Author has written 9 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Sandman, Lord of the Rings, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Status Update: No, I'm not dead. No, I have not abandoned Sweet Allure and Love Takes Hostages. I simply have been healing. I was hit by a car, and I'm only very recently getting full feeling back in my limbs. Doctor is slowly weaning me off the drugs they have me taking, so I'm getting my brain back, too. I'm very sorry for making everyone who has been following my stories wait so very long, but healing myself comes first. It might be a while yet before any updates come through. Typing doesn't count at PT, unfortunately. I've got about a chapter for Sweet Allure hand-written from before the accident, and a chapter and a half of Love Takes Hostages saved as a voice file on my phone. They are not dead. I am still working on them. It will just be a while yet before they are up for people to read. My DA page: http:// My y!Gallery page: http:///user/ebonykain/ |
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