Enjoy self-insert and fix-it fics, love having ocs, I mainly enjoy these types because it changes the story I hate fics that just follow the exact same thing with maybe one or two new characters that just steal lines from who was originally there in the scenes that happen Favourite character type is eccentric genius e.g Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Sherlock Holmes, The Doctor. I basically enjoy "smartest person in the room and knows it" |
ahdokobo (15) athassprkr (2) Bobmin356 (19) Darth Marrs (29) Demigod Patronus (2) DZ2 (36) immortal6666 (8) Iori Angel (5) | JustBored21 (30) Kaiimei (49) La Pucelle Altre (11) mp3.1415player (20) Noodlehammer (10) Perseia Jackson (23) sakurademonalchemist (314) The Dark Wolf Shiro (38) | The White Wulf (7) theaceoffire (7) Ultimas Prime (5) Undead Robot (2) USSExplorer (15) |