Author has written 43 stories for Transformers, Transformers/Beast Wars, Hawaii Five-0, Planet of the Apes, Ratchet and Clank, Beauty and the Beast, Krampus, Lion King, and The Santa Clause. FORMERLY ANSWERTHECALL. I'm Chris, I'm a twenty-six year old guy living in Las Vegas, Nevada. I also love writing stories in most genres, mostly horror, fantasy, and sci-fi. I'm a major fanboy of the Tranformers, GI JOE, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Harry Potter, Scream, Kane Chronicles, and Death Note Series. I currently am in a happily committed relationship with my writing. As a fan-fiction writer, I have done so for ten years. I started on pen and paper as a kid, and continued onto forums. I used to be on here, but left for some time for personal reasons. I currently have returned to writing fan-fiction, and boy, does it feel good to be back. I really enjoy writing stories about the relationship between parents and children who may not be their own. I don't know why that is, but it's usually my forte. So more likely than not, most of my stories will be about that. :) So, in short, let's simplify this for everyone who doesn't want to read paragraphs: Name: Chris NOTICE: Due to a declining interest in fanfiction, I have left this site to pursue RPing again. if anyone is into Transformers RPGs, be sure to check out my new site! It is tfalteredfatesdotproboardsdotcom. Obviously replace the dots with periods. |
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