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![]() Author has written 22 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, Sky High, Misc. Books, Moonlight, Robin Hood BBC, and Power Rangers. I originally made an account so I had a place to put my favorite stories and get the alerts for new chapters, instead of surfing all the categories I was interested in everyday (which was what I had been doing for months). However, I finally had the courage to write something in 2008 and I have not looked back. Writing is a release for me and sometimes as with my Stargate Atlantis stories that was what I was doing, getting a release from the rigors of senior year. Right now my muse seems to be focused on Power Rangers, which is great because I have fun writing it. At least I did, when I finally bit the bullet and forced myself to dabble in a fandom I was afraid to mess around in. Now, my longest story is a Jungle Fury chapter fic that I actually am very happy to be writing, even as I fight with my muse about how to write it. One of my loves in Fandom is (and always will be) Power Rangers. I used to only read Andros/Ashley centered stories as In Space was my favorite season and the two of them my favorite couple. Though Jungle Fury, RPM and Mystic Force have seemingly pushed my former love down the list. My cannon PR comes not from the show but Starandrea's "First" Series. As does my now canon view of RJ/Casey, hence Standing Ground. I started watching JF, however, because I first read DJRocca's, Ties That Bind, which ironically is Rily centered. I did not intend to become a Rasey fan but alas andrea or Starhawk (as she's known here) has had a pull on me since I discovered her wonderful writing. I also am a huge LOTR fan, hence all the recommended stories. I love reading Eomer and Lothiriel centered stories, which the majority of what I read is. I love to read Estel (young Aragorn) centered stories as well. I don't read much having to do with Romance with our favorite ranger, mostly friendship stuff like The Mellon Chronicles. Or stories like Eagle of the Star, that focus on his time elsewhere. I would love to beta if someone is in need of one. Just PM me if you are interested:) I am a fan of: BOOKS: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight Series, Blood and Chocolate, I also have recently fallen in love with the wonderful series of books by C.T Adams and Cathy Clamp called Tales of the Sazi-they are all some of my favorite books that I own and have quickly come to be right behind Harry Potter in my all time favorites. TV: Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, Moonlight, Robin Hood, Doctor Who, E.R, Torchwood, Power Rangers, Grey's Anatomy, General Hospital, NCIS and Numb3rs, Miami Medical (I have such epic love for this show and its characters) and White Collar (which is beyond awesome). MOVIES: Avatar, The Fast and the Furious movies, Sky High, King Arthur, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, A Knight's Tale, Last of the Mohicans' and more... CURRENT STORIES: WIP Update: Standing Ground- 2/15/10-I haven't had any chance to write for the past few months. Personal reasons and writers block have taken up all my limited time, when not working. I have in some ways lost my way with this story. I will finish it someday but for now, I may just post what I have and see what happens. Update: Other Stories- 11/5/10- I am starting to revamp and edit my stories. Hopefully I will succeed in improving the quality as my earlier works especially my SGA stories were not my best. I am starting with those first. Hopefully I will get back into writing something new. ON HOLD: Family and Friends-My Sky High fic. Please vote in the poll in regard to the future of this story. Freshie-Moonlight fic. You can find me on PR United under the name RJandLily. I have posted my Power Ranger stories over there as well. My homepage is linked to my LiveJournal account. I post my stories and updates on my stories there as well as everyday nitpicks of my life. I recently made a Community for the majority of the Chronicles of Narnia stories I had on my favorites list. I needed to clear it up since I had almost 200 on the list. If any author is against his/or her stories being put in a C2 please pm me, and I will remove the story. It is called Narnia Favorites, if anyone is interested in reading the fic's I post there. Thanks. Great Stories To Read: Lord of the Rings- Eagle of the Star by Neoinean-A brilliant Aragorn/Thorongil story about his time in Rohan. WIP. Brothers at Heart by Radbooks-Aragorn centered. Brilliant story about his first foray as Captain of the Rangers. Complete. Anything written by: Lady Bluejay- Mostly Eomer and Lothiriel centered. -Drummer-An Amrothos centered story, that is fantastically, brilliantly written and has become my favorite. WIP. Maddy051280-Eomer and Lothiriel centered. Mostly Complete. X-Men- Homework by RavenDove84-A fantastic Rogue/Gambit chapter fic. It’s still in progress but it is the best X-Men story I’ve read. WIP. Melding-the prequel to Homework. It’s currently being written at the same time as its sequel. It’s a continuation of the 3rd movie canon. WIP. Sky High- War and Peace in Mind by Jeune Chat-A great novel length continuation of the film. It is in the top 5 of best stories I have read on this site. It’s in Warren’s pov. And fantastic. (I could go on forever, that’s how good it is.) Completed. With One-Shots and Sequels in the works. Phoenix Series by Matchbox Dragon-About Warren and the gang as adults. Centered on Warren. Complete. Power Rangers- Of Love and Bunnies by CrazyGirl47-this is hands down the funniest story I have ever read. It is 111 chapters and counting, so a great super novel length for people who enjoy that. It is at Dino Thunder/MMPR crossover with most of the other rangers. WIP. Anything by: Starhawk or starandrea (on LJ)-Her 'First' series is Canon In Space for me, as is sadly the majority of all her PR fic since she is plain awesome!! Completed and WIP! Transformers- Masks by L. Mouse- This is without a doubt my favorite story at the moment. It is also the best Transformers fic I have ever read. It is an extremely novel length, 102 chapters and counting, fantastically brilliant continuation of the second movie. It is rated M for mature content and relationships. I urge any TF fan to give this a try since it is such a great story. Favorite Qoutes: White Collar: "I have an idea," Peter said slowly and glanced down at his cell. "We need to get them –" Neal's eyes widened with understanding. "Sure, that's easy. You want me to-" Peter nodded rapidly and waved him off. "Yeah, go do that. Buy Jones five, maybe." Neal nodded and ducked around the corner. "You want to fill in some nouns?" Hughes asked mildly. ~~Four Cups of Tea and a Waffle Iron by LithiumDoll If you have a worse memory than Tommy Oliver, copy and paste this into your profile. If you know who that is and laughed at that joke, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile If you have ever ran into a door, copy this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten your name while introducing yourself, copy this to your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you forgot your phone number when some one asks for it copy this into your profile. If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile. If you are Doctor Who/Torchwood obsessed, copy this into your profile. If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile. General Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Sky High, Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis, Tales of the Sazi, Moonlight and Power Rangers. |