Author has written 4 stories for Devil May Cry, and Robotech/Macross. Born 1972. Stark raving mad since sixth grade. Haven't died yet. Heavily influenced by Douglas Adams (RIP, man, you were taken from us far too soon), Terry Pratchett, anime of all kinds, and assorted online lunatics. Chronic abuser of sugar and caffeine, under the influence of which I get WAY too many of my warped ideas.Faves include Robotech, In Nomine (a RPG by Steve Jackson Games, the same fine people that make GURPS), and Devil May Cry. No, I haven't played it yet as I don't have a PS2, but you just can't go *wrong* with liking half-demons with smart aleck mouths. Addendum: No, I'm not dead. Really. I'm busy reformatting some of my really butt-old Third Invid War Robotech fanfic for your viewing pleasure, however. Apologies to all you readers out there; it's been a bear to write, what with having a Life, and so on. I'm trying, though. And for all those who wrote me at my old email addy...sorry for never responding. I was again, badly attacked by life. *wry smile* |