Author has written 40 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, Parodies and Spoofs, and Bible. Hello, my name is Cherry Blossom. I've been at for a little over a year now. If this is your first time reading my fics, you should probably know some things about me.1) I've got a muse named Matteo for humor and a muse named Melpomene for angst. They argue. Constantly. 2) I write primarly Gundam Wing fics. Sometimes I'll produce an original or poem of the like, but Gundam Wing is my obssession as of now and that's what I love to write. 3) I do write shounen ai and yaoi. I also write het pairings. Deal with it. 4) It will take me a while to post, mostly because I am in university and writing takes up precious time which I have little to spare. Don't worry, I have never completely dropped a fic yet (maybe put on hold for a while). If it's in my profile, I am still writing for it. 5) I do not believe in flaming other people for their views. Any flames regarding my fics shall be laughed at and then ignored. October 1, 2002 has stated that they will be removing all NC-17 fanfiction, bloopers, and MSTies from the board. Since these very things account for most of my work I shall be moving all my stories to under my usual pen name of Cherry Blossom. I respect Xing's decision to do what he/she likes with his/her own site but must regretfully withdraw my support for , since I can no longer express myself in the manner I wish to. I have saved all of Bleeding On the Inside's reviews and responses as they are very precious to me and thank my loyal reviewers and friends who have blessed me with such support and comfort. Thanks guys. It's been quite a ride. See ya at ! Love, October 6th, 2002 I've recently made up a mailing list in which you can be notified of when my fics are updated and where they can be found. The site is http:///group/musereview/ Hope to see you there! Cherry Blossom "Sakura sakura yayoi no sora wa miwatasu kagiri..." Jan 20th I have a deadjournal! You can go read about my boring life here |
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