![]() Author has written 47 stories for Bleach, Princess Tutu, Clannad, Hikaru no Go, Chihayafuru/ちはやふる, Hakuōki/薄桜鬼, and Carry On. The Quest for Feilyn One of my all time favorite authors, Feilyn, seems to have disappeared. If anyone knows where she is, or where her stories are, please let me know. Thanks guys :) Stats Name: Hmm, how about Sakura, since I think that's the prettiest name in any language Age: Older than I should be Gender: Female Pet's Name: Yuki (yes, I really gave my cat a Japanese name (Yuki=Snow)) Favorite Food: Mochi Favorite Pastime: Watching anime (duh) and reading about Japan (I mean, the intellectual, anthropological kind of reading, making me an even bigger nerd) Favorite Anime/Manga: Bleach, Naruto, Ranma 1/2, Deathnote, Ouran Host Club, Mushi-shi, XXX-Holic, Avatar, Hana-Kimi, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sola, Toradora!, Princess Tutu, Clannad, Skip Beat, Hikaru no Go, Natsume Yuujincho, King of Bandit Jing, Shion no Ou, Summer Wars, InuxBoku SS, Sword Art Online, Chihayafuru, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushi, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Hakuouki Favorite Charaters: Hitsugaya Toushiro, Hyuuga Neji, Ed Elric, Fakir, Wataya Arata, Saito Hajime, Zen Wisteria, Touya Akira Favorite Couples:IchigoxRukia, IshidaxInoue, NejixTenten, NarutoxHinata, RanmaxAkane, TamakixHaruhi, MizukixSano, EdxWinry, EdxRose, RoyxRiza, RyuujixTaiga, FakirxAhiru, MythoxRue, TomoyaxNagisa, SunoharaxTomoyo, RenxKyoko, ShionxAyumi, SoushixRirichiyo, KiritoxAsuna, ChihayaxArata, UsuixMisaki, LivixNike, ShirayukixZen, MitsuhidexKiki, SaitoxChizuru C2 Community Announcement!! I finally created a C2 community, but unlike my trend of story writing, it is not a HitsuKarin community. There are so many great ones out there already, so I thought it was unnecessary. Instead, it's a HitsuxOC community. It's called New Faces for Hitsugaya. There are just so many amazing HitsuxOC stories on this site, but they get so little credit when really, people should be rewarded for being creative enough to come up with their own characters. So please check out the community, there are some really great stories in there. Oh, and if you have an addition, please let me know (even if you're the author, don't be shy about sending me your own story). The Best of the Best I know that there is a favorites list, but the following stories, in my opinion, are some of the best on this site, and should be read by anyone who is anyone. Winter Solstace by Raskolnikov34 HitsugayaXOC-The most amazing romance of all time, and the best OC anyone could imagine. The story is beautifully written, the characters are extremely well developed, interesting, fun to read about, and believable. The story is creative, fun, romantic, and overall fantastic. The best story I have ever read, hands down. The Stage by Feilyn (Or anything from the "Lost and Found" series) MatsumotoxByakuya- Yes, crack I know, but you have never read crack like this. Feilyn is an unbelievably brilliant author who can make anything work. This story is complex, intricate, highly detailed, phenomenally written, and mesmerizing. It's a page turner (or a page clicker, since this is a website) that will have you captivated from chapter 1. And there's some excellent HitsuKarin thrown in for good measure! IF ANYONE HAS A COPY OF THIS, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ME. THANK YOU!! Hitsugaya in America by Katty008 (not a romance)-So there's no romance, but this is the most creative and wonderful idea I have ever seen. It will have you rolling on the floor laughing as you follow the hilarious story of Hitsugaya's adoption by an American couple and his attempts to survive in an American school. I have read this story more than any other on this site. An instant classic. IF ANYONE HAS A COPY OF THIS, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ME. THANK YOU!! Kurosaki Shindererra by AbaraiSuzuka HitsuKarin (finally I add a HitsuKarin to the list)-The love. The danger. The longing. This story has it all, from epic romance to epic battles. Fall in love all over again as you fangirl squeal your way though part I, and set your teeth on edge in part II. The best HitsuKarin story on this site. Period. Swanheart by the1koolkitty AhiruFakir (A Princess Tutu fanfic, not a Bleach fic. My first non-Bleach fic on this list. Yay, I'm expanding! If you haven't watched Princess Tutu, you should. It is one the greatest animes I've ever seen)-Written in the same theme as the show, this magical tale takes you beyond the happily ever after to see what life is really like for Fakir, Ahiru, Mytho, and Rue. This story was written with so much love and dedication, it's impossible not to be sucked in as beloved characters battle their way through curses, magic, and ravens in a desperate attempt to avoid tragedy. Spoilerific (and probably incomprehensible) if you haven't seen the anime. It is worth watching Princess Tutu just to read this fic. Seriously. Shameless Plug Watch my Hitsu-centric AMVs! (because I really have no life). Our lil Shiro-chan stars in Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXqsBnYIHWY Hitsugaya roars-aka Hitsugaya vs. Gin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quRojlDODN8 Hitsugaya is CANDY! Watch his three favorite women duke it out over him. (Inspired by Alliriyan) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvq9vADU52c HitsuKarin Goes Global! Several of my stories have been translated into other languages, because those who don't speak English shouldn't be deprived of HitsuKarin. If anyone is interested in translating anything, just send me a PM. "Toushiro is Going to Kill You" is now available in Spanish! It was translated by grayqueen and is available on her page as Toushiro va a matarte. Thanks grayqueen for helping spread the HitsuKarin community to non-English speakers. "Hydrophobia" is now available in Portuguese! In an effort to continue to spread the HitsuKarin community to the rest of the world, Tori-Chan-Madrigal translated Hydrophobia into Portuguese and it is available on her page as Hidrofobia. Thanks Tori-Chan-Madrigal for all your hard work! "On the Wrong Foot" is now available in Russian! It is being translated by Madam Frustie and she is posting it here: http :// archiveofourown . org/works/1651451/chapters/3501947 Thanks so much for translating my story! This is really cool :) "I Hate Watermelon" is now available in Spanish! It was translated by CELESTE kaomy-chan and is posted on her page as Odio la sandía. Thank you so much for translating this fic!! There may be more Spanish translations by CELESTE to come, so stay tuned :) "On the Wrong Foot" is now available in Spanish! CELESTE kaomy-chan has done it again :) She is currently translating it and is posting on her page as Con el Pie Izquierdo. This fic is now available in three languages! Thanks CELESTE!! Doujinshi!!! "An Unexpected Life" now has a doujinshi!! The amazingly talented CleomiGadon / lilacdaisy is drawing a doujinshi of one of my SaitoxChizuru (Hakuouki) fics!!! She is posting it on her DevaintArt page: www. deviantart. com/ cleomigadon. The art is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much CleomiGadon, this is like a dream come true :) |
Community: | New Faces for Hitsugaya |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Bleach |