![]() Author has written 7 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Digimon, Alvin and the chipmunks, Gargoyles, Biker Mice From Mars, and Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ. HARD-BOILED EGG DEVILS Name: Nun ya (nun ya business) Age: I'm only twee and a haf years old. Actually I'm 20. Race: Uhhh...white? Writing style: you name it, I'll write it. (except angst stories) Homeland: God Bless America Preferences: Anything really. I would like to honor those that have died in the 9/11 attack by putting this in my profile. If you would like to as well, paste this in your profile and add your name to the list: Tortured Hylian Soul, Shadow Princess 15 (R.I.P Auntie Saria), Sword of the Twili, NightmarePossession, Ocarina of Twilight (May the lord bless their souls), Twilight Being92 (Poor people. I feel sorry for their families), lightheart77 (i wish there was something we could do to make all of that pain go away), Hard-Boiled Egg Devils (May the good lord guide you to the gates of heaven) I would like to dedicate this section of my profile to all those who have ever lost a loved one to cancer. To all those who have lost family to this ultimate evil, copy these lines, and post them to your profile. Include your screen name and the name of the one you lost, and the type of cancer they died by. Hard-Boiled Egg Devils: R.I.P. Grandma Janes Wolfson, died of breast cancer (I hope that you are baking for all the angles in heaven, and sewing with silk of gold) Quotes: "Silence! I kill you!" -Achmed, the Dead Terroriest "Redneck fashion tip #1: certain things should not be sold in certain sizes" -Jeff Foxworthy Favorite Food: I'm not picky, as long as I can recognize it. Favorite anime: Digimon, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, One Piece, O-ban Star Racers, Outlaw Star, Big O, Bleach, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Eureka Seven, Zatch Bell, Zoids, Full-Metal Alchemist, Cyborg 009, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun Favorite T.V. Show: America's Best Dance Crew, Hell's Kitchen (F#(@ yeah) Favorite Cartoon: Loonatics Unleashed, Teen Titans, American Dragon: Jake Long, Kim Possible, Storm Hawks, Ben 10, Extreme Ghostbusters, SWAT Kats, W.I.T.C.H., Gargoyles, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Code Lyoko Favorite Book: Silverwing series, The 39 Clues Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Labyrinth, Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, I Robot, Ghost Rider, The Mask, Ace Ventura (Pet Detective, When Nature Calls), Good Morning, Vietnam (did I spell that right?), Kung-Fu Panda, Men in Black (I and II), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, V for Vendetta, How to Train Your Dragon, Sherlock Holmes Favorite Video Game: Pokemon, Sly Cooper, Sonic The Hedgehog, Star Fox, Kingdom Hearts, Jet Set Radio, The World Ends With You, Metroid, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon Personal Info: I'm your basic American kid who enjoys a good story. I mainly enjoy romance stories (call me a softy), and I happen to have written a few stories in my spare time. I have autism, that means I have a problem with controlling my emotions, thus giving me trouble in real life. But apart from that, I try to be a normal kid. I have never written to countless people before, so I'm kind of worried. But, I'll try my best, and please don't flame any of my stories. I was reading some info about an author of one of my favorite stories, when I came along this website. At first, I merely shook it off as some sort of geeky site, but after looking in it, I found it to be absolutely astounding. Better yet, the guy who wrote this website wrote a fan-mic. In case you don't know what those are, they are comics made by fans of all sorts of shows, movies, cartoons, etc. The comic in question was about one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid; "Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers". I read it and found it absolutely astonishing, I didn't want to finish reading it. If your a fan of the Rescue Rangers, are bored out of your skull, or just need a little inspiration, visit the web site, click an "Art", then lastly click on "Of Mice and Mayhem". Upcoming Stories: "Gatomon's Kittens", "Teen Titans: Dragonknighte", "One Piece: Animagus Arc", "Avatar: The Last Airbender: Book 4", "Amnesia", "What's Up, Love?", "A Rockin' Balad", "A Beat+A Rhyth=A Melody", "Child's Game; or; The Return of the Golden Honey", "Chaos Controller", "SWAT Kats vs. SWAT Gals", "Read Rovers vs. Dragon", "Of the Prince and Chipmunks" Stories in Progress: "Gargoyles" Cancelled Work: "Power Rangers: Night Blood", "Digi-Digi Revolution", "Atmosian Knight", "Road Rovers vs. Dragon" Stories Completed: "Original of the Species", "The Unforgettable Date", "Miracles" Stories Deleted: "Friends on the Other Side" Favorite Couples (in order of favorites list) 'All the couples that I have a story about, I'll check them': Pokemon: AshxMisty 'check', JessexJames 'check' Digimon: TaixSora 'check' , AgumonxBiyomon, MattxMimi 'check' , GabumonxPalmon 'check' , T.K.xKari 'check' , PatamonxGatomon 'check' , KenxYolei, TakatoxJeri 'check' , GuilmonxLiugmon (Liugmon is one of my FCs (Fan Characters))/GuilmonxRenamon 'check' , RikaxRyo 'check' , RenamonxThefmon (another FC)/RenamonxRika 'check' , TakuyaxZoe 'check' , MarcusxYoshi or ThomasxYoshi (they both look good) Inuyasha: InuyashaxKagome 'check' (Kikyo is dead, it's history), MirokuxSango Cowboy Bebop: SpikexFaye 'check' Naruto: NarutoxSakura 'check', KibaxHinata 'check', NejixTenten 'check', ShikamaruxIno One Piece: LuffyxNami 'check' , ZoroxRobin 'check' , UssopxKaya Oban Star Racers: EvaxJordan 'check' Outlaw Star: GenexMalfina, JamesxAisha 'check' (at first, I didn't agree on it, but now...) Avatar: AangxKatara 'check' , SokkaxSuki 'check' , ZukoxMai 'check' Big O: RogerxDorothy 'check' Code Lyoko: UlrichxYumi 'check' , JeremyxAileta 'check' , OddxAlexis (an FC) Bleach: IchigoxOrihime 'check', RenjixRukia Neon Genesis Evangellion: ShinjixRei 'check' Eureka Seven: RentonxEureka 'check' , DominicxAnemone 'check' Zatch Bell: ZatchxTia 'check' , KiyoxSuzie Zoids: VanxFiona 'check' Full-Metal Alchemist: EdxWinry 'check' , RoyxRiza 'check' Cyborg 009: 003x009 'check' Yu Yu Hakusho: YusukexKeiko 'check' , KazumaxYukina Loonatics Unleashed: AcexLexi Teen Titans: RobinxStarfire 'check', Beast BoyxTerra 'check' , CyborgxBumblebee, SpeedyxCheshire 'check' , Kid FlashxJinx 'check' , RavenxCopy Cat 'check' (hey, mykan, do you mind if I use your character for a few stories, please?) American Dragon: JakexRose 'check' , SpudxTrixie (hey, it could happen) Kim Possible: KimxRon (oh come on, like you didn't see that coming) Storm Hawks: AerrowxPiper, Dark AcexCyclonis (hopefully not) Ben 10: BenxKai Extreme Ghostbusters: EduardoxKylie SWAT Kats: ChancexCallie , JakexFelina W.I.T.C.H.: CalebxCornelia, MattxWill, MartinxIrma 'check' , NigelxTaranee, EricxHay Lin Gargoyles: BrooklynxSata "The Gargoyles Saga/Timedancer" (online series), ArianaxKirin "The Gargoyles Saga/Timedancer, DeviantArt" (online series and website), GraemexLucy "The Gargoyles Saga/Timedancer, DeviantArt" (online series and website) Alvin and the Chipmunks: AlvinxBrittany 'check, SimonxJeanette 'check', TheodorexEleanor 'check' Silverwing: ShadexMarina Kung-Fu Panda: PoxTigress 'check' , MantisxViper/CranexViper 'check and check' How to Train Your Dragon: HiccupxAstrid 'check' Sly Cooper: SlyxCarmelita 'check' , BentlyxPenelope Sonic the Hedgehog: SonicxAmy or SonicxSally (decisions, decisions), TailsxCosmo 'check' , KnucklesxRouge 'check' , CreamxCharmy 'check' , AntoinexBunnie 'check' , AshxMina 'check', ShadowxRuby (FC alert) StarFox: FoxxKrystal, FalcoxKitty Kingdom Hearts: SoraxKairi, MickeyxMinnie, LeonxYuffie, CloudxAerith, and all other classic Disney couples Jet Set Radio: YoyoxGum, BeatxRhyth 'check' , GaramxBoogie The World Ends With You: NekuxShiki 'check' , KariyaxYashiro 'check' Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon: SetoxRen Grading system: In keeping with my namesake, I shall grade all the stories I read by eggs. The highest amount I will give any story is five, but the value of the eggs will determine how much I truly liked it. The egg counts I give are as follow: Hard-Boiled Egg-Devils: You don't want to know! Boiled Egg-Devils: Who are you, and what are you doing? Egg-Devils: You're joking, right? Rotten eggs: Will never read again in my current and after life. Boiled Eggs: Terrible, absolutly terrible. Hard-Boiled Eggs: Slightly less terrible, but still, it stinks. Raw eggs: Needs work. Bronze eggs: good, but not very good. Silver eggs: Came along very nicely. Gold eggs: Bravo, deserves an encore. Platinum eggs: You really have a future in writing. Eggs of the Gods: Forget fanfictions, you should be making novels, Mr./Ms. future Stephen King. |