Author has written 15 stories for Ranma, Gargoyles, Sailor Moon, Gold Digger, Batman Beyond, Underworld, Hellsing, Oh My Goddess!, Naruto, Inuyasha, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, and My Little Pony. Contact info AIM - Lawrachan Feel free to contact me. For stories I'm currently working on or ones that may never be posted on here, visit the fanfiction forum, location here. My stuff will usually be in the Ranma subsection. Warning may contain mild spoilers. 2/1/19 - Links seem broken for me, thanks Please visit on fimfiction dot net for working link to the Ranma Pony image. 1/30/19 - I think an anon review asked for a larger version, so here's a big version of Ranma Pony 9/9/16 - Yes I am still alive, muse was hit by a car and is still recovering. 11/5/14 - Updated links for No Need for Nerima's family trees as the previous ones were defunct 12/10/13 - Anonymous reviews were enabled some time ago, I do screen them so if you posted something and it doesn't appear, it's because your review was too dumb to let other people see with no accountability or way to respond. 6/2/11 - Anonymous Reviews have been disabled due to a majority of them being from people who have no clue what they are talking about and leaving me with no way to respond. Sorry for the few that gave good reviews as anonymous but it's not hard to sign up for an account. 5/29/10 - Made this up quickly while writing my new story "What You Wish For" to show what Ranma's God marks look like. 12/21/09 - Wow, long time without actually posting anything. Primarily because my HDD died with all my stories on it, and it took me a couple months to actually get back into a mood to start writing again. New story "Snowfall in Gotham" posted, there's also two other stories I am toying with but I'm not sure if or when I'll post them. The chapter I had been working on for REN is basically scrapped, CO is being worked on, BDAN is about halfway done with the next chapter, Platinum as well. That's all for now. 5/16/09 - Seeing as I've gotten a temporary job for about the next month, and I'm stuck in 56k hell... updates may be infrequent to say the least. The next chapter of BDaN is nearly finished, expect that sometime in the next couple weeks. CO possibly as well. 3/03/09 - Couple days late, but as of the first I've been on for one year. 2/28/09 - I've deleted the story 'A Mistake in Sealing'. I'm grown to dislike Naruto fanfiction, and canon all together, and seeing it listed was bothering me. Maybe I'll put it up again, maybe I won't, either way I had lost all desire to continue it. 2/9/09 - New story posted and as promised the link to an accurate source of information for Gargoyles. REN should be updated sometime. 1/11/09 - Update for NNFN will be soon, REN soon as well. 11/27 - Pretty close to done on another chapter of Ranma's Eternal Night. (REN) and getting close on the next No Need for Nerima (NNfN). This chapter of NNfN is also kind of special, but I'll wait till it's posted before I indicate why. Oh and Happy thanksgiving, remember millions of turkeys were sacrificed in the annual turkey holocaust. Not that it'll stop me from gobbling them up. Their sacrifice won't be in vain! 11/3 - THe link to Brittany's halloween costume isn't working but if you go to the GD Tangent website, click on October 22nd then click the small preview image you'll see it. GD Tangent (Warning has some mature content) Anime Addventure (Where the original New Tomboy can be found) 9/6 - For those fans of my Naruto story who are reading this, check out my deviant art page (homepage) for some artwork I am working on based on that. Even if you aren't a fan of the story you can still enjoy the artwork. Oh and my birthday is on the 9th! 8/13 - Here is an updated family tree for Nodoka and Genma. Link removed, updated above 7/23 - I started a deviant art account so that I could post images, it's set as my homepage. Not much there right now but I'll eventually have more, and if anyone came up any fanart please feel free to send it on over. 7/16 - This is a family tree for Nodoka and Genma from NNFN. I'll update to reflect any changes that occur throughout the story. Link removed for the updated version above. |
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