![]() Author has written 59 stories for Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Final Fantasy VII. I'm posting more fic on my InsaneJournal. Lots more. Especially FFVII stuff lately (I have 54 FFVII fic there as of Jan 15/09, and that's not counting my other fandoms!). It's even all indexed and everything, so go on over and check it out! I'm not likely to post much of it here, especially since 's policy says that they basically own any story posted here. I'd like to keep the rights to the stories I write, thank you very much. :/ Links: My AO3: archiveofourown [dot] org / users / rabid_plotbunny (Just starting to post there) FANART! Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to draw me some fanart! I love you guys! I'll put the links up here because they won't show up in chapters. Right now there's only one, for my story Silver Demons, but I have some for my story Fly, too - I just have to track down the links. Watch for them; they're by the wonderful Animama and definitely worth seeing! Silver Demons A Note/Mini-Rant on Reviews and Posting First off: Reviews. I like reviews. I like them very much. A single 'I liked it' can have me grinning for hours. A list of the reader's favorite parts of a story can have me grinning for days. The more reviews I get, the more incentive I have to post more of a story. If I don't get any reviews, I don't bother posting because clearly no one is interested in reading it. Which is not the same as not finishing a story. Odds are pretty good that once I start a story, I will finish it. But if I don't get reviews/comments/whatever, am I going to bother posting it? Not likely. This, among other things, is why most of my stories are posted on IJ/LJ now. People comment there, and I can answer, and then they can reply, and if we wanted to we could have entire conversations in comments. I've posted little ficlets in comments in response to what someone said. You can also format the stories how you want them to (custom dividers, anyone?) and it doesn't eat your links or doubled symbols like does. (Whyyyyyy does it eat my '!?'s?). You can post your story in communities, too, which brings me right back to that oh-so-pivotal point: Reviews/comments. To sum up: More Reviews = quicker updates, No Reviews = No updates. Through the Dark, this is what happened to you. About 500 hits a month and no reviews. Why should I bother? Not that it matters anymore, since I just posted the last chapter, but for those who were wondering, this is your reason. In case you were wondering, the stats page tells me that Chapter 15 (the chapter before this one) got 1182 hits (as of just before posting the last chappie). Out of that many, it got a grand total of 8 reviews. It's in C2s, Fave lists and Alerts, but if no one bothers to say anything, why should I...? I seriously doubt I'm alone in feeling this way. Writing a story, and then tossing it into the commentless void? Kills muses. Dead. Now you know. The icon/avatar I'm using here was made by me, rabid_plotbunny on IJ and LJ. Please ask before taking. |