Author has written 81 stories for General Hospital, Harry Potter, Labyrinth, and Timeless. I am a long time Liason fan who while stuck doing nothing for a couple of month made a comment to someone that I could do a better job than the current writing staff. Some suggested I give it a try. So I caught the fan fiction writing bug. While I do love General Hospital and wish it was more balanced, I would also love for it to return to its roots and show the hospital and the Hardy/Webbers, Baldwins and Quartermaines more and less of Sonny and the Spencers. Luke and Laura may have put GH on the map for many, but they are a storyline that is well past played out. I hope you enjoy my stories and I have plans for at least three more roaming around in my head. As for other interests I do a lot of volunteer work with seniors, and help run a children's movie program/art project at a club I'm a member in. I love to travel and have to admit that my favorite spots are Niagara Falls and Boldt Castle up in New York State. The idea of Boldt Castle has always fascinated me, the idea of a man stopping the construction of his dream house because the woman he intends to live there with has died. It's simply incredible romantic. |