complete
fingers in a fist like you might run by cacticouch reviews
post hollow mind, hunter runs out into the woods knowing everything he's ever been told is a lie. a certain pair of head witches find him mid-panic attack, and do what they can to help. [spoilers for hollow mind]
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,719 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 7 - Published: 4/24/2022 - Hunter/Golden Guard - Complete
Trust & Betrayal by atheistbasementdragon reviews
An alternative take on the 2nd night in the house of Megumin's parents during the Konosuba film. Dramatic rather than comedic. Kazuma and Megumin have been through a lot in their short association, but the plots of a parent test the bonds of friendship and comradery, and leave Megumin knowing who she can trust, and who she can't.
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 18 - Words: 44,655 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 182 - Follows: 224 - Updated: 4/9/2022 - Published: 1/15/2021 - Megumin, Kazuma S.
From Amphibia to the Boiling Isles by Mando Whisky reviews
Sasha and Grime have to get back to Earth to stop Andrias. But a screw up with the Calamity box lands them in a realm of witches and demons known as The Boiling Isles. And they might need help from a certain human witch
Crossover - Amphibia & Owl House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 10 - Words: 47,886 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 2/23/2022 - Published: 1/1/2022 - Sasha, Grime, Luz N., Eda - Complete
Imperator: Vas Bellicosum by CombatTombat reviews
War is coming to New Rome. When a Son of Neptune, Percy Jackson, arrives at the camp, no one knows what to expect, least of all Jason Grace, his newly found cousin. Determined to survive the coming bloodshed, the legion adapts to this new and dangerous duo. With a dark future on the horizon, only the Fates know what is coming. Imperator Jackson Series, Book 1. Roman!Percy. Preyna!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 27 - Words: 74,837 - Reviews: 787 - Favs: 2,781 - Follows: 1,796 - Updated: 1/20/2022 - Published: 9/29/2018 - [Percy J., Reyna R.] [Jason G., Piper M.] - Complete
Imperator: Filii Deorum by CombatTombat reviews
Jason Grace is missing, kidnapped from New Rome with no one knowing how it happened. His cousin, Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune, is going crazy trying to find him. But as new threats rise, Percy finds out that not all is as it seems, and that his search for his cousin may have to wait while he handles these new threats, both internal and external. Sequel to Vas Bellicosum.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 28 - Words: 156,058 - Reviews: 2291 - Favs: 3,216 - Follows: 2,891 - Updated: 1/20/2022 - Published: 2/14/2019 - [Percy J., Reyna R.] [Jason G., Piper M.] - Complete
Go Into the Water by CombatTombat reviews
Percy's known he was different since the day he was born. Normal people couldn't breathe underwater, or lift cruise ships above their heads. When he was six, he learned the truth of his heritage. Atlantean, his mother told him. She didn't tell him the trouble being a half-Atlantean would bring him in life, but then again, how could she have known that it would kill her? On Hiatus
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 43 - Words: 154,899 - Reviews: 1379 - Favs: 1,916 - Follows: 2,137 - Updated: 1/20/2022 - Published: 12/14/2019 - Annabeth C., Percy J., Artemis, Jason G.
Another Chance by parallaxyt reviews
The Giant War has been lost by the gods. With demigods being hunted left and right and the balance of power tipped, Percy Jackson is given an option to travel to the past and redo everything with a companion of his choosing. Watch Percy as he tries to save everyone without alerting the crazy, paranoid gods, titans, and primordials alike along with his companion, a virgin man-hater.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 103,830 - Reviews: 399 - Favs: 1,429 - Follows: 1,697 - Updated: 1/16/2022 - Published: 11/22/2020 - [Percy J., Artemis]
The Primal Prince by The Eternal Winter reviews
Aaravos refused to be captured by his enemies, his last act of defiance was to seal his soul into his most valuable possession, known as the Key of Aaravos. Centuries later a young Callum comes across a strange artifact in the Banther Lodge and releases the spirit of the greatest Elven Archmage to have ever existed. AU, Canon Divergent.
Dragon Prince - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 20 - Words: 203,796 - Reviews: 632 - Favs: 1,066 - Follows: 1,152 - Updated: 1/12/2022 - Published: 7/22/2019 - [Callum, Rayla] Prince Ezran, Aaravos
When Marigolds Bloom by Mr. Spinner reviews
Feelings can sprout from the strangest conditions. When the Golden Guard goes undercover at Hexside to find a source of wild magic, he is surprised to find the adorable witch who commands it. And as he tries to understand, he feels himself drawn dangerously close. And all the while, Willow begins to understand why Amity and Luz act the way they do. R&R!
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 100,239 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 12/3/2021 - Published: 7/30/2021 - [Hunter/Golden Guard, Willow] Luz N. - Complete
Luz Clawthorne Book 1: Hexside's Number One Delinquent Witch by JP-Ryder reviews
Owl House AU: Luz was only a baby when she was rescued by Eda. Raised under her, Luz Clawthorne grew to be quite the trouble-maker. Will contain some swearing. Also on AO3. Beta-Reader credit to BuckJohnson. Now has a TV Tropes Page.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 395,251 - Reviews: 792 - Favs: 528 - Follows: 435 - Updated: 11/19/2021 - Published: 10/13/2020 - [Luz N., Amity B.] Eda - Complete
Percy Jackson and the fate of the Olympians by callumwilletts1010 reviews
What if a goddess found out about Percy before Grover and Chiron. How would that effect his life going forwards?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,177 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 11/18/2021 - Published: 11/15/2021 - Percy J., Artemis
Closing the Distance by Yurosoku
Summary: After five years of waiting for her professor to return, Empress Edelgard refuses to let him out of her sights. No matter what.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,588 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 11 - Published: 11/9/2021 - Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard - Complete
Of Balanced Stones by EldritchRaven reviews
Hunter occasionally is able to take time to escape from his duties as The Golden Guard, sometimes to just train alone in the woods. But, this new discovery in his training area leaves him questioning if it is time to move to a new area or let a new friend into his life.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 50 - Words: 104,070 - Reviews: 135 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 51 - Updated: 10/10/2021 - Published: 7/30/2021 - Willow, Hunter/Golden Guard - Complete
I Didn't Plan on Falling for You, But I'm Glad I Did by KnightCommander94 reviews
My neighbour is weird... but I'm glad that I got to know him.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,421 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 9/27/2021 - Published: 9/30/2020 - [Akira K./Ren A., Makoto N.] Sae N. - Complete
Visions of a Fairy Tale by SunlightSonata reviews
The concept of a dream was still something new to Altina, since she had never had one before enrolling in Class VII. So far, all of her experiences with them had been pleasant. After the events at the Gral, she begins to dream again. But instead of a pleasant happy dream, she comes face-to-face with another new experience: the phenomenon we know as a "nightmare". CS3/CS4 spoilers.
Legend of Heroes - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,476 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 3 - Published: 9/18/2021 - Altina O., Juna C. - Complete
Third Year Students by noctanerd18 reviews
Acting as a continuation to The Fleeting Comets, Nishikata and Takagi are finally public about being in a genuine relationship. They enter their last year of junior high with a promise made of working to enter the same high school for next year. That doesn't mean that the fun dates, study sessions, and teasing are anywhere close to the end though!
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 16,480 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 9/2/2021 - Published: 7/30/2020
A Queen's Request by Soron Rocket reviews
When Historia realises she must become pregnant to delay the plans of the Paradis Government, she is left with the impossible choice of selecting the father of her future child. There are many possible candidates, however Historia knows that there is only one set of genes which will give her child the very best chances of survival. The only problem is, will he consent to it?
Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 47 - Words: 269,409 - Reviews: 956 - Favs: 527 - Follows: 520 - Updated: 8/31/2021 - Published: 8/22/2018 - [Levi A., Historia R.] Eren Y., Hange Z.
Curiosity Broke the Scissors by Curious Kitsune654 reviews
Curiosity is both a good and bad thing. It can lead to discoveries that change the world, or leave you deep within danger's grasp. The phrase 'Curiosity killed the cat' exists for a reason after all. However, when Star let's her own curiosity get the best of her, she ends up causing something so much worse than that. (New Cover by Koniak007, full image on their deviantart)
Crossover - Naruto & Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 16 - Words: 59,176 - Reviews: 393 - Favs: 884 - Follows: 1,053 - Updated: 8/21/2021 - Published: 3/9/2018 - Naruto U., Star B.
The Last Adventure by taurusilver reviews
The Lost Hero trio wants to learn more about Percy Jackson and the last war. They found a book in the Big House written by the Muses. They read about the war, its unexpected outcome, events led to the war, the prophectic history. They learn more about their parents, their choices and all the unanswered questions. Set a week before Summer Solistice.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 33 - Words: 169,281 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 287 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 7/30/2021 - Published: 7/1/2021 - Annabeth C., Piper M., Jason G., Leo V. - Complete
The Tale Of Perseus: The Trojan War by Blitz2134 reviews
Having cemented his status as the greatest hero of all time and having gained immense respect in the divine world, Percy decides to take on a greater role in directly influencing the flow of mortal history, leading him to play a major part in the first great war of humanity- The Trojan War (Sequel to The Tale Of Perseus: Beginnings)(SEQUEL POSTED)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 31 - Words: 227,397 - Reviews: 655 - Favs: 955 - Follows: 821 - Updated: 7/26/2021 - Published: 12/3/2020 - [Percy J., Athena] Poseidon, Amphitrite - Complete
Healing by moonbird reviews
A direct sequel to 'Scars' Scars must be read first. The great hundred year war has finally ended! But there are a lot of loose ends to tie up. Colonies that are being broken up, former prisoners who is now to be set free. Dragons Fire Lord Zuko must keep a promise to. And a fire nation princess who has fallen into insanity, now in the care of a strange woman with golden eyes th
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 48 - Words: 98,842 - Reviews: 215 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 7/22/2021 - Published: 6/15/2021 - Aang, Zuko, Azula, Ursa - Complete
Scars by moonbird reviews
After Azula wounds Iroh in the three way battle between Azula, the avatar gang and Zuko. Zuko screams at the gang that they should leave them alone. But this time. The gang stands their ground. They are unable to just run away when someone clearly needs their help. Even if that person is their enemy.
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 181 - Words: 371,166 - Reviews: 612 - Favs: 552 - Follows: 371 - Updated: 7/10/2021 - Published: 1/3/2021 - Aang, Zuko, Iroh, Toph - Complete
A Joker's Panther by BlackDomus500 reviews
Being labeled can destroy somebody, but what if being labeled can be a blessing since finding a group of friends that's been labeled as well knows what you're going through and you can show your true mask to them especially to one who loves you for it. Snippets from the game's story focusing on Akira and Ann aka Joker and Panther.
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 41 - Words: 185,068 - Reviews: 287 - Favs: 467 - Follows: 467 - Updated: 7/9/2021 - Published: 7/5/2017 - [Akira K./Ren A., Ann T.] [Arsene, Carmen]
Our Week Off Together! by DancinKronoRequiem reviews
It's a free school week, but Amity Blight is forced to spend it away from home due to a horrible infestation. After a chance encounter, Luz offers her to stay over at the Owl House until the week is over. Anything to avoid being pestered by her twins, Amity accepts but soon learns the horror of sleeping in the same house with a wild witch and her crush.
Owl House - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 171,981 - Reviews: 207 - Favs: 472 - Follows: 457 - Updated: 6/6/2021 - Published: 8/15/2020 - [Amity B., Luz N.] King, Eda - Complete
We Bind Our Lives For Peace by Bright-Skies-Toni reviews
The Elf nations of Xadia and the Human Kingdoms have never known peace. However with the war coming to an end, a new era has begun where elves and humans will no longer be enemies. Through Prince Callum of Katolis and Princess Rayla of Lunaris, the fate of the future between humans and elves now rests upon their shoulders. Their lives bound to each other for peace. AU
Dragon Prince - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 21 - Words: 79,477 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 141 - Follows: 170 - Updated: 5/16/2021 - Published: 8/24/2019 - Callum, Rayla - Complete
Movie Night by eiranerys reviews
Shuann Week 2021 Day 3: Fairy Tale. It's movie night at the Amamiya household, and it's Anne's turn to pick the movie. The movie she selects is a classic by Destiny. It features a street rat trying to pretend to be royalty in order to impress the royal they've fallen in love with...
Persona Series - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,537 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/13/2021 - [Akira K./Ren A., Ann T.] OC - Complete
Ancestral Nightfall by KPRS4ever reviews
Many changes have come to Earthni since Astroida and her malicious attack. Now, there's a lot of rebuilding to do, along with many secrets and mysteries about Mewni's royal past needing to be uncovered. Could there be some discoveries that Star and Marco never would've guessed about?...and may there be consequences for finding them out?
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,273 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 4/7/2021 - Published: 1/17/2021 - Star B., Marco D., Tom, Janna
Byleth: Peculiar Professor by Waywatcher reviews
Byleth is anything but a normal teacher, much to the chagrin of his students.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 49,149 - Reviews: 321 - Favs: 1,668 - Follows: 1,733 - Updated: 2/26/2021 - Published: 7/31/2019 - Avatar/Byleth, Mercedes
When the Sun Rose by Bardock's Headband reviews
Sequel for Walking Towards the Sunset. Since the defeat of Kid Buu, the Z Fighters have all taken different paths for power. Only a Saiyan from the sky, the God of Destruction, a visitor from the future, the Pendulum Room, fusions, and the resurrection of the source of Bardock's hatred can bring them all together. Yup. Just another normal day. (Tarble - GokuBlack/Xenoverse).
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 33 - Words: 170,738 - Reviews: 728 - Favs: 703 - Follows: 730 - Updated: 1/1/2021 - Published: 7/10/2015 - [Gohan, Videl] Goku, Bardock
Dreams Come From the Heart by stringdog reviews
Third installment in the 'Hearts' Series. Back in Pallet Town, Ash and Dawn are taking a break but the yearning for adventure has them already thinking about what their next one will be. What will it be? Where will they go? All they know is that they will go on it together. New challenges, rivals and Pokemon face our heroes as they try to make their dreams a reality. Pearlshipping.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 67 - Words: 620,000 - Reviews: 441 - Favs: 231 - Follows: 165 - Updated: 12/25/2020 - Published: 5/30/2020 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari] - Complete
Star Vs The Santa Fraud by KPRS4ever reviews
Christmas Eve had arrived on Earthni for the first time, and Mariposa needed a good Christmas story to hear from Star and Marco before going to bed. What story can be better told than the story of Star's very first Christmas on Earth! Star learns so much about Christmas, including Santa Clause, who Star thinks isn't as great as everyone says he is.
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,680 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 11 - Published: 12/24/2020 - Complete
The Tale of Perseus: Beginnings by Blitz2134 reviews
Set in the world of Ancient Greece before the first gigantomachy, Percy loses his mother at a young age and is brought up under the tutelage of his father to face the Gigantes, the children of Gaea and Tartarus. (Eventual Percy X Athena) (SEQUEL POSTED)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 31 - Words: 162,354 - Reviews: 410 - Favs: 1,407 - Follows: 1,030 - Updated: 12/3/2020 - Published: 7/26/2020 - Percy J., Poseidon, Amphitrite - Complete
Trouble with love by Axis29 reviews
Takagi-San has a bad habit of teasing Nishikata a lot, even going so far as to admit that she can't help it, but what effect will this have on Nishikata? Will he even be able to believe her if she were to say that she loves him? Or will he just think she's teasing him more? What ends would she have to go to in order to convince him that her feelings are real?
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 37,922 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 47 - Updated: 11/29/2020 - Published: 8/17/2020 - [Nishikata, Takagi] - Complete
The Carrier of Nine by BetaMayhem reviews
Naruto Uzumaki has emerged victorious in his latest scuffle with the powers of that be...but it doesn't stop there. In the wake of Percy's most recent "School Attempt", another trial steps into his path...is it so simple? Things are never so simple as this...whats going to happen? What new calamity will make its presence known? Only one question is on Naruto's mind..is there Ramen?
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,357 - Reviews: 357 - Favs: 1,776 - Follows: 2,255 - Updated: 11/19/2020 - Published: 2/24/2018
Mercenary by Maddy02 reviews
Jeralt knew better than to run from the Knights of Seiros; but he wouldn't expose his daughter to Rhea before he had to. After saving the house leaders Byleth leads the company to the job in the Kingdom, returning to Garreg Mach much later. OR: Byleth gets her own damn route. [White Clouds AU, Spoilers for all routes.]
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 26 - Words: 85,319 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 248 - Follows: 225 - Updated: 11/18/2020 - Published: 3/12/2020 - Avatar/Byleth, Sothis, Jeralt - Complete
How to Take an Empire by LadyDae reviews
Instead of leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka stays and is present for the fallout of her master's fall to the dark side, the fall of the Jedi Order, and the rise of the Empire. But rather than trying to turn Anakin Skywalker from the dark side, Ahsoka decides to help him destroy Darth Sidious and take over the Empire. As a Jedi. They always were better as a team.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 86 - Words: 322,639 - Reviews: 935 - Favs: 1,516 - Follows: 1,245 - Updated: 10/19/2020 - Published: 12/23/2019 - [Darth Vader, Ahsoka T.] Luke S., Leia O. - Complete
Umbral Earth by LexorLie reviews
When the river of time is blocked and forced to cycle, the impossible becomes possible and those who should not exist will emerge from beneath Fate's foam. Or in other words, what happens when someone from Earth gets merged with Byleth and tries to reach a golden ending. A semi-serious story about a guy trying to game the system and save everybody. As for how that ends up, well…
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 92 - Words: 386,211 - Reviews: 664 - Favs: 762 - Follows: 866 - Updated: 9/14/2020 - Published: 10/2/2019 - Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard, Sothis
Devil Ninja by The Engulfing Silence reviews
Thrown into a new world, Naruto Uzumaki does what he does best: cause as much chaos as possible while climbing to the top. Hokage may be out of his reach, but that doesn't mean he can't set a new goal for his life.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 65 - Words: 921,661 - Reviews: 6877 - Favs: 12,494 - Follows: 11,931 - Updated: 8/28/2020 - Published: 10/18/2013 - Naruto U., Rias G., T. Koneko - Complete
When Two Worlds Collide by KPRS4ever reviews
Earth and Mewni have now merged into one; all because of a rebel mewman princess and human safe-kid's love for one another (and of course, magic)! Now that they live in...well, sort of a brand new world, Star and Marco have many new adventures in store! However, one question remains. Are they ready for what is coming their way?
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 38 - Words: 191,546 - Reviews: 321 - Favs: 363 - Follows: 339 - Updated: 7/25/2020 - Published: 5/23/2019 - Star B., Marco D., Pony Head, Janna - Complete
Confidante by TheRealThing reviews
What if Obi-Wan knew about Anakin's marriage? An AU story starting just before Revenge of the Sith.
Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 53 - Words: 114,689 - Reviews: 729 - Favs: 923 - Follows: 721 - Updated: 7/17/2020 - Published: 1/27/2019 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka T. - Complete
The Fleeting Comets by noctanerd18 reviews
Taking place after the fireworks festival, Nishikata discovers that Takagi has a soft spot for a band known as "The Fleeting Comets". When he begins to work for the money to buy tickets to a concert, he begins to realize over time he truly could be falling in love as holding hands isn't the least common thing in their so called "Friendship" anymore.
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 62,773 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 6/18/2020 - Published: 6/1/2020 - Complete
Home Is Where the Heart Is by stringdog reviews
Sequel to 'Follow Your Heart.' Ash and Dawn have found each other but the question is what to do now? Deciding to head home to Pallet Town, Ash and Dawn return to where it all began for Ash with a few adventures and reunions along the way. New challenges and new rivals arise as Ash and Dawn start their journey together. Can they handle what is to come? Pearlshipping.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 42,042 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 91 - Updated: 5/25/2020 - Published: 5/20/2020 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari] - Complete
Follow Your Heart by stringdog reviews
Dawn has left Unova for the Wallace Cup but something is missing. She is missing a certain raven-haired trainer. The same can be said for Ash and a blue-haired coordinator. They know that they have separate paths, for now. What happens when their current paths end? What is next? Only time will tell but one this is for certain, the heart always wins in the end. Pearlshipping.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 6 - Words: 22,987 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 262 - Follows: 137 - Updated: 5/19/2020 - Published: 5/14/2020 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Dawn/Hikari] - Complete
RE: We Defeated the Devil King, But Now Our Daily Life is Compromised by BoringBone reviews
Because accelerated plot progression is to FanFiction as long titles starting with 'RE:' are to Light Novels. Kazuma and his vibrant cohorts, through their primary means of victory: sheer luck and guile, somehow manage to kill the Devil King, who just happened to be around in the neighborhood. Humorous ramifications abound. COMPLETE
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 47 - Words: 412,890 - Reviews: 776 - Favs: 1,465 - Follows: 1,410 - Updated: 4/3/2020 - Published: 7/30/2017 - Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, Kazuma S. - Complete
The Venator by Nerym reviews
Arthur is the secretly adopted son of Artemis. He was trained by the Hunters and the Legion to become the best monster hunter ever. He plays a secret role in both wars, even saving the Savior of Olympus a few times. When he is revealed as the son of Artemis, how will everyone react? Also, will a new prophecy end with the final destruction of Olympus? All PJO characters are Rick's.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 34 - Words: 116,913 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 445 - Follows: 416 - Updated: 9/6/2019 - Published: 10/13/2015 - [OC, Reyna R.] Artemis - Complete
There's always a star and a hoodie by EVAunit42 reviews
A series of Alternate Universes (AU with a few in the canon universe) mostly one shots with a few multi-parters all about that Starco.
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 113 - Words: 635,815 - Reviews: 2046 - Favs: 666 - Follows: 607 - Updated: 6/15/2019 - Published: 6/26/2015 - Star B., Marco D.
Beyond One's Control by Seng reviews
A person creates his own path through life; he doesn't walk down an already paved road. This idea was one Naruto had built his life around. Maybe he should have realized he's on a river. Thrust into a strange world, he's forced to balance raising a child and finding meaning in life as he struggles with why he was even sent in the first place.
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 32,820 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 385 - Follows: 504 - Updated: 6/13/2019 - Published: 2/28/2016 - [Naruto U., Levy M.] Wendy M.
The Sage of the Wild by BetaMayhem reviews
Naruto has emerged victorious in the Fourth Shinobi world, but not without its sacrifices. Suddenly, he is pulled from his world, meets a god, and is left with a mission with a due date he knows nothing about, in a world he doesn't understand, with only a desperate hope to return home. Can he manage it? Can he succeed in a world of meddling Gods, with only the Bijuu as his allies?
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 30 - Words: 92,490 - Reviews: 1441 - Favs: 4,669 - Follows: 4,250 - Updated: 4/28/2019 - Published: 9/9/2017 - Naruto U. - Complete
She is a wild Flower by KARORUKI reviews
When he meets her, he thought she was like the blond princess... Actually, he would never have thought that a flower could be that wild though. [Hint of Luigi x Daisy]
Mario - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,843 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/10/2019 - Luigi, Daisy - Complete
Phantom Stardust by ChroniclerWabba reviews
Akira Kurusu. Ann Takamaki. Two young high school students turned daring Phantom Thieves, stealing the malice out of the hearts of the corrupt to protect the innocent. The Joker and the Panther fight onward against darkness, their friendship and camaraderie leading them to adventure, danger, and something intimate only they share. [Language/lewd content.]
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 60 - Words: 479,538 - Reviews: 387 - Favs: 1,164 - Follows: 930 - Updated: 3/12/2019 - Published: 4/19/2017 - [Akira K./Ren A., Ann T.] The Reaper - Complete
Dead Man Walking by seagate reviews
The Kyuubi Chakra was split into two halves and sealed into Naruto's sisters, the Yang into Erza, and the Yin into Mito. But there was another being there that night, and three possible hosts. Minato was able to survive the sealing by changing the seal at the last minute, not realizing his mistake until years later. First six chapters adopted from Jinx777.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 177,941 - Reviews: 1492 - Favs: 4,560 - Follows: 4,870 - Updated: 3/8/2019 - Published: 1/2/2017 - Naruto U.
It All Comes Out by Vrt2ous.Cabbage reviews
She didn't fancy herself with cheap fairy-tale thinking, but she only felt a certain way when she was around him— She figured her heart must be telling her something. He certainly didn't believe in love at first sight, but being with Daisy fit outside this category. The question, then: Do they finally get together? Only one way to find out. Strict Luaisy/Peario pairings. Rated K.
Mario - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,918 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/15/2019 - [Luigi, Daisy] - Complete
No More Forgiveness by The Masked Otaku reviews
*REMASTERED* Tired of an absent father, Gohan reaches a breaking point when Goku abruptly leaves his family to train with Uub. As the family deals with this issue, what happens when Goku comes back for a visit?
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 38 - Words: 108,004 - Reviews: 958 - Favs: 881 - Follows: 588 - Updated: 8/14/2018 - Published: 1/28/2009 - Goku, Gohan, Chi-Chi, Videl - Complete
Mutual feelings by Firecadet reviews
After a mission nearly goes tragically wrong during the last weeks of the Clone Wars, Anakin and Ahsoka discover that they mean more to each other than just Master and Padawan. Their discovery is set against the dying spasms of a galactic war, and amidst the machinations of Chancellor Palpatine. AU. Complete.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 35 - Words: 87,769 - Reviews: 156 - Favs: 460 - Follows: 371 - Updated: 6/14/2018 - Published: 8/17/2015 - [Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka T.] Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala - Complete
The Legacy of the Most Unpredictable Ninja by RekkingPride reviews
After checking up on a strange rift in space and time, Naruto ended up in a foreign land where new allies and enemies await. However, his wish to bring peace to his home still resonated...so he will do everything he can to return home, no matter what! 3 Crossovers mixed right, with a 4th on the way. A new narrative with believable characters! Strong!Naruto and mostly in-character!
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 47 - Words: 684,062 - Reviews: 3646 - Favs: 5,733 - Follows: 5,707 - Updated: 6/8/2018 - Published: 8/7/2015 - Naruto U.
The Escaped Titan by Izzybella12 reviews
Perseus, son of Atlas, needs help. Stripped of his immortality, he is hunted by Artemis for refusing Aphrodite's advances. With the help of a wayward Olympian, he hides away, partially immortal, trying to get back to his family and tell them he's alright. But when a hunter of Artemis is threatened, will Perseus choose to give himself away and save her? AU. OOC sorry!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 40 - Words: 130,101 - Reviews: 982 - Favs: 2,138 - Follows: 1,819 - Updated: 4/18/2018 - Published: 9/30/2017 - Percy J., Zoë N., Atlas - Complete
Cop and Robber by L.C. Li reviews
Niijima Makoto is tasked to take down the Phantom Thieves. Spoiler alert: She gets her heart stolen. — Police!Makoto. Akira:Makoto.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 50 - Words: 110,177 - Reviews: 877 - Favs: 1,427 - Follows: 1,002 - Updated: 1/27/2018 - Published: 4/10/2017 - [Makoto N., Akira K./Ren A.] - Complete
Reading: Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian III: The Argonauts by Engineer4Ever reviews
The final reading of the long awaited trilogy. Watch as the cast of PJO read on about the second Titanomachy.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 71,800 - Reviews: 364 - Favs: 1,334 - Follows: 1,195 - Updated: 1/27/2018 - Published: 12/18/2014 - Naruto U., Thalia G., Percy J., Annabeth C.
Looking Glass by Random Flyer reviews
AU. "The village is being attacked," Sarutobi said against his better judgment, he was taking too long as it was, too long away from the front lines. "You are one of the goals of this attack, Naruto, so I'm going to send you somewhere I believe you will be safe." Rating may change. Please R&R. Complete.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 25 - Words: 144,645 - Reviews: 1212 - Favs: 2,922 - Follows: 2,642 - Updated: 8/31/2017 - Published: 9/26/2012 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Rin, Minato N. - Complete
Of Heists and Hustles by IronicSnap reviews
The world's largest gemstone has arrived in Zootopia! Sly wants to steal it. Judy wants an adventure. Nick just wants his partner to survive to the end of the week. Things are complicated by a foxy Interpol inspector and a rival gang led by a dangerous, shadowy mastermind. As new relationships are forged, old ones begin to strain...
Crossover - Sly Cooper & Zootopia - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Crime - Chapters: 21 - Words: 78,809 - Reviews: 120 - Favs: 239 - Follows: 161 - Updated: 12/1/2016 - Published: 4/9/2016 - Sly C., Carmelita F., Judy H., Nick W. - Complete
Naruto: Son of the Forger, Champion of the Wise by Spirit Soldier reviews
Okay, you saw ones where Naruto is the son of Hades, Artemis, Apollo or a made up god. But what if he is the son of the forger and is the champion of goddess of intelligence? What will be his role? Protector? Trainer? Hero? Either Naruto/Thalia or Naruto/Harem. Slight Aphrodite Bashing, Guilty Hera. Completed. Sequel is up.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 108,580 - Reviews: 745 - Favs: 2,772 - Follows: 2,196 - Updated: 10/22/2016 - Published: 7/12/2014 - Naruto U., Athena, Hephaestus, Thalia G. - Complete
End Game Version R by Kur0Kishi reviews
There were very few things that could rile a 25 year old Naruto Uzumaki up. He was perfectly content to sit in his home, work his normal job, study at a normal school, and in his free time, tinker (read: upgrade in a potentially life endangering manner) with whatever happened to catch his interest. This obviously did not include Devils, or Angels, or Fallen Angels.
Crossover - Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 237,320 - Reviews: 4377 - Favs: 8,831 - Follows: 8,543 - Updated: 7/10/2016 - Published: 6/10/2013 - Naruto U., Serafall L.
I Was Blind Before I Saw the World Through Your Eyes by longingparadise reviews
Shikamaru always knew that he would marry a girl from another village. When he is twelve, he finds out that her name is Naruto. When he is sixteen, Naruto comes to Konoha. ShikaFemNaru, ArrangedMarriage!AU, Rated M for chapters to come
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 92,888 - Reviews: 1319 - Favs: 3,512 - Follows: 3,687 - Updated: 4/22/2016 - Published: 5/21/2015 - [Naruto U., Shikamaru N.] Naruko U.
The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi by FoxboroSalts reviews
Naruto knew something was up the moment he landed in the strange forest; being sucked into the sky should have been his first clue. How's a shinobi supposed to adapt to such a strange new environment? Easy, one step at a time. Status: Indefinite Hiatus.
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 230,948 - Reviews: 1544 - Favs: 3,316 - Follows: 3,275 - Updated: 3/11/2016 - Published: 9/29/2010 - Naruto U., Carla, Wendy M.
Hero of Heaven by HistorianoftheKais reviews
To save an entire world from a mad man, one goddess has given the Kages a means to send Naruto to another realm. Will Naruto be able to discover Kushina's divine identity and can he survive the challenges of being her son?
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 40 - Words: 213,189 - Reviews: 2589 - Favs: 5,245 - Follows: 4,654 - Updated: 1/23/2016 - Published: 1/1/2013 - Naruto U. - Complete
Walking Towards the Sunset by Bardock's Headband reviews
Bardock's curse sends him to a mysterious place where weaklings are abundant and an odd trio claim to be his family. Eventually giving in, he stays with them to discover that Earth is more unlucky than Planet Vegeta. Impatiently waiting for his son's arrival, Bardock has to survive a new life with his estranged family and a certain girl set on finding the truth. (Saiyaman-Buu Saga)
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 28 - Words: 169,864 - Reviews: 629 - Favs: 1,389 - Follows: 815 - Updated: 1/6/2016 - Published: 4/4/2015 - [Gohan, Videl] Chi-Chi, Bardock - Complete
The First Son of Artemis by domgk115 reviews
Jay was just a boy from Minnesota, he enjoyed, hunting, climbing trees, being in the forest. However when he meets a strange blonde haired girl, with a knife in her bag on his first day at his new school in New York his life is about to change. He isn't just Jay from Minnesota, he is Jay, the demi-god. HOWEVER he isn't just Jay the demi-god, he is Jay the first ever son of Artemis
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 95,963 - Reviews: 242 - Favs: 761 - Follows: 591 - Updated: 11/14/2015 - Published: 8/30/2015 - Percy J., Artemis, Zoë N., OC - Complete
Offshoot by Dailydour reviews
An offshoot side story of Deal with the Hyuuga clan. WARNING: This is a cheating fiction. If you are uncomfortable with that don't read. DISCONTINUED
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,632 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 268 - Follows: 222 - Updated: 6/18/2015 - Published: 8/23/2014 - Naruto U., Hanabi H.
Blitzkrieg by livezinshadowz reviews
One-shot, sequel to "The Cost of Living" and "Checkmate". Kakuzu's decision and actions leave a window of opportunity for Naruto and the rest of Akatsuki to make a play...the last one, they hope. Strike hard and strike fast, or the opponent might be able to find a way to recover and push back.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,687 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 91 - Published: 2/15/2015 - [Fū, Naruto U.] Kakuzu, Akatsuki
Reading: Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian II: A Hero's Peril by Engineer4Ever reviews
The awaited sequel to Reading: Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian. The sequel is out, enjoy!
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 32 - Words: 269,234 - Reviews: 693 - Favs: 1,508 - Follows: 1,010 - Updated: 12/18/2014 - Published: 4/5/2014 - Naruto U., Thalia G., Percy J., Annabeth C. - Complete
Intertwined Destinies by Anaklusmos14 reviews
Sequel to Altered Destinies. A new threat is on the rise. This time a Primordial Goddess and her children are preparing for their own war against Olympus. Zeus has closed Olympus off from all contact with mortals. Two goddesses decide to put their own plan into action. My version of Heroes of Olympus. I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians or HoO. Complete!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 112,681 - Reviews: 2906 - Favs: 4,126 - Follows: 2,488 - Updated: 10/28/2014 - Published: 4/14/2013 - [Percy J., Zoë N.] [Annabeth C., Jason G.] - Complete
Twist of Fate by Candace Marie reviews
Sequel to Different Destiny. Fifteen years after the rise of the Empire, Anakin and Padme, Obi-Wan and Satine, and Ahsoka and Rex all have children in the Jedi Order. The Rebellion has taken sanctuary from the Empire but can it last? Will the Jedi stand in the face of new threats? When all seems lost can they carry on or will the Sith and his new weapon destroy all? Find out here!
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 49 - Words: 126,489 - Reviews: 273 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 183 - Updated: 9/27/2014 - Published: 11/10/2013 - Luke S., Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka T. - Complete
Bodyguard of Azula by Deus Swiftblade reviews
Naruto is banished from Konoha but gives them the slip and boards a ship. Soon after, he is shipwrecked on Ember island and is saved by Azula. Three years later, Naruto is Azula's bodyguard while she hunts for the Avatar, but did he see the last of Konoha?
Crossover - Naruto & Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 73 - Words: 777,075 - Reviews: 4571 - Favs: 6,768 - Follows: 4,888 - Updated: 4/17/2014 - Published: 4/18/2012 - Naruto U., Azula - Complete
Reading: Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian by Engineer4Ever reviews
A Reading of Bonesboy15's on going trilogy, Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian. Let's see how the Percy Jackson cast react to a new face in a conflict that has past for them. Post Son of Neptune. Sequel out!
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 190,703 - Reviews: 631 - Favs: 2,111 - Follows: 1,338 - Updated: 4/5/2014 - Published: 1/1/2014 - Complete
Different Destiny by Candace Marie reviews
In a stunning move, Anakin Skywalker leaves the Order with his padawan. What will happen to Obi-Wan and the rest of the Council without their Chosen One? How will this change the fate of the Republic and the Galaxy? Will the Jedi Order adapt and change or will they shun the Chosen One and his growing family? UPDATE: BEING REVISED!
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 75 - Words: 122,712 - Reviews: 471 - Favs: 1,040 - Follows: 694 - Updated: 2/8/2014 - Published: 8/11/2013 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka T. - Complete
Shinobi Amongst Godlings Book One by Tactition101 reviews
Take a son of Poseidon and add the chakra and experience of a century old wind using Jinchurikki. Let the pwnage begin.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 17 - Words: 86,614 - Reviews: 177 - Favs: 1,457 - Follows: 947 - Updated: 1/28/2014 - Published: 1/24/2014 - Complete
Checkmate by livezinshadowz reviews
One-shot, "The Cost of Living" sequel. In a world where Pein's ideal of peace is a tentative thing overseen by Naruto, Kakuzu mulls over his life's work and what his next move should be. When he's given a second opportunity to instruct a young mind, Kakuzu makes a decision that surprises even him, the repercussions of which are bound to have long-lasting effects for the world.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,199 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 292 - Follows: 119 - Published: 1/12/2014 - Naruto U., Kakuzu - Complete
The Boy in the Park by Shadenight123 reviews
Naruko Uzumaki found a boy in the Park who didn't immediately spurn her. From there nothing changes, yet everything does. Proof that an OC doesn't need to be powerful or even a Shinobi to make a difference...and proof that I can write something different from Angst. Fem-Naruto. Oc.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 78 - Words: 106,710 - Reviews: 894 - Favs: 2,022 - Follows: 1,099 - Updated: 9/2/2013 - Published: 7/14/2013 - Naruko U., OC - Complete
Son Of The Huntress: The Sea Of Monsters by SoulReaperCrewe reviews
Returning to Camp Half Blood for another summer, Naruto and friends are given a quest to find and bring back the fabled Golden Fleece which lies somewhere within the dreaded Sea of Monsters in order to heal Thalia's tree and to stop the Camp and their home from being destroyed. Part of the Unfinished Huntress Stories. Reuploaded for loyal readers to enjoy.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 65,535 - Reviews: 1557 - Favs: 2,704 - Follows: 1,687 - Updated: 5/23/2013 - Published: 12/22/2012 - Naruto U., Silena B. - Complete
Altered Destinies by Anaklusmos14 reviews
Instead of a somewhat happy childhood with his mother, Percy is orphaned and on the streets by the age of ten. Found and taken in by the most unlikely of gods, Percy is raised to be the greatest demigod to ever live. His past has left him bitter towards all but a few. Will he still be ready to accept his destiny? AU of Percy's life. Complete!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 125,790 - Reviews: 3640 - Favs: 7,990 - Follows: 4,415 - Updated: 4/14/2013 - Published: 3/18/2013 - [Zoë N., Percy J.] Annabeth C., Hades - Complete
The Cost of Living by livezinshadowz reviews
My response to pudgypudge's Jiongu challenge. Watch as Naruto is mentored by Kakuzu to become a powerful ninja and bounty hunter, and follow him as he discovers that his new life requires a payment in blood to live successfully. Jiongu!Naruto; Naruto/Fū. Sequels up.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 199,952 - Reviews: 1225 - Favs: 3,811 - Follows: 2,484 - Updated: 12/28/2012 - Published: 3/20/2010 - [Naruto U., Fū] Kakuzu, Akatsuki - Complete
Son of the Huntress: The Lightning Thief by SoulReaperCrewe reviews
After being brought to the world of the Olympians Naruto discovers he is the son of a goddess and therefore a half blood. But Zeus's Master Bolt goes missing and Naruto joins Percy Jackson into returning the bolt to the King of the Gods before time runs out. Part of the Unfinished Huntress Stories. Reuploaded for loyal readers to enjoy.
Crossover - Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 65,535 - Reviews: 1335 - Favs: 3,870 - Follows: 2,337 - Updated: 12/21/2012 - Published: 8/12/2012 - Naruto U., Silena B. - Complete
When the Moon Fades by imaginexwriter9 reviews
TLT Ever since the fire destroyed his only home and family, Seth Hunter has held a deep hatred against the goddess who caused it all: the one and only Artemis, who unknowingly, is also his mother. Not your typical child of Artemis story. PJATO belongs to Rick Riordan. Going through rewrite/revision.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 99,122 - Reviews: 180 - Favs: 689 - Follows: 386 - Updated: 9/16/2012 - Published: 11/17/2011 - Annabeth C., Percy J., Artemis, OC - Complete
Twist of Fate by jazzpha reviews
AU. Lu Ten survived the Siege of Ba Sing Se, and the Earth Kingdom fell. Iroh rules the Fire Nation, but his reign does not go unquestioned. Meanwhile, a new Avatar is found in the South... and Princess Azula's idea of a prank changes everything. Zutara.
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 156,084 - Reviews: 586 - Favs: 1,237 - Follows: 562 - Updated: 12/24/2011 - Published: 8/9/2011 - [Zuko, Katara] [Azula, OC] - Complete
Broken Bow Book 5: The Lost Prince by Xed Alpha reviews
As the most dangerous adventure of his life begins, Armani is tasked with not only a journey of self-discovery, but a challenge to recover something so elusive, that his path will take him further than he ever imagined possible... Beta by Shrrgnien. Winner of the Phoenix Best OC Award.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 104,050 - Reviews: 466 - Favs: 718 - Follows: 324 - Updated: 12/12/2011 - Published: 12/18/2010 - Artemis, Apollo - Complete
Broken Bow Book 4: A Boy Called Artemis by Xed Alpha reviews
Lost, stranded and alone in a strange alternate reality. Armani Dove's only hope of ever returning home rests solely in the hands of a young Irish criminal mastermind who shares his mother's name. Beta by Shrrgnien. Winner of the Veritas OC Award.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 84,193 - Reviews: 346 - Favs: 671 - Follows: 241 - Updated: 10/16/2010 - Published: 8/1/2010 - Artemis - Complete
Broken Bow Book 3: Counterpart by Xed Alpha reviews
The son of Artemis meets his match and in the process is forced to juggle married life, an old flame, some interfering gods and a mission to prevent the total collapse of the universe. So, yeah... An average day for Armani. Beta by Shrrgnien.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 72,090 - Reviews: 390 - Favs: 734 - Follows: 254 - Updated: 7/18/2010 - Published: 4/11/2010 - Artemis - Complete
Broken Bow Book 2: Shadows of the Hunt by Xed Alpha reviews
Condemned to the insanity of Camp Half-Blood. Armani is swept up in an infuriating world of curious deities, resentful half-bloods, prophecies of doom and ghosts from the past. Why can't people leave him alone? Beta by Shrrgnien. Veritas OC Award Winner.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 87,843 - Reviews: 417 - Favs: 1,073 - Follows: 397 - Updated: 6/24/2010 - Published: 2/7/2010 - Artemis - Complete
Broken Bow by Xed Alpha reviews
An old fool's vengence forces Apollo to keep a huge and possibly devestating secret from Artemis for over a decade, a deception that she may never be able to forgive him for. Winner of the Veritas OC award. Ghost Writers Approved. Beta by Shrrgnien.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 40,691 - Reviews: 282 - Favs: 2,191 - Follows: 847 - Updated: 6/22/2010 - Published: 1/17/2010 - Artemis - Complete
It's For a Good Cause, I Swear! by Sarah1281 reviews
After receiving a time travel jutsu as payment for a mission, the original four members of Team 7 each get a chance to go back to one event in their life and change it. Surely they will use such an awesome power responsibly...right? Don't count on it.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 36 - Words: 114,594 - Reviews: 6717 - Favs: 15,178 - Follows: 6,378 - Updated: 3/5/2010 - Published: 9/28/2009 - Team Seven - Complete
Back to the Mat by daccu65 reviews
Sequel to 'Ron Goes to the Mat.' Kim and Ron start their new relationship while the techno-villain community struggles to adjust to the fallout from Drakken's Diablo attack. Chapter 51 added. It's done folks!
Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 51 - Words: 261,342 - Reviews: 471 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 12/31/2008 - Published: 5/18/2008 - Complete
Valentine's Surprise by Zaratan reviews
Bonnie has a secret admirer, and it leads to an interesting night on Valentine's Day. Of course, what happens when things progress farther than either expected? Not part of the Bonnie's Curse Universe. RonBon
Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 102,486 - Reviews: 653 - Favs: 468 - Follows: 255 - Updated: 9/18/2008 - Published: 2/4/2006 - Bonnie R., Ron S. - Complete
Ron Goes To The Mat by daccu65 reviews
AU for the events surrounding STD. Ron returns from Japan determined to better himself, in secret. How will this affect those closest to him? Chapters 62 and 63 added. And complete.
Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 63 - Words: 124,547 - Reviews: 442 - Favs: 311 - Follows: 128 - Updated: 3/28/2008 - Published: 1/20/2008 - Ron S. - Complete
Broken Hearts, Shattered Dreams by pudgypudge reviews
It's been three years since Sakura left Naruto and his son behind for Sasuke. Broken hearted, he cut himself off from society. Now his friends want him back in the fold, and a certain blonde has even grander plans for everyone's favorite jinchuuriki.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 119,792 - Reviews: 1893 - Favs: 4,510 - Follows: 1,956 - Updated: 2/20/2008 - Published: 11/8/2007 - Naruto U., Ino Y. - Complete
The Ronless Factor by Zaratan reviews
Ron is killed when an attempt on Kim's life goes wrong. But not even death can stop Ron from helping Kim, not even when the only one who can help him is Bonnie. Reposted with the permission of Scoutcraft Piratess
Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 36 - Words: 123,483 - Reviews: 571 - Favs: 256 - Follows: 117 - Updated: 1/7/2008 - Published: 6/2/2006 - Ron S., Kim P. - Complete
Where Did the Time Go? by Commander Argus reviews
Senior Year Part 2. Kim and Ron are making their final push to graduation. College aps, Tough classes...and the PROM, take 2 [COMPLETE]
Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 48 - Words: 152,814 - Reviews: 465 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 5/15/2006 - Published: 4/6/2006 - Kim P., Ron S. - Complete