Author has written 11 stories for Twilight, Immortals, Tamora Pierce, Shakespeare, Beka Cooper series, Labyrinth, Gordan Korman, and Vampire Academy. Update 2020: Most of this profile is completely defunct, though I'll leave some of it to remind me of story ideas I once had and things I once or still love. Most of the stories on this profile were written from age 13-17 and though some are a little cringy, I would never delete them! I am 25 now, an engaged to the best man in the world. We read constantly together, he's a writer and writes me fanfiction from time to time. We'll even act of scenes from our favorite stories and its amazing. Most of my creative outlets are IRL since I am a costume and cosplayer. In 2013 I won the Stuck at Prom competition. What is still true is that I am finicky and unreliable. About my writing, you should know that my first love is role playing. I started on Gaia online years and years ago, and delight in it up to this day. Mostly that now involves in person roleplays with my fiancé, though sometimes still text based rps. That is where I really write. I'm better at short stories and oneshots because I have trouble committing to long term projects (another way of saying lazy) but I'm trying to correct that. I've decided to get back into writing fanfiction, because I was noticing a decreased lack of good stories in certain areas where I wanted them. Thats pretty much the only reason. Lets also address the types of fiction I read and write. I typically don't read pre-story stuff unless it's really interesting. Same with writing, unless an idea strikes me. I will read and write post book/movie stuff, but never EVER write about children or next generation. I HATE that stuff. No real reason to, but I do. I'm most comfortable with other characters POV's (during and after the movie) and with plot holes and time lines, as well as unresolved issues. Typically I write in 3rd, but I can do 1st. I do write and read AU's, but I prefer the kind where one single event changes the course of the original story, rather than a complete universe or situational change. I've done modern retelling, like with my Shakespeare fic, but not often. I don't usually care for them. Hey, guess what? I got a deviantart! Link Here: https:///cadenalexandra My Genre's:
I have a Beauty and the Beast fic in the works, but I'm having trouble pinning down Belle. I've also got a fair amount of The Little Mermaid ideas, but Eric is the only one who seems t be coming to me, and I'm not getting him right either. I adore Aladdin, Mulan, Pocahontas, and the Aristocats, but I don't see myself doing any fics for them. No reason too, everything worked out pretty well in there. Possibly an Aladdin, if only because the main page is so clogged with crap from the TV show. I absolutely adore How to Train your Dragon, but my only fic from that may be the one I write from Toothless's POV. Quite frankly, some amazing stories have already been written about mostly what I want to say. Mainly in Hitchups, by The Antic Repartee and in The Dragon Journals by Contraltissimo. Edit: Never mind, I'm into HTTYD one shots. Majorly. I love Harry Potter, of course, but I seriously doubt I'll ever write anything. The only HP stuff I've ever written were self insertion (which I would never subject to the eyes of other readers, it is purely for my own enjoyment) and I wouldn't want to clog the portal with more crap then has already been written. Besides, you could compare next to Loten's amazingness? If I ever do write, it would most likely be a fic about one of her fics.(SSxHG) Twilight - well, lets talk. I've already admitted I was an angsty preeteen, so yeah, I read Twilight, and all subsequent books. I don't really care for the genre anymore, but I'm not going to hate it just because everyone else does. Who am I to judge cliche romances? I write them all the time. A friend described the series to me: "It's like marriage. First you have the honeymoon stage where everything is amazing. Them you wake up and actually read the book again." So I'm going with this. I will most likely never write anymore Twilight fiction in my life. But I will not take down anything I've written before, because I'm not ashamed of it. Also, twilight got me interested in writing fanfiction for the first time in my entire life, and that is important. Tenth Kingdom I fucking love this move. But you know what I love more? The fics written on Kingdompress by A.N.D. I've tried contacting this person so many times, but nothing comes of it. She/he wrote the most wonderful books about the series, I will never want to hold up my melting candle to that roaring fire. Labyrinth - this one's new. I recently re-watched the 80's movie of glittery, confusing amazingness. Looking at how cheesy it was, I immediately thought to myself, the fanfiction for this is either really shitty, or really amazing. Lo and behold, it is beautiful. There are a few things Id like to add to it, but just a few. Works in Progress: Graduation: A series that takes place between Blood Promise and Spirit Bound, covering the two months Rose spends back at school. The first story is complete, from Alberta's POV. I plan do cover the same events from multiple characters point of view, from Eddie and Lissa to Adrian and even Dimitri. Possibly even Rose herself might get a say. I've done some fan-art for this series as well, post Spirit Bound but with my canon. SPOILERS A Crystal at the Door, a Goblin in the Bed Post-Labyrinth fic. Sarah is doing an excellent job of avoiding him. It doesn't help that his own goblins have turned against him. But then, Sarah has always inspired loyalty in even the darkest of places. J/S. Explores Sarah's relationship with the goblins, and the effect this has on Jareth. This is something where I don't want to get into a superly complicated explanation of how things are working between Jareth and Sarah or what out of the Lab means for them, though I'm finding that some of that is unavoidable in order for anything to make sense, but mostly I want to look at the way the goblins interact with and view Sarah and how she does with them. It seems important. I expect this one to be a lot longer than my usual fics, at least three maybe four chapters, plus a lot of fluffy drabbles after that. Edit: Abandoned Eventual Projects: Gift of The Night Fury Drabbles GotNF told in a series of drabbles from different points of veiw. Having a lot of fun with this since I saw the short. Started off with one about Stoick until it grew. Not usual for me because, in general, I usually hate drabbles. Writing them has been intersting. Update: I'm pretty sure I lost these when my computer crashed. I might have them in an email I sent to a friend... A Thing for Brunettes After Eugene is healed, what happens? Ensues is a tale of insecurity, stairs, and a repeat of the trip they had just made – only this time with cowlicks. Status: Eventual. Not really even in sight. Cultivation Happily ever after doesn’t just happen, not even for Belle and her new-found love, the Beast. Or is it Adam? Follow his gradual acclimatization back to human and how he and Belle handle the changes to cultivate their romance into the blooming rose of a relationship. Status: Still in the outlining and note taking phase. Not timeline yet Nightfurious “I am Nghhst. We are solitary by nature, unwilling to trust and quick to act. Mans are deadly things. Then again, I have never seen one so small or quiet. Rather than brandishing a large stick and bellowing, this one mewed to himself in the gravelly voice of a hatchling.” HTTYD, Toothless style. Status: since this is and RP, I probably wont post for some months until I've built up enough posts to give readers continual updates. Depends on both mine and my partners schedule, but not for some months to come. Mommy Dearest Rapunzel has no problem accepting a father figure into her life, but what about the confused feelings she gets around her real mom? Can she ever truly accept the Queen in place of Gothel, or will she always stumble over the word ‘mother’? Inspired by moonlitrose369’s story ‘Join the Club’. Status: Just barely an idea. Still hashing it out. I want this to got further than a oneshot like I originally planned, so my initial date of February has been canceled. Forget Me Nots A multiple chapter fic showing how Rapunzel affected the lives of everyone in the city that day. From dancing to drawing, the lost princess touched more lives in one day than most do in an entire lifetime. Status: Just an idea, wont bother working on it for months to come. Untitled Gothel is just a regular old hag…erm…lady, right? So how does one such lady put the Stabbington Brothers in Concussionland? The story of what happens if Gothel’s plan doesn’t work. AU Status: Outline is started, don't know when I'll get too it. Update: Lost the outline in a comp crash. Longing for Lionfish The castle has to deal with a lifetime of fishless dinners, since Ariel absolutely refuses to have seafood served anywhere near them. Being a coastal castle, how to Eric, Chef Louis, and Ariel herself deal with this. Status: WIP, first draft sent off but I anticipate at least 5 drafts. Raisin Toes When Ariel finally gets out of the waters, she discovers that her skin dries up and becomes terribly tight. The story of what happens when raisin toes seem natural. Status: Idea stage Where Would We Walk Astronauts lose bone mass in space because of the difference in gravity. So what would happen if you lived underwater your whole life? The story of how Ariel gives up everything she’s ever known for a pair of legs that keep breaking Status: Still just an idea. Pretty low on priority list. Vladamir and the Ginger Girlscouts Status: There's no plot or description. I think you can guess. I love to be contacted, reviewed, etc. Seeing something personal in my inbox is a special part of my day, so feel free to contact me with anything. I especially loooove prompts, as long as they are about a genre I know. Email: Cadenk (at) BellSouth (dot) net Or just contact me through FF - I'll get it almost immediately. Also, my DA for fandoms and the really crappy artwork I attempt is here. My official one for my costuming is here. |
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