I've discovered Twilight in June of 2021 and fell in love immediately. After reading all the books and watching all the movies countless times over I needed more that's how I discovered fanfiction. I love the Twilight fanfiction for giving so much more depth to the story and the characters. I admire all the talented writers here who keep this magical story alive! I can't write, nor can I draw but I wanted to do something to express my appreciation for the magic of Twilight so I've started creating digital comic series and some are based on the stories I read here. Check it out at new2twilight2021 on Tumblr Useful Apps I use a TTS (Text To Speach) app called @Voice to listen to the fics. The app (paid version) allows you to add tags to the text to change voices on the fly so different POVs are ready by different voices. For that, I download the fics in MS Word format and add the tags to the text before the POV change. I use the browser extension called FicLab to download the fics in the format I need. Fic Ideas If you are an author and happened to check out this profile, below are some ideas I hope somebody writes about (because I can't) 'Eternity' style post-BD series about the Cullens I really wish someone started the Eternity (see Enternity by LisaLovesCurry) style series of canon stories about the Cullens' lives post-BD with maybe some multi-chapter story arcs here and there, from various POVs, and just kept writing them forever... and not only the Cullens! It's post-BD the only world where everything is possible and unknown and can still be in canon. I would literally pay you for this if I could ... Maybe someone is already doing this... if you're reading this and you know of such a fic please let me know. Twilight: Prequel of all prequels… My thoughts about the venom as an alien life form that just happened to have that side effect on human bodies: The fanfic idea: Some alien lifeform as old as the universe floats in space inside some space rock for as long as time itself. The rock finally succumbs to the gravity of some distant planet and falls on its surface shattering into thousand pieces. The lifeform starts feeling, tasting, smelling its surroundings in search of sustenance when suddenly something grabs the rock and the lifeform finds itself flying through the air hitting something soft and fragrant. Red liquid starts flowing from the spot where the rock hits and the lifeform realized that the best substance source is found! It starts to frantically absorb the red liquid craving for more and the screaming of the first transformation begins… This fic should end with Cullens going into space. Once they are free from Earth's gravity they start feeling a strange pull into deep space which they follow and find their home planet where venom is like sentient liquid that flows in rivers and oceans on the planet... When pieces of space rock shutter on the planet surface the pieces are drawn to each other and after a while, the rock mends into its original form When in a vacuum of space the lifeform was deprived of any sensation. It was in a state of sensory deprivation without even knowing it. When the space rock fell on the planet the life form was suddenly overwhelmed by the smells and sounds and sensations… Wind… rain… that delicious something moving in and out of range… What do you think? Vampire venom as an alien life form… it has all the genetic material… Can someone please write this? Or maybe somebody already did? Some other thoughts about the origin of venom: Twilight: The Origins I keep thinking about how it all began, about the origins of venom, and keep thinking back and back… See above some thoughts that venom was delivered to Earth in the space rock… but then started thinking how it got into the rock… - So I am imagining some eternal, non-physical beings (living in non-physical, timeless, and eternal realms) powerful to create anything yet unable to experience their creations. So they come up with an idea of the environment that stays put, populated with self-replicating, growing but temporary ‘vehicles’ that they can inhabit to experience that environment. They consider several environment designs and several 'vehicle’ designs. - But there is a conflict. Some of the beings are not happy with the temporary (and therefore imperfect) and restrictive nature of the 'vehicles’. They want the vehicles to last (and be a bit more thought through), they want 'vehicles’ not to be restricted to a single environment, they don’t like the idea of going back and forth and starting over. They did not like that new environment being too foreign, too different from 'home’. - But the majority already agreed on a temporary nature of the project, because it’s only an idea, they don’t know how things will actually unfold, which takes time, and the sooner they launch the better and thinking things through will only keep postponing the result so the decision is made to launch AS IS and figure things out on site. - So when things were finally set in motion the renegades found a way to sneak in some additional initial conditions that eventually resulted in a substance that can interact with the temporary to transform it into the permanent/perfect/lasting - the venom… - And then I am imagining a vampire (perhaps some weird human saved by the Cullens again, maybe by Bella this time) who turns out to have a superpower to trace things to their very origin, to when something was only a thought, a dream, an idea… so he could tell a story… What do you think? Too weird? Random spiritual schools of thought plus Prof Brian Cox plus Twilight may just not be something to mix together...? |
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