Author has written 90 stories for Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Naruto, Inception, 30 Rock, Vampire Diaries, Mad Men, Thor, Gossip Girl, Community, Sherlock, Twilight, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Once Upon a Time, and Frozen. Hi. I like Harry Potter and bad movies. I don't see Ginny and Harry together in the books just because they're sort of passive and non-dimensional as a couple, but I like them separately a lot and fanfiction can make these two work (I just started writing my own story with them as a result). I'm also a fan of Ginny and Tom as an odd, tragic one-sided romance, although I get tired of it quickly when it's not written well. I think Luna is cool, but she is too deep for me sometimes - tries to be too mystical and I can't always keep up, but I try to. Oh and Lavender is a fascinating character, she is, all right? Dreaming up several stories for her... I love books about people being tormented. Tiger Lily so needs a book of her own. I want a little black dress for my birthday and really high heels. Thanks for clicking on me. It makes me feel special. Update Currently obsessed with: - Leslie Knope and her adorable love for Ben Wyatt; - Annie's Christmas Dance (Community); - Benny Goodman's Sing Sing Sing; - Benedict Cumberbatch for various reasons; - Downton Abbey: Good God is this show my new crack. Edith, Anna, Sybill, Carson...I love all of you so much it's sort of creepy. More Harry Potter stuff I have opinions on because I do: - Bellatrix getting killed by Molly Weasley was fun and everything and I love that these books keep making parents badass, but I was still hoping for a Bellatrix - Neville showdown. I know, I know... - I was never a big fan of Dobby. I guess he grew on me as the years went by and I definitely appreciated his efforts in DH, but I'm one of those few people who didn't get torn up about his death. - Desperately want and need a DH version of Ginny, Neville, Luna and the rest of the gang's adventures in their seventh/sixth year at Hogwarts. - I like to think Luna and Neville met later on in life and had several weeks of unapologetic adultery, before returning to their spouses. Wrong, but also right. - I don't know if anyone shares this opinion, but the movie kiss between Hermione and Ron worked better for me than the book kiss. And it's all because of the setting. I appreciated the fact that they finally got a moment alone, with each other, completely separate from Harry. They needed that. It's always about Harry's point of view and we rarely get to see the relationship separate from him. So it was a nice change of tone and I was pleasantly surprised the movie chose to use its freedoms to its advantage. Also, they kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. That to me is a much more powerful scene because the entire point of that chamber is that it's been tainted with Dark Magic, murder, monsters, hopelessness. This shows that there is beauty in anything. - I don't really get Wolfstar. To me, Sirius and James seemed much closer than Sirius and Lupin. Just my two cents. - Tonks is another character who deserves a spin-off. - When JKR revealed Dumbledore was gay, I felt a bit cheated that it happened after she'd finished writing all the books. I wonder what would have happened if she had revealed it halfway through. Because not even DH had any hints about Dumbledore and Grindelwald being involved, at least not any that I perceived. I'm only wondering if JKR started writing this character as being gay or it somehow dawned on her in the process. - Harry Potter as a character was not given enough time to react to things, in my opinion. He was always rushed to grow and become something, but I would have preferred ten books instead of seven if it meant more Harry and himself time. - JKR could have done something really interesting with Pansy Parkinson, especially during the war. She could have been part of that grey area, not really supporting Voldemort, not trusting the Order enough to join them either. Imagine her in DH leading the Slytherins against the Death Eaters not because of their different ideologies, but because she won't allow their castle to be destroyed or their house to be slandered by odd-looking men in black tents. Just a thought. - Yes, that epilogue was a hit and miss. I like that they are shown as adults with their own families, circle of life and all that, but I would have been happier with just a scene with the Trio looking out into the unknown, after their last battle. - The conflict between Harry, Ron and Hermione in DH was necessary and very well done. Ron leaving for a period of time was a bold move and showed that the author knows her characters. - Yes, Voldemort's demise in the last movie is funny as hell. |
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