![]() Author has written 13 stories for Spirited Away, Escaflowne, Card Captor Sakura, and Tsubasa Chronicle. ABOUT ME: Hi! I'm honored you took the time to come here and read my profile. I've been on this site for quite a while now. Recently, I've had to break away for a bit as life just caught up with me, and I knew my creativity wouldn't flow right. I'm back, however, and ready to keep dreaming. Let the insanity begin! I also have another profile on here dedicated to newer fandoms: reddish-ninja. It's mostly Miraculous Ladybug fandom so far. INTEREST: I'm a huge fan of anime, movies, and reading in general. To put it bluntly, I'm a nerd. I also paint and play the piano in my spare time. If I ever have time to spare, that is... WRITING: Spirited Within is a Spirited Away fiction and my first story on this site (popped my writing cherry to crudely put it! lol!). I was mostly a reader on here, but I found the movie so inspiring I had to write about it. Thus, my adventure into fiction writing began. This story is simple. It follows the plot line of the movie; however, it's all from Haku's point of view. So you guys get to see where Haku is when the camera is usually focused on Chihiro. It's got a lot of mistakes and grammar problems. I was 16 when I wrote it. Like I said before, it's my first story ever, so it's got a special place in my heart. :) It's complete. The Legends of Rutilus Flumen is the first of a three part series. It was the second thing I wrote on this site, so it too has a lot of problems at the beginning. Its an Escaflowne fic that takes the characters into a whole different world. Don't expect much canon here. Expect canon of it's own. This part is complete. The Awakening of Rutilus Flumen is the second part of the series. I'm back to work on it and updating somewhat regularly. Hurrah! We recently hit eleven years with this story... sorry it's taking so long... at least my writing has gotten better, right? ...right...? This unfortunately is not yet complete. :/ As of July 2018 - I was working on the newest chapter. It's gonna be great! I'm going to try and concentrate on this story and get as much done while my muse is still with me. Seriously, I've chained her to my side. I'm hopin' she ain't gonna escape! Be Ready came from a stream of 'what ifs' that randomly popped in my head while re-watching the show (because I have an obsession. Don't judge me.). Eventually it just divulged into a fun plot-line on its own. As always, it's Escaflowne because I can't seem to write about any other fandom half the time. It's recently become one of my all time favorite stories I've ever written. It is complete! YAY! Racing for Freedom was an idea that popped in my head and I just went with it. It's exciting, romantic, very fast-paced, full of action, and - of course - Escaflowne. Another random AU that comes from somewhere in my vast never-ending imagination. It's complete! Hip Hop and the Hooligan is a comedy for Escaflowne. It's fun, silly, and ridiculous. I have a simple idea where I want it to go, but mostly the insanity will ride this one. If you want a good laugh, it'll probably do the job. Don't expect anything too deep like Be Ready or Rutilus on this guy. This one is for funnsies and cute times. Not sure when it will ever be complete. I just love writing on it. I'm sure I'll get it complete someday. Hello, Nurse was supposed to be a Valentine's Day story, but it went out of control (like most of my stories usually do). I recently went back and added a few things - plus an epilogue, so it kind of turned into a Christmas story more than a Valentine's Day story. Oh well, read it whenever you want because it's pretty long. Also, I now know a LOT about Escaflowne because of it. Like seriously. Just read it. You'll understand. I know a lot... It's complete. A Simple Walk Home was my gooshy, romantic, one-shot fic that I did for Valentine's Day. It was in between writing chapters for other stories, so I wrote it quick. I feel like it isn't my best work. It's meant to be romantic and fun, so I guess perfection is not to be expected. It's still good though if you're wanting some Escaflowne romance. It's complete! The Love Potion is actually an old Escaflowne one-shot that I took down, edited, added a few more scenes, and then posted back up. It's cute, goofy, and I recommend you read it on Valentine's Day. (Is it that obvious I had nothing to do on Valentines except write romantic fiction with my OTP?) It's complete. Energy-Heart was actually born from a daydream at work. It won't be as long as Legends and probably not as fantastical. For now I have put it aside. May be permanent hiatus. I may come back to it someday. I'm not really sure. Almost a Fairy Tale was a break from Rutilus. It is an Escaflowne one-shot. I just couldn't get my mind straight and sometimes you just want to write about something else. I had this idea in my head and ran with it for an afternoon. Once it was finished, I realized it wasn't too bad. Not my best, but not my worst. :) It's complete. Match-Made With Notes was just a fun little thing that I wrote in less than a month. It's Cardcaptors Sakura because I am obviously a 90s kid. It's cute as can be and also complete! Helping Hands is another runaway idea on Cardcaptors Sakura. I'm debating continuing it. I liked the premise, but I will probably change and repost it sometime later. MORE ABOUT ME? If you wish to contact me personally you can always PM me anytime. I try to answer. I also answer reviews, so that's a great way to reach me as well. :) I wanted to give a massive thank you to everyone who reviews, favorites, author alerts, and believes my silly writings are good enough for their communities. It is an honor. *bows* blue... |