Author has written 5 stories for Twilight.
About Me
-My Name is Stephanie.
-I'm 21.
-I'm in my fourth year of college.
-I attend Morehead State University
-I am currently majoring in Government with a minor in History.
-I live in Kentucky, and always have.
-I'm currently unemployed, trying to focus on school.
-I'm a bookworm who likes to occasionally write.
-lol...I'm not very interesting.
-Love to read and write of course.
-Fanfiction- it is my favorite addiction
-I like to draw, though many may not see my work as art.
-Watching/Critiquing movies. (It's always more fun to laugh at the really bad ones)
-I love History and Politics. (Hence the Government major and History minor)
-After taking a Philosophy class, I find myself intrigued with it.
Favorite Books
-Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, of course!-By Stephenie Meyer for those of you who live under a rock.
-Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility(Jane Austen's works in general)
-Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry (Can't remember author, possibly also done by Mildred Taylor)
-Land-Mildred Taylor (I think she wrote this, haven't read it in a long time)
-Wolf by The Ears-Anne Rinaldi (I pretty much love all of Anne Rinaldi's books based on the Civil War)
-The Color Purple-Alice Walker
-Roots-Alex Haley
-Books by Lurlene McDaniel, read too many to distinguish titles.
-For Whom the Bell Tolls-Hemmingway in general
-The Shack-William P. Young
-Sundays at Tiffanys-James Patterson
-Wuthering Heights-Bronte (and not just because it was mentioned in Twilight, it did spark my interest to read it, but i like it for what it is,
not because of it's Twilight connection)
-...And Ladies of The Club-Helen Hooven Santmeyer.
-North and South- John Jakes (I love books about the Civil War)
-The Other Side of Love- Jacqueline Briskin (A wonderful story about love in Nazi torn Germany)
-Gone With the Wind- Margarett Mitchell (A classic story of the American South during the Civil War)
-Scarlett (sequel to Gone With the Wind)
-I pretty much love books and will read about anything, so there are a lot more that could be listed!
Favorite Music
-I will pretty much listen to about anything, so it's hard to define what I like, but here's a general list of bands/singers I enjoy
-Three Days Grace -Yep I love them
-Breaking Benjamin
-3 Doors Down
-10 years-My newest obsession
-Linkin Park
-Taylor Swift (lol...i know that totally doesnt fit in, but i'm random when it comes to music)
-Plain White T's
-One Republic
-Fine Firenzy
-Fly Leaf
-Avenge Sevenfold
-12 Stones
-Thriving Ivory
-Red Jump Suit Apparatus
Favorite Shows
-Grey's Anatomy, McDreamy and McSteamy make my day :)
-Private Practice, because it now comes on after Grey's Anatomy
-Family Guy
-Ocassionly South Park
-I Honestly don't watch much TV..lol, that's all I got
Favorite Movies
-Pride and Prejudice (Book is WAY better of course)
-Sense and Sensibility (Dido)
-Cold Mountain
-Underworld and Underworld Evolution
-Queen of the Damned (I want to read the book)
-Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal the Rising, etc
-Fly Boys
-Baby Mamma
-White Chicks
-Juno (Probably my current fav. She's just so darn witty)
-Dark Knight (The only Batman movie I have watched. Had to see Heith Ledger's last performance)
-Avatar (It's amazing!)
-There's a ton more, but I think you get the picture.
Sadly, I can't list the Twilight movie as a favorite. It was ok, but I feel that it could have been way better. But, to be fair, the magic in books is hard to recreate on screen.
Current Projects
-In Time
-I have also ended my hiatus as related to the story In the Arms of An Angel. So new chapters are up!
-Original works with my own characters
-And I'm always writing poems and ideas
That's all I really have to say about myself :) . Sorry if you feel that you have waisted your time! If you would like to know more PM or email me!