Author has written 25 stories for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Criminal Minds, and Blood+. Fandoms? Well, I'm on tumblr, so just lump Blood and Star Wars on top of what you've already got from there and that's basically what I am into. Writing-wise I keep to Blood and Star Wars, but "keep to" is an interesting definition when I haven't been consistently updating. But ooh, shiny! That is, I updated a story for the first time in ages and I realize how much my writing has changed since, well, preteen years. I'll be a legal adult soon and it's easy to see that my writing isn't what it used to be in a number of ways. In other words, if this update is the beginning of a trend, expect to see some better stuff coming out that differs from old chapters and so on. I probably won't write new stories, but I want to attempt finishing the old ones. (However, this is my senior year in college and I've got a veritable plethora of RL obligations.) |
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