Author has written 134 stories for Supernatural. To anyone who cares: I’m thirtysomething years old. I live in a little country called Slovenia (Slovenija) and I dare you to find it on a map (you’ll get an extra cookie). And because of that, English isn’t my native language (I mean we learn English in school, but… well...). But Slovenia is great, it’s small and cozy, and unspoiled and undiscovered and green and relaxing. I live up in the hills surrounded by forests, so that is why a lot of my stories are happening in the forest… me loves the woods! Loves them! LOL My penname 'sončnica' means sunflower in English and for my personality, just read any description about Pisces, because that's my sign and it's all true. I love music, I love animals: have 2 cats, a dog and two ponies. I love a show called Supernatural, which is I guess pretty obvious if you look at my story list :) And I think I need to say this; now that I’ve been on this site for sooo long: 1. In my stories there are a lot of details; now I do put a warning in my a/n’s if the details are too gross or graphic, but I can never tell what will gross someone out and what won't. NOTHING grosses me out… I have seen so many things in my life that seriously nothing grosses me out anymore. And nothing is too gory or weird for me! That's why it’s hard for me to determine what will make someone go ewwww…LOL 2. Grammar… I don't have a beta (don’t know why, I just don’t…), but I do try to go over the story multiple times and try to fix the mistakes I see. I know there are still some left, so if you find any you can point them out to me; we learn from our mistakes, right!? 3. I like reviews, I do... I mean denying that would be lying… reviews are what keeps me writing, but I will never beg for them… it’s your choice if you wanna review… I just want you to enjoy the stories and I want them to suck you in for a while and make you forget about real life… that’s all I want!! And if you choose to review, you can tell me about any grammar/plot/spelling mistakes that I've made, okay?! 4. Through the years I've been writing and reading and watching the show I went from a Sam!girl to both boys!girl LOL :) I love Dean and Sam, Sam and Dean; they are what the show is all about for me!! There ... that felt good to say! :) 5. You can also find me on Livejournal & AO3 under the same penname. Thank you to anyone who will read my stories and I hope you enjoy them! :) |