Author has written 16 stories for A song of Ice and Fire, Elder Scroll series, Batman, Justice League, Spider-Man, Street Fighter, One Piece, X-Men, Fate/stay night, Transformers/Beast Wars, Legend of Zelda, Overlord/オーバーロード, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Pokémon, Dark Souls, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, and Yu-Gi-Oh.
Not much to talk about, I like reading, movies, video-games. Found this site when I was seaching for a story where the Doom Slayer ends up in the DXD universe, found it and decided to stay. After reading so many different stories you start wanting to write them too, and so I did, my first fanfic was absolute garbage, no planing, no character development so I erased, although I still haven't gived up on the idea (which is the Dovahkiin in the New World of Overlord). I mostly focus on comic fanfics, mainly spider-man, and game of thrones fics, because that ending made me feel empty and my time watching the whole series wasted, my favorite types to fic are the crossovers after all who wouldn't want to see John Mcclane in the Mad Max universe?!. In my opinion the good fanfics always follow this rules; 1 - Always respect the world building, if the in canon you can't do A without B, don't make the character able to do A without B. 2 - Don't make the personality of an existing characters different without showing what make him like this. 3 - When making an Overpower OC or SI always make sure there is something at risk otherwise it will feel like nothing is really at stake. That is just my opinion of course.
My Top 5 favorite comic book super-heroes
1 - Spider-man
2 - Ghost Rider
3 - Batman
4 - Spawn
5 - Judge Dredd
My Top 5 favorite comic book super-villains
1 - Green Goblin
2 - Carnage
3 - The Joker
4 - Apocalypse
5 - Red Skull
My Top 5 video-game characters
1 - Crash Bandicoot
2 - Vivi Ornitier
3 - The Dovahkiin
4 - Tali Zorah'Vas Normandy
5 - Darth Nox(SWTOR)
Favorite Pairings (not in any specific order)
Spider-Man / Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Spider-Man / Black Widow
Spider-Man / Ms.Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Spider-Man / Mary Jane Watson
Spider-Man / Black Cat
Spider-Man / Silk
Spider-Man / Ghost-Spider
Spider-Man / Psylocke
Spider-Man / Jean Grey
Spider-Man / Rogue
Spider-Man / She-Hulk
Spider-Man / Wonder-Woman
Spider-Man / Grail
Spider-Man / Faora
Spider-Man / Zatanna
Spider-Man / Bat-Girl (Barbara Gordon)
Spider-Man / Black Canary
Apocalypse / Grail
Apocalypse / Faora-UI
Apocalypse / Wonder-Woman
About my OC Kaos
Kaos is the living embodiment of Causality he is the character that I use when I need someone to be isekaied to another universe. Depending of the story he has a different origin, for exemple on my Marvel stories he is the brother of Death, Oblivion, Infinity and Eternity, on my DC Comics stories he is the eighth and final Endless. His job is basically fixing the mess people create in the mulltiverse offering them a solution or "a way out" as humans like to say, although he is a tier 1-A being, as long as he uses a personification and exist inside the multiverse he is oblidged to follow a single rule; he can't give without taking and he can't take without giving. (depending on the story)
His personality is quite easy to describe, being a superior being not limited to emotions and morals he doesn't really feel anger or happiness although he can emulate them when too much time is spent on a personification and maybe even be affected by them, he is polite and always try to be a gentleman with other people with his words and gesture and even when he does appear cruel or evil its only because he does what is demanded of him being the embodiment of Causality.
The only thing Kaos really hates is destiny, since he is the embodiment of Causality destiny goes against everything he represents, since he is cause and effect when things are predetermined to happen his existence loses its meaning