Poll: Do you think that "I See The Moon" should be kept as a gen story, or should Harry be paired with someone romantically? If so, then who? Vote Now!
Author has written 20 stories for Psych, Numb3rs, Harry Potter, NCIS, and Avengers. Hola. No hablo english. So leave me alone. I kid, I kid. As for FanFiction, I like reading slash, gen, and het, but you'll find most of what I write will be slash or general. I tried writing a het story before...it didn't work out and ended up at the bottom of my trash bin... Now then, on with the official shit! Real Name: Samantha Favorite Fandoms: Projects: I See The Moon A new fic, inspired by a little chat with Sleeping Moon and seeing 'The Avengers' for the third time. Much like with Unspeakable, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing or where it's going. On the topic of its PAIRING - I will be keeping this gen for the foreseeable future, because it just doesn't feel right to stick a romantic relationship in it at this time. I'm going to keep the poll up though, just in case the story ever does develop to a point where it looks like I'd be able to introduce a pairing. Also, if you want to try your hand at puzzling out Harry's colors, these are the two sites I'm using as reference, along with my own instincts, to create a little spectrum in mine and Harry's heads - Emotions Color Wheel & The meaning of colors. And if you'd like to hear how the lullaby I See The Moon sounds. FANART (Yes, I'm aware the links aren't working and I have no idea how to fix it because the html code checks out, but for whatever reason FF isn't letting it show up. And, of course, FF also doesn't allow you to put web addresses in profiles, so just PM me if you're interested in getting the links.) |
1st endeavor (9) cywsaphyre (15) FraidyCat (131) g0shawk (17) Jessa L'Rynn (102) lipstick traces (6) | neon-crocodile (0) Nyxelestia (87) OughtaKnowBetter (60) pen.paper.green.day (24) Raythe (6) Scifiroots (121) | Serialgal (22) Shizuka na Sana (6) Sorrel (113) Whispering Darkness (44) |