![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Introduction Hello! ( ゚゚)/ Thank you if you've taken the time to write a review. Audio Book / Podfics: Voice actor PsychoticFireBadger created a podfic of "Miles to Go Before I Sleep" and the first chapter of Never Say Remember (the original version, before the re-write). He has a soothing British voice, turning the words into a bedtime story. The podfics are available on AO3. Translations user michalmil created Russian translations: The Longest Distance link (without spaces): ht tps : // fanfics . me / fic 163175 OR ht tps : // ficbook . net / readfic / 10785896 Never Say Remember: ht tps : // fanfics . me / fic 114140 OR ht tps : // ficbook . net / readfic / 8161598 Updates 7/29/2024 I've started posting a new longfic: All That Burns, All That Rises! 2/2/2011 Never Say Remember is complete! Thank you to all the readers who stuck with it while it was a WIP. :) Acknowledgements Thanks to Badgerlady, who generously offered to copy edit Never Say Remember! I've taken the opportunity to polish sections here and there. FF member OoJuliaoO has kindly translated "Miles to Go Before I Sleep" into German. Fitting, as Hedwig is a German name (and perhaps a German owl!). You can find the story in my favorites, or click here: Miles To Go Before I Sleep (German Translation) Thanks to Kirinin for beta-ing chapters 20, 22 and 23! Her stories can be found here: Off-Site Rec: Potions and Snitches - a story archive for gen fics where Snape is a father figure for Harry. It has a great search engine under "browse" that breaks down the different variations of Severitus. |