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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Star Wars, and Harry Potter. Greetings! I'm a fan of Digimon, and many other films/cartoons, Most notably: Harry Potter and Star Wars. I chose to write about Digimon, thanks too Daneel Ruush, who with his "Tamers forever" and "Gospel" stories, that's what inspired me to write about them, and Blazing Chaos whit his story "Dimensions", which I've been more inspiring to write. (if I doing something Wrong, or right, send me a personal message or a mail, even the smallest thing like spelling wrong, will be considered in the chapters to come, will be thankfully taken.) - well on a newer note: I've been more active whit Harry Potter, and Star Wars these days - grown a little more, and it's being better at writing at that. "Patience young writer, patience" is writing on my head. oh and if you do wanna have a back and forth talk, I'm on IMVU named "Revan", and altos on Urban Rivals as "master Revan". Note: I'm saying this here so that you understand better: I'm am dyslexian, and it doesn't help when I'm Norwegian on top. So please understand that I am in dire need of an Beta Reader. Thank you. May the writing and reading serve you well Revan Nonaka Digimon Tamers: Hope, fate and desteny. Okey, a new guy arrives, and he has all the Tamers digimon whit him (in truth, Zhuqiaomon sent three of them after him) and Leomon is dead, and how to rewev him?, can the Tamers do that?, can someone help whit that?, and are Hypnos on the Tamers side, or are they just cover up so they can kill the digimon for good? and last, but not least; what is it whit the new digimon tamers digimon? [Deleted - but may come back...] Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin The war is ended whit one of the biggest fight in history, and now that it's over the magic minister has plans to honour the dead, while Harry has his own agenda forming, and it goes out over more than himself. HP/HG pairing, but altso HG/RW in the biging ofc. Harry Potter Song fics Theese are song fics I've made... only for your entertainment... please do reweiv to think what you mean. Lists of songs in this part: As Love is my witness Did you know... ...that in a Quidditch game in , Seeker caught the in only three and a half seconds? ...that witches and wizards inherit their magical ability from a ancestor? ...that the broom-sport of is more popular in the rather than the traditional ? ...that when became director for , in order to acquaint himself with the three leads, he asked each of them to write an essay about their characters from a first-person perspective. True to character, () wrote a 16-page essay, () wrote a simple one-page summary, and () never turned his in. ...that in the end credits of the , it says: "No were harmed in the making of this movie" ...that when bewitched snowballs to bounce off the back of 's in the winter of the , they were unknowingly hitting in the face? ...that attempted to have the story censored at Hogwarts because it depicted the marriage between a witch and a Muggle? ...that both 's and 's self-proclaimed proudest achievement was being featured on a ? ...that in , exploded eight hundred by dropping them from the roof of the Daily Prophet building into below, as an April Fool's joke? ...that "" is "desire" spelled backwards because the mirror shows one what they want most in the world? ...the visitor's code to get in through the phone booth was the combination 6-2-4-4-2 which can spell out "magic"? ...'s middle name was changed from "Jane" to "Jean" to avoid sharing a middle name with ? ...that joined the Department at age 17? ... that students were allowed to swear loudly if the attempted to strangle them? ... that all 700 were committed at the ? ... the contains tail hair for its core? ... is a fan of the team ? ... had his name down for before receiving his letter? Taken from What irritates me in stories: Have you ever gotten to a story, for this example, where it stands "Harry/Hermoine" or some such, and you began to read it? only to find out it's about Harrold "Harry" James Potter? and not about Harry James Potter as advertised? That is pissing me off, well, more likley I'm disapointed by then, but if it mounts to a good story and find yourself lied to? well that's one "pet peves"(?) that I have, it kills the mood I'm in. Anny alterication on a characters name is irritating. We're no longer talking about Harry James Potter or James Potter... heck even Severus Snape, if the writer is changing the names... here's a few I've come over: Harrold "Harry" James Potter Harrold "Harry" Potter James Harry Potter Johan Severus Snape I've altso come across others, but since Harry Potter is so BIG it's easiest to remember and more noticeable here. Authors please note: Should you ever add something to a name of a character, it is no longer the character that's described in the original authors bog/movie/magazine/pocket. It's like calling Donald Duck for Donald Anderson Duck... not the same angry Duck... even if you add everything about him correctly from what is known. The person in question just became an OC not the standard char that is. Put OC up if you plan on changing the name right out. IF you want to have annother name, then you can make it happend in the story (Harry wants a "cooler" name?) but DON'T dissapoint whit a white lie in the summary please. I've read a good gender change where Harry James Potter became Harriet Lilly Potter... Now that was respectable in my eyes. I Simply HATE overpowered characters. Damn shitty it is... building up to make them such, A-OK... but Right out powerful? eh, gotta be a reason behind it. "Luke uses force storm and decimates over 20000 stormtroopers on the way to the millenium falcon" Ok... I know that sentences would NEVER grace a story, am I right? am I right?... Good. If not someone need to find the Hammer of Common Sense (Rare), and hit the author that has/will have that line in a story, 'cause NO WAY it's possible for him at that time. (side effect of the Hammer can be from light throbbing to full blown migrane, so please use whit caution). Either way, such a line or a power without good enough reasoning is PISSING me off, literally, it's stupid and out of proportion. the only thing that could save the author from a flame from me would be if it stood "crack-fic" on it... so it was meant to be funny? well, nice try; but didn't work. Luke has the potential for it? maybe, but that would be longer down the road and in an other universe. Another thing that gets me fired up is when you make 'mortal' enemies buddy, buddy whit each other, at least without explanation. Like Harry and Draco, passionately called 'Ferret' by many writers or "Bad Faith" which actually is his name in french did you know?, goes into the love shack? ugh! or are on so friendly terms that they clap eachothers on the shoulders, ect. ect. The worst is putting Hermoine whit Draco or any of the Malfoys... JEEZES guys... where are you brains? 'scuse my question but it's what goes through my mind! Hermoine is an First generation witch (I refuse to use the M word here) and the malfoys are in-bred fools (probably from France) which LOOOKS DOWN on First generation Witches. They reather use her for their own pleasures, kill themselves before even marrying her. It is clearly in what you hear in the books, films and games. The ONLY things that reedems it abit is that Narcissa is neé Black and that Draco, in a long arguably shot, is just jealous and hates her because she shows that you don't need to be from a long standing magical family to know the princieble and so forth about magic. In Other Words: you only need to studdy to get the hang off it, and that fresh blood is GOOD for the magical society. Putting Draco whit Ginny is altso a taboo whit me, though, lesser since she is from a LSM* Family. Which again is the only thing that stands from being rubbish, the Slytherin vs. Griffindoor. is an EPIC animosety in Hogwarts and Draco being shcooled by Lucius at home, means he wouldn't due to the 'Blood traitor' status his father has put upon the Weasleys. Although, who said that Draco couldn't grow a brain? Pansy and Harry? Nah, not likely. She is brainless, at least how she acts. There is other things that makes me stop reading, and that is if it goes to well for our heroes or the fanfic goes down a dark path. It's me, I know and to those authors that writes such, good stories but I won't read it. Light Sided Magical I ship in: ...Digimon Tamers Rukato/Rikato (Rika and Takato): The reason for this ship, is because Takato the unsaid leader, but energizing and "I get it done, either way" attitude does mix good whit Rikas experience and "nonsense" attitude, due to her being the Ice Queen I don't think she would warm up to anyone but the clumsy googlehead, in wich I learned to love the chaotic in the begging and the understanding in the end between them. I don't know about Henry/Jeri, but if he get's any girl it might be her, or it could be any other outsider that fits to his brains whit computers, Jeri's sweet nature is a good cause to his "tecnobable" so to speak, and my mind goes on there. Digimon Adventures To say the obvious first: Kari and TK for the win, they are both at the same age and does have the same mind set, no one would do as good as they, rescuing each others asses time after time. having Sora and Tai together does seem good, after all, they both have the leader gene, but I don't know for sure, she does have the nonsense attitude to his bravado, which indicates they could fully understand each other through determination. Matt and Sora together would also be a good mach, but then again, Matt is more independent than the rest of the gang. Harry Potter Here I've come to appreciate some pariaings Harry/Hermonie (Harmony): This I ship because I do belive that they are ment for eachother. Through the books they have been two solid friends and supportet each other through the whole ting, I'm a bit saddened that J.K Rowling didn't make them come together in the end, they are first and foremost the filling of each others shell, in what I see of them. They would be a force to not reckon whit: Hermoine's brains mixed whit Harry's brute force, gives a tacktical advantege and style. Harry/Tonks (Honks): It's a plausible happening, as Harry would have been swept under her cherry smile, she could lighten up his day when he were down, and his grave attitude towards the world because of his background go against her cheery mood to comfort him, they would be a pair of pure destruction when you come to think of what they have in magic arsenal: Harrys brute force and Tonks' skill and adversity of spells. Hermoine/Ginny: I don't ship this pair as I ship the above, but I do like to read of what would happend here. Hermoines good nature and Ginnys caring nature does fit, but they would have hard time finding each other fast enough. Hermoine/Tonks: Just out of curiosity, I like them. X-man Jean Gray/Scot: have there been anything that doesn't say that they won't be together, they are after all made for each other, and as such fits nicely together, I know in the movie that Jean and Logan hits of a bit, but that's because it's more a friendly nudging and teasing, to hold Scott on his toes, after all: Girls LOVES attentions. (more will come: brain fried) The Avengers Tony/Pepper: Tony is an solitary dude, face it. But if anyone should happen to break him out of his shell and into an long-term realationship, it would be none other than his long term friend and sercretary Pepper Potts, wouldn't be surprised at that, would you? Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff: In the series you see them bantering around because of Natasha lied to S.H.I.E.L.D aboute Clint beeing an informant to a group, but intially I think they have a thing for each other, which makes me belive that "nothing makes a bond bind as a feud between a man and a woman." Alteast that's my reason for shipping them. Stargate SG-1 Jack/Sammantha: Yep, I do ship in Stargate too, who else than Jack O'neill and Samantha Carter? They're having at it 24/7 about her tecnobable and his diss-understanding... once she begins whit advance physics he goes "ah ah, yes or no?" and it's hillarious to see, though there's something that makes them click: They have one of the tightest bond in SG-1. If he goes missing, Sam goes nuts, and in reverse, even if he in the start doesn't like her being "doctor" he did like her attitude that showed she didn't go there for just her intelligence, she did come there because she could fight... something she showed him the first year. Stargate Atlantis Jon/Teyla: I would love to see them together, he being gentleman for her makes her trust him even more, and both have a leader gene in them, as well as an mutual respect and concern for each other, he wouldn't leave her behind and she wouldn't leave him behind. That's a fact! So I ship them. (Right now I forgot the rest... coming back to you) I don't ship: Harry Potter: Harry/Pansy: Well, I don't ship them, but if it should be, well maybe Parkason/Parkison(?) grew a brain, but I don't see that happening anythime soon. Harry/(Male): Harry ain't gay, he is strait. However, you could have a leave if you get a reason. but I wouldn't tuch it by a 10m stick either way. AND FORGET ABOUT HARRY/DRACO... damn there is much of them and I cry everytime I use the Filters here on FFN. using 'Harry Potter' as main, what comes up is 'Draco Malfoy' as first place and then Hermoine as second... and that's under 'ROMANCE'?!?! jeezes there's some 'sick' people out there. (I don't know what else to call them). Draco/(any FG*/Bloodtraitors/HB*): I don't believe Draco to be an bad-ass, but he was brought up by Luicus (Fucking) Malfoy and that's saying something, and I don't believe he is gay either... although he acts like it and I wouldn't be suprised if he was Bi... but then again, let's ask J.K Rowling on that, hm?? Hermonine/Ron Harry/Ginerva: Sorry J.K... actually, drop that. I'm not sorry. J.K Rowling SCREWED up BIG TIME when she went for theese two couples. Sure, she may have wanted to show that the hero of the story doesn't get the heroine, and I'm perfectly fine whit that. But what the heck happened whit "build up the realationships"? I don't like it on the princible that Hermoine despise Ron's eating habbit, which never where written, nor shown, to be curbed. She is studius and Ron is lazy, and doesn't even try... heck there is so much between them that they hate. Sure a teenager chrush, perhaps, but not a fullblown love. Give me a story any day that is either a revise or explains how they got to like eachother and I'll consider it, untill then I'm not going to ship 'em. argument: traction attract! True but that's in meanings, likes and dislikes in movies ect. Not something that makes one repugnant (eating habbit), making the other frustrated (stying or lack of) or hurting actions (comments mainly here). On the note of Harry and Ginny: I don't have the same levels of animosety against that pairing, but they didn't have anything to go by, other than some glimpses. And therefore it's like "Oh! Ginny, my best friends little sister? hmmm, yes I take her, even if she doesn't know ME as good and still are a bit Boy Who Lived fan". They did date for a while, but seriusly (no pun Sirius); there isn't any reason why Harry SUDDENLY in bok six liked her. Sure through OoP he helped her through the year whit the DA. and she was a part of the ministry six. That doesn't help though when Harry had his head messed whit and a hundred of other things to go through. The only people that helped him through it was Hermione and Ron... in which Hermione helped most, as always. J.K Rowling, your reasons for putting those two together is just plain idiotic and is proven to be wrong. Live whit it. and I wish you could either release a book or change the books that is, to either make theese pairings obvious choices, bar making Ginny the heroine, or change the canon pairings. FG= First Generation, HB = Half Blood Something I saw and agreed whit: Transformers: TRANSFORMERS! If you like transformers, copy and paste this onto your profile. AUTOBOTS! If you are on the side of the righteous Autobots paste this onto your profile! 97% of teens only see the Transformers franchise because of Shia La Beouf or Megan Fox. Copy and paste this into your profile if you're the other 3% that goes to see things explode and robots beating the slag outta each other! Harry Potter: The Books are just one version... Yet, Harmony is the truth. I reject JK Rowlings books 6 and 7 Fiction and substitute my own. (Driftwood1965's slogan, changed abit by me). |
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