Author has written 21 stories for Star Wars, Superman, Four Brothers, Inheritance Cycle, and Supernatural. Feb 2014 Update: Not writing much of anything these days. The muse is on strike. Think I will just read for awhile... Miscellaneous: In Praise of FanFic: A very interesting and positive article that is worth reading for any author or reader of fan fiction. It's not that long. Take a peek. I think authors especially will enjoy it. Here's the link... http:///Features/2007/05/cory-doctorow-in-praise-of-fanfic.html star wars fans On the Writer's Resource Board at I started a Plot Bunny Thread. A place where authors who are looking for an idea for a story could find one AND for readers to leave their ideas about a plot they'd like to see explored. It's been quite successful and there is a list of all adopted bunnies with their links avaliable in the first post. There is also now an index broken down by era. http:///Fan_Fiction_Writers_Resource/b10304/8535413/?480 Reviews: All authors love reviews. I can't stress how important it is for motivational purposes to let an author know how much you've enjoyed their work. All of this is done out of a love of writing, and the characters that so capture our (and your) imagination for some reason or another. Your kind words are the only payment we authors receive. So please - if you've enjoyed something you've read - by any author - please take a moment to let them know. Feedback fuels the muse :) |
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