Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. "Never Give A Man Your Heart, For He Will Return It To You With A Dagger Clean Through It." "Love is the best and worst feeling in the world..Anybody who has been both In and Out of it will agree." "The betryl of heartbreak is one thing that stays with you. It is better to embrace it and remember, (remember but not dwell on), the love that was there before the simple act of betrayl." "I always said I would never fall in Love, and when I did, I forgot why I said it. When I fell out, I remembered again. And I should've listened to myself... " Well, what can I say? I am Me. And proud of me, faults and all. I am the girl who sings at the top of her lungs knowing full well I couldn't hit the right note to save my life. I laugh at my mistakes, but learn from them all the same. I am extremely too curious for my own good, and will go through great lengths to satisfy my curiousity, even though I know perfectly well the consequences of doing so are very rarely half as rewarding as the journey itself. I learn the answers I want to know, and am satisfied with them. and That is what life is about, right? I would much rather be me than somebody else. I am the one who can laugh at herself for embarrassing herself in front of the guy she likes far too much (I have done this on several occasions, making men think I most Likely belong in a mental hospital), but at the same time, not caring, because its funny. What is life without a little bit of laughter? Sure I use to get detentions in high school for laughing in the middle of a lecture for something that happened last week, but its worth it to me...because i am alive. I hate religion too. Its hypocritical. No offense to people of the church, its just my opinion. Why do they lie? I personally think There are a couple of true sins that will land a person in hell, if there is such a place. Murdering a child, that will defintely get you there, in my opinion. Anything that has to do with permanitely harming a child in any way. I don't believe spankings on the bottom for little kids who should know better or slaps on the faces for teens who talk back disrespectfully to their parents (not too hard, mind) are too bad in extreme cases. I was punished this way, and I turned out quite well I think... Well, i've rambled quite enough i think... Ok-so My story What a year this will be is not abandoned..Just merely Having Writers block. My apologies :( |