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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, D.Gray-Man, and Fruits Basket. クロス呪わアルケミスト Howdy!! My name is... ummm... uhhh... You can just call me Cross... BTW: I DON'T own the icon I'm using. I do NOT want to get sued. Thank you very much. IMPORTANT: I WILL BE CONTINUING STORIES SOON - I AM NOT DEAD. I HAVE NOT QUIT. MY LIFE TOOK OVER AND BECAME MORE IMPORTANT THAN WRITING. IT IS SUMMER AND I WILL HAVE TIME TO WRITE!! :EXTREMELY HAPPY: Name: Just call me Cross - the whole thing is damn annoying, it's so long.. Gender: What... If I told you... I was none...? Location: You just want to stalk me don't you...? Orientation: Who knows and cares what kind of past I have...? Other Orientation: Bi. It doesn't really matter on the net now does it? Unless... You are a stalker...! (Ok. This is flawed thinking due to the fact I already said I had no gender. So you must assume I actually have a gender or there is more than one 'non-gender' rendering me 'bi' with non-genders. Complicated, I know. Just bear with me, kay?) BTW. Odd fact about me (or maybe not so odd): I'm more attracted to fictional guys than real guys and I'm more attracted to real girls than fictional girls. So. Yeah. Uke or Seme: Both. It depends on the person. Ex. With Mello (Death Note) or Kanda (D. Gray-Man) I would be an uke. With Hinata (Naruto) or Allen (D. Gray-Man) I'd most likely be Seme. Does that make sense? Language: E-n-g-l-i-s-h So don't try that other crap on me unless it's minor Japanese... I'm still learning... Oh. I'm learning some French, too. So I'd probably be able to decipher that stuff. Quirks: Adopts the mannerisms of those in close contact with or admire/like, has Athazagoraphobia, has Necrophobia, taps out syllables of words or sentences with fingers, has a mild case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsiveness Disorder), addicted to sweet and sour chicken, IN LOVE with British comedy and mysteries (since a baby, man...), has a fetish for rivalry romances, practically in love with Haru's, onee-chan's and onee-chan's twin sister's waists (LOVES a good, easily accessible, comfy waist) Favorite Quote of All Freaking Time: "I’ve always thought that I had a pretty open mind to things. But the trouble with an open mind – I’ve found – is that people will insist on coming along, and putting things in it.” --'Flip Flop and Fly' - by: The Red Dragons Order Fighter Unit: Reckless - I am the Fighter and my Sacrifice is HaruGoesMoo. BTW. This Unit name is NOT mine. It's my nee-chan's, so you'd have to ask her to use it. Or ask her through me. Whichever. :shrugs: Favorite Animals: Felines, serpents, dragons, foxes Currently Listening to: "Again" - by: Yui "Dive to World" - by: CHERRYBLOSSOM "Rule the World" - by: Take That -- (I am almost literally IN LOVE with the singer's voice, btw.) Prisoner #: 137 Cellblock: DCAB (D because of 'accidental' stalking NOT including various characters/C because of 6th grade/A merely because of curiosity/B because 'normal' people think I am and maybe because I really AM a tad 'unbalanced') (Prisoner #:) (Cellblock:) (If you want to say you've escaped from prison (coughschoolcough) then copy and paste the above in your profile, while adding a random three-digit number, and either A, B, C, or D. (A= Mass murderer, B=Crazy, C=Cannibal, and D=Stalker)) Book/Manga/Anime Info: Naruto: Hidden Village: Hidden Leaf/Hidden Mist Element Affinity: Water/Wind Current Rank: Genin (Almost Chuunin level) - (And YES I DID take exams. Bloody hell they were, too.) Team: Sensei: Hina-chan (Onee-chan, real-life) Teammates: Natsu Kakusu (Older brother, real-life) & Haru Sohma (HaruGoesMoo) FMA: Alchemist: Yes Specialty: Water Skill Level: Above average and progressing - (YES I actually am) D. Gray-Man: Exorcist: Yes Innocence Name: Bloody Joker (I OWN this name for an innocence - Completely ALL MINE. DO. NOT. TAKE.) Syncronization Rate: 89 percent Current Time with Order: 4 1/2 years Harry Potter: Wizard/Witch: Yes. History of magic within the family: Halfblood. House: Slytherin (With influence of Griffindor) Excels in: DADA and Potions Favorite Teachers: Prof.Snape, Prof. Lupin and Prof. Mad-eye Moody Pro-Malfoy or Pro-Potter: Both, actually. I like them both equally and they piss me off equally. Completely even that one. Ambition: To get the idiots Malfoy and Potter to get along. To get the stupid rivalries to not be as serious anymore. To have fun at life. To make the best of what's available. Possibly become the a DADA teacher in the future. To be loved. I have an older brother who introduced me to fanfiction. He reads over my shoulder a lot and is Envy crossed with Kanda. :twitch: DON'T say anything...! I'm Edward, he's Envy -- I'm Allen, he's Kanda -- I'm Ayame, he's Shigure -- BAD mixes for the heart -- But I love 'im anyways... = Okay okay okay!! I want you to look up 'Sai' by Robot Carnival and 'Nway Yar Thi Kan Khwae' by Sai Sai Karm Hlaing - for all you that have read/seen Hikaru no Go. When you listen to it try and imagine Sai trying to dance to this - Especially at the beginning - It's kinda funny! ~ --Author Reccomendations: -- 'Haru Goes Moo' -- 'Moo-ness' -- 'AlBoxProductions' -- 'RanIntoTheMidnight' -- 'Ainnenoi Aurum' -- 'Little Ryuu' -- 'Meganes Ultimate Fangirl' -- 'Helen N.' -- 'Spirix' There's some more, but I can't think right now.. More later, neh? Recommendations Spot - of a few of my all-time favorite Fanfictions (I'm only going from the top of my head the ones I can remember): 'Letters from Matthew' - Her Sweetness -- Death Note - Main Char. Matt - (One of the most beautiful and heartbreaking fanfictions I've ever read. Thank this author and this story for me putting up my Recommendations Spot. If you even read my profile, that is.) - (Completed) 'Escort to Happiness' - Her Sweetness -- Death Note - Main Char. Mello, L, Raito/Light, Near - (Out of all the stories I've read in my life, this is the one that has made me smile the most. It's an amazing story to fall in love with. A read for any fan of Death Note that like yaoi/shonen-ai. A truly beautiful and wondeful piece.) - (Completed) 'Many Detailed Things' - Tsuki Fox -- Kingdom Hearts/Fruits Basket - Main Char. Riku, Yuki Sohma - (One of the most beautiful and heart-warming stories I have ever had the good fortune to read. The pairing is Riku/Yuki and is absolutely fantastic. It's a two-shot that is a must read for any Kingdom Hearts and Fruits Basket fan out there.) - (Completed) 'Seven Days' - AceAnomaly -- Kingdom Hearts - Main Char. Roxas, Axel - (A very sweet romance one-shot between Roxas and Axel. It's basic idea is something you've probably read or atleast heard of before, but the author makes it completely her own. It's a simply amazing story that you Do. Not. Want to miss!) - (Completed) 'You remain' - ohhai -- Death Note - Main Char. Near - (I'm a sucker for sad romances. This is a hurt/comfort Mello/Near fic. Very short but very worth it. I wanted to cry after reading it. It's a must read for all Death Note fans, even the ones who don't like yaoi. You won't regret it.) - (Completed) 'Broken Pride' - Forbiddensoul562 -- Death Note - Main Char. Near, Mello - (Another beatiful story, full of love and pain. The story takes place in Near's POV and is a definite read.) - (Completed) 'Kiss Away the Pain' - Forbiddensoul562 -- Death Note - Main Char. Mello, Near - (The story of 'Broken Pride' written in Mello's POV. If you read 'Broken Pride' you must read 'Kiss Away the Pain' afterwards.) - (Continuing) 'Name and Face' - Alien ABC's -- Death Note - Main Char. Soichiro Yagami, Mello - (A sad story that made me want to cry. This story is very beautiful made so much sense to me. A must read.) - (Completed) 'The Other Card' - sesshyfanchick -- Death Note - Main Char. Matt - (A sad story that is one of the few fanfictions that ever made me cry. It's very bittersweet.) - (Completed) 'Show Me Love' - kori hime -- Death Note - Main Char. Near - (A bittersweet and short story of Near and L. I almost cried on this one.) - (Completed) 'Blossoming White' - ChanceXIII -- Death Note - Main Char. Near - (Yet another bittersweet story. This one is also a love story. The pairing is between Near and Light, but don't feel like you shouldn't read it! It's an amazing story that makes you fall in love with it, even if it somehow had you doubting before.) - (Completed) 'Dead Men Tell No Tales' - 8Maniacal.Laughter8 -- Death Note - Main Char. Light, L, Mello, Near, Matt - (An amazing story that makes you perch on the end of your seat! It leaves you guessing the entire time. It's very dark but also light at times. A definite read.) - (Continuing) 'The Prince' - Neverending Odyssey -- Death Note - Main Char. Light, L - (A story that is pure genius. It leaves you wanting more after every chapter. A must read for practically every Death Note fan.) - (Continuing) 'Poem for a Lolita' - Hentai-Otaku -- Death Note - Main Char. Misa - (A short, wonderful poem about Misa and her perspective. Even for those who don't like Misa, you should try and read this. Even if you don't like it, it'll only take a couple of miutes of your time. The poem really makes you understand her more. It made me like Misa more than I did before.) - (Completed) 'Stitches' - xxfatal -- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Main Char. Makoto, Chiaki - (One of the best fanfictions I've ever read. The perk is that it's of my all-time favorite movie. The story is a collection of one-shots that may or may not be related. It's a beautiful collection ranging from happy to sad to somewhere inbetween. A definite read for those who have watched the movie. If you have not - That's okay. All you have to do is look it up on the internet, watch it and then read the fanfiction. I can guarantee that you won't be dissapointed.) - (Continuing) --More to be added-- --I LOVE Anime/Manga!! My Favs are... (1) Fullmetal Alchemist (BOO-YAH!) (1) D. Gray-Man (I've come into this... sorta... D. Gray-Man craze...)' (3) Haibane Renmei (Why only 13 episodes..! WHY?!) (1) Natsume Yuujinchou (Ohmygod I am IN LOVE with this anime :has gotten the anime in the mail: :extremely happy: I LOVE Natsume..!! If I had to marry an anime character it'd be him! It's a wonderful and beautiful story! You should definitely read it!! ;3) (1) Kuroshitsuji (Ohgod.. Did I NOT Have this down here?! :freakingout: I've loved this for so long!! And have tried to make HaruGoesMoo read it for about 6 months!! How could I FORGETTHIS?! THISISONEOFTHEMOSTBRILLINATMANGAOFALLTMIEANDHASMEONTHEVERGEOFTEARSTOOMANYTIMESTOCOUNTIABSOLUTELYLOVETHISMANGA!!) (1) Tozasareta Nergal (VERY, VERY, VERY funny!! XD I can't WAIT for more!! It's SOOO good. (1) Nakamike no Ichizoku (A.K.A. The Clan of the Nakagamis - Friggin' HILARIOUS!! It's a yaoi between a teacher and his student - And it's one of THE BEST mangas I've EVER read!!) (3) D. N. Angel (First manga I read was D. N. Angel vol. 10-- Since then I've fallen in love with this series and ani/man) (2) Princess Princess (I think Tohru & Yujirou are the perfect couple...) (1) Death Note (All Haru's fault) (1) Ookiku Furikabutte (THE BEST baseball manga I have EVER read!! X3 It has WONDERFUL characters!! You can't help but fall in love!! :laughs: The main character Mihashi Ren is THE CUTEST character I have EVER come across in my ENTIRE LIFE!! I really hope there will be more episodes soon!! ;3) (1) Hikaru no Go (Crap! How could I forget this one, too?! This is the series that has made me feel the most and go crazy over it the most! The ending was perfect.. And yet it wasn't... It hurt so much when I finished it -- I haven't really read it since. It's just too painful for me. I love it so much, yet... Sigh... I just thought about it and decided to look some fanfiction up on HikaruxAkira. But... It really hurts... This series means the absolute most to me...) (1) Nabari no Ou (COMPLETELY amazing. I had been meaning to read/watch it for a long time, but it urns out I've already read some without knowing it! :laughs: Well, I started it again... And I've falled in love... Yet again. :grins:) (3) Monochrome Factor ( I LOVE IT!! X3) (3) Fruits Basket (Also one of the first series I fell in love with) (2) Cafe Kichijouji (Looo--ooo-oooonnnggg time ago...! It's so GOOOD!!) (2) Naruto (Got back into it a bit ago. Not REALLY reading it anymore...) (3) Hana Kimi (Lovely series this... I think it's the first older teen manga I ever read... It made me love high jump so much) (2) +Anima (totally Husky & Cooro, man... totally all them...) (3) Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicals (I fell in love with this too... I just hope everything doesn't end up all depressing like most of their series) (Later: Oh god... It is depressing... Completely and utterly depressing... :cries: Though... :sighs: Can't deny it's an utterly brilliant series.) (3) Yakitate! Ja-Pan (It got me into loving baking! I wish I could bake... I recommend this to all!) (3) Whistle! (How could I forget this?! I LOVE it! It used to be my favorite as well! It got me so much into soccer!) But... mostly FMA, D. Gray-Man, Death Note, Natsume Yuujinchou and Hikaru no Go...! --Favorite Books: (1) Harry Potter (Only one I'm putting down right now...) --Favorite Wizards/Witches: 1) Harry Potter -- (All luv!! X3) 1) Draco Malfoy -- (I don't care what you people think reading the books and watching the movies he isn't a cowardly prick! XO) 1) Tom Riddle -- (I don't understand how anyone could NOT love him. ...Okay. Exagerration there. I DO understand.. :sighs:) 2) Severus Snape -- (He was blamed for so many things...!! If he just had a better childhood everyone would like him!! Xo) 2) Sirius Black -- (If I was his age...) --Favorite Alchemists: 1) Edward Elric -- (No comparison) 2) Roy Mustang -- (I'll just blame all that EdRoy FanFiction I've read...) --Favorite Homunculi: 1) Envy -- (No comparison -- I'll just blame my older brother Envy-san and the Edvy FanFiction I've read before...) 2) Greed -- (I really like how he broke off from all the other Homunculi -- I find his courage and values amazing -- Even if it's hard to identify them at times) 3) Wrath -- (From the anime -- He's so fucking adorable) 3) Lust -- (I really like her from the anime -- I feel so sorry for her...) Note: Thinking of Sloth is really painful so that's why I didn't put her down as one of my favorites. --Favorite Exorcists: 1) Allen Walker -- Crown Clown -- (No comparison) 2) Yu Kanda -- Mugen -- (No comparison) 3) Lavi Bookman -- The Hammer Thing -- (Reminds me too much of certain people not to put him down -_-') --Favorite Noah (Besides the 14th): 1) Tyki -- (too cool -- too awesome -- too cute -- too so on) -- (In other words: No comparison) 2) Jasdebi -- (the twins) -- (I adore them too much not to put them down) 3) Road -- (I just really like her) --Favorite Go Players: 1) Hikaru -- (He's alot like one of my personalities! ~ He's so cute and energetic...!) 2) Akira -- (After I started reading Akihika fanfiction I REALLY started to develope a crush... -.-= Kinda embarasing, but I love 'im...!) 3) Sai -- (Yay! Sai! I love my mentor so much...! I (literally) cried so much when he dissapeared...) --Favorite Ninja: 1) Naruto -- (Never gonna get out of this) 1) Sasuke -- (After he left Konoha I kinda went blah and didn't read Naruto for the loooongest time... :cries:) 1) Minato Namikaze/Fourth Hokage -- (I LOVE him. MinaNaru fics are appreciated (especially the time travel ones...) 2) Gaara -- (I don't know why... I love him a bunch though... I really like brotherly GaaNaru) 2) Neji -- (When they went to retrieve Sasuke the first time, I was reading it and when I saw him in one of the panels, don't ask me why.. It suddenly just clicked and I couldn't stop blushing and make my heart stop pounding for the longest time... :sighs: I can't believe I was literally in love with him for a while... :sighs again: I really like NejiGaa now though :3) 2) Sai -- (One word: A.W.E.S.O.M.E.) 3) Kakashi -- (I've always liked him.. KakaIru made me like him even more... ~) 3) Iruka -- (:sighs happily: I love my sensei... Y'know, Haru is actually Iruka...) 3) Hinata -- (I LOVE my Hina-chan!! :squeals: :swoons: This is 'cause of my wonderful nee-chan!! 3) --Favorite Akatsuki: 1) Deidara -- (OHMYGOD!! YEEEES!! He's who I am in the Akatsuki!! Totally awesome!! ;D) 1) Itachi -- ( I hated him for the loongest time, but I love him now! Don't ask me why! Well.. :mumbles: I kinda think I know why, but oh well...) 3) Tobi -- (I totally support the Tobi/Obito theory! I hate the Tobi/Madara one! :x I HATE it! Even when it was proved! I don't care!) 4) Sasori -- (This is actually because of nee-chan, but I really like him... I like SasoDei... ~ :sighs: Nee-chan...) --My favorite couples are... 3) EdRoy (WAS MY A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E-!-!-!) 3) Naruhina (=-.-=) 3) SasuNaru (WAY overdone but I love it... ~) 2) MinaNaru/AraNaru (LOVE THIS!! It's WAY better than you would think - If you read the good/well written - The back in time fics with them falling in love are great! w 3) DeiNaru (Starting Dec. 25, 2008 I approve of this couple in any way shape or form! glint! SERIOUSLY! TRY it! It's not as bad as some think! The brothery or mentor/student ones are good, too! ~) 2) ItaNaru (I dunno whatbrought thia on - But it's actually VERY good!! :amazed!: I hate the ItaNaru, SasuNaru/Onesided ones though... cries Well... If Itachi and Naruto both love eachother and Sasuke is left in the dumps and alone, that is :cries:- The LITERAL triangle isn't all that bad..) 3) KakaIru (Started with this as the side pairings in SasuNaru... I really like it... .2) TohruxYujirou (My second favorite couple -- Seriuosly! Why don't they show that in the series! It totally sucks, man!) 3) Edvy (I used to be so crazy over this... My older brother was mortified and threatened to shove a sword down my throat -- Yep -- They're Kanda as well... -_-') 3) EdxOC (these are good -- usually... -_-') 2) Yullen (Allen + Kanda) (Another A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E-!-!-!) 2) Akihika (Akira + Hikaru) (A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E-!-!-! Che. Yeah, I like it... I've started to really get into this lately...) 3) HarukaxAkira (Monochrome Factor) (I saw them both and went -- GAH! MAKE THEM A COUPLE! Though of course... The author just HAD to pair Akira with Shirogane.. They just HAD to didn't they...?! Don't get me wrong - I really like Shirogane ( I AM him...) but...) 1) LLight/LightL (dunno how to put this one - L and Light) 3) LXOC (I love the ones with L paired with an OC -- like my favorite one: A Pinch of Pleasure - by Lawlita - I LUV IT!!) 1) Mello/Near (SOOOO cute!!) 2) Matt/Near (TOO. CUTE.) 3) Light/Near (Acually pretty good. Very adorable.) And... Um... Not sure!! --My favorite characters (otherwise known as crushes) are... 1) Takashi Natsume (Natsume Yuujinchou) (If I had to marry somebody it would be him. Enough said.) 1) Harry Potter (Harry Potter) (I honestly don't understand why I didn't put him here before. I must be an idiot. :glances in conveniently placed mirror: Oh. Just look at that. I AM just an idiot.) 1) Ren Mihashi (Ookiku Furikabutte) (The most adorable character I have ever had the good fortune to come across.) 1) Yoite (Nabari no Ou) (Reminds me a lot of Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji. His looks anyway.. :laughs: Mm.. I really like Yoite.. :nods:) 1) Badou (Dogs: Bullets & Carnage) ( I cannot describe how much I love him. Honestly.) 1) Tom M. Riddle (Harry Potter) (I don't really know what brought this on. Maybe all those Tom/Harry fics. Well, I took one'a those tests to see who you're pairde with, right? I didn't care it was 'only for girls' - And it was a fairly good one. I was impressed. I ended up with 'im. :stops: I had a... dream, too. The day before I took the test. :pauses: :chuckles: LOVED it...) 1) Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji) (Okay. He's COMPLETELY adorable has has the whole 'angst' thig going. No offense, Ciel-kun - I really admire you, actually. I love Ciel-kun's 'strength', even though he seems on the verge of a breakdown a lot of the time and Sebastian really is the reason why he's alive and sane. I also admire his perseverenceand his will to not let bad things happen to the people he loves. He's extremely young and to have gone through what he's BEEN through and manage to survive through all of that.. Is simply amazing. The thing that gets me pissed is that everyone crushes on SEBASTIAN. NOT that I don't GET WHY, but STILL... Ciel should get more credit from fans/readers.. :sighs:) 1) Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) (OBVIOUSLY -- I put him up here because I thought I used to have a crush on him, but... One night I had an...interesting dream to say the least...DAMN! I wish I hadn't woke up! It had Hinata-chan and Sasuke-kun, too! And Sakura-chan! I didn't even get to finish the dream...! :WAILS:) 1) Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) (He will always remain my favorite person of all time) 1) L Lawliet (Death Note) (Ohmigosh... I have a HUGE crush on him...) 2) Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) (Almost EVERYONE has this, I know, but still... He is LITERALLY SEX. ON. LEGS. The most HOTTEST thing there IS to offer... (Besides Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, of course.) :sighs dreamily: AND I like his personality, too!) 2) Deidara (Naruto) (I've ALWAYS liked him... I just CAN'T NOT like him... :sighs happily:) 2) Akira Touya (Hikaru no Go) (...Blame all those Akihika fanfics... :blushes:) 2) Near/Nate River (Death Note) (He. Is. So. Frickin'. CUTE!!) 2) Mello/Mihael Keehl (Death Note) (I think this formed from all the fanfictions with Mello in them... Heheh... :embarrassed: I prefer him before the scar - But he's good either way!! ;D) 2) Light Yagami (Death Note) (More from when he was 'innocent' than from when he was Kira. :gags: He's MUCH better when he was 'innocent' and had no memories... If only he never found the Death Note and worked with L anyway!! :cries:) 2) Yu Kanda (D. Gray-Man) (After I started reading Yullen was when this formed... He and Akira remind me of eachother... I'm a sucker for they're looks... And personalities... :blushes: looks away) 2) Allen Walker (D.Gray-Man) (Seriously! He's like Edward & Alphonse put together!!) 3) Matt/Mail Jeevas (Death Note) (I just... He's just so cool and gentle and caring and hapy and supportive and... I just really like him. :blushes:) 3) Hinata (Death Note) (My nee-chan is Hinata... It gets REALLY hard sometimes.. My nee-chan is just sooo CUUUTEEE!! Of course, she's not my LITERAL nee-chan, I just call her that -- AND she's younger than me. Heheh!) ►I am very much like Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto), Ayame Sohma (Fruits Basket), Allen Walker (D. Gray-Man), and Hikaru Shindo (Hikaru no Go) put together. THAT is the BRIEF description of the BRILLAINT (not really) ME.◄ --Harry Potter: A Harry Potter survey someone else made! (Take it yourself and put it on your profile! 8D) Question 1: What is your favourite Harry Potter book and why? Least favourite? Question 2: What is your favourite Harry Potter movie and why? Least favourite? Again. Prisoner of Azkaban. Same reasons. Except with the add-on of Harry looking his best in this movie. :grins: Question 3: Who is your favourite character? Harry Potter. No hands down. (But with Sirius, Draco, Salazar Slytherin and Tom Riddle leading up) Question 4: What is your favourite spell? Um. ... ...Hm. I'll have to think on that one. Maybe Patronus. I like that it shows you your inner self/the figure you look up to. All depends on your perspective, un. Question 5: Who is your favourite teacher at Hogwarts? Severus Snape. And Lupin. And Salazar Slytherin. Question 6: Who is your favourite Death Eater (Voldemort included)? Voldemort. Snape. Regulus Black. Oh! I forgot Draco was one, too. And Draco. Question 7: Who is your favourite Hogwarts Student? Besides Harry?? Umm... CURRENT Hogwarts student? ...or ANY Hogwarts' student? 'Cause it'd have to be Riddle, Harry, Draco, Severus, Sirius, Lupin, the Weasly twins... Question 8: What house would you want to be in? Which house do you think you would be sorted into? Slytherin. Griffindork tendancies. (Oh, I'm sorry... Did I say that out loud..?) Question 9: Would you join the Order or the Death Eaters? Honestly? I don't like torturing poeple. But I don't agree with the Order whole-heartedly. Let's just keep it... Grey. Question 10: If you could choose any character to be your boyfriend/girlfriend, who would it be? Oh. Hard one. HMM...My version of Riddle... Harry... Draco the way he's MEANT to be... Sirius... Salazar Slytherin... Question 11: Who would be your best friend? Harry. :laughs: Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry with a little bit of...Neville, Snape (maybe not.), Sirius and Lupin thrown in?? Question 12: Warner Brothers postponed the release date of the Half-Blood Prince movie to July of 2009. What are your thoughts on this? That's okay. It's fine. I'm still gonna read it no matter what. Question 13: What is your favorite magical creature? Ah. ... ...DRAGON!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I HESITATED ON THAT ONE!! 8O :SHOCKED THE ANSWER DID NOT IMMEDIATELY COME TO MIND: Question 14: What is your favorite class at Hogwarts? Potions. Transfiguration. Care of Magical Creatures. I would like to think that I would like DADA, but- Honestly? I'd probably be completely awful at it. Question 15: Would you like to throw Dolores Umbridge into a boiling vat of acid? Um. I'd rather her GET IT INTO HER THICK HEAD THAT THE MINISTRY IS NOT ALL-POWERFUL AND NOT ALL-KNOWING AND THAT CREATURES AND MUGGLES AND NON-PUREBLOODS HAVE JUST AS MANY RIGHTS AS PURE-BLOOD WIZARDS!! Question 16: What character would you dress up as for Halloween? If I could actuallt LOOK like what I think of them as looking like?? Harry. Or Salazar. Either one. Question 17: How did you get your copy of The Deathly Hallows? I waited in the traditional line at Borders like I've done almost every year. I was pretty near the front of the line (only a couple of families away, un), too. It was nice. Question 18: How did you get into Harry Potter? ...I...don't..remember. Question 19: What is one memorable experience you have had involving the series? OH! OH! I KNOW!! So in first grade I dressed up as a wizard, right? And only one other person dressed up as a wizard (I REALLY wished I REMEMBERED his NAME because I probably go to school with him... Ah, well.. BUT! ANYWAYS! We somehow noticed this and he called me 'Hermione' for the rest of the year while I calle him 'Harry'. Ahh.. :sighs happily: The next year EVERYONE was dressing as people from the Harry Potter series!! So basically Harry and I started it all at our school!! :VERY VERY happy: Question 20: Have you ever seen a movie you were not particularly interested in, simply because it had a Harry Potter actor in it? Um. I've seen movies that had the actors in it simply by coincidence. So, whenever that happens I just sit up, point to the TV screen and say, "Hey it's him/her!!" Question 21: Would you go to Hogwarts, Durmstrang, or Beaubatons? Hogwarts. And maybe if I could do it again I'd try out the other places. Question 22: What was your favorite Triwizard task? The Lake. Second Task. (I feel REALLY bad for the Dragons in the First Task... T-T) Question 23: Before you read The Deathly Hallows, what was your opinion of Snape? I didn't like him very much, but (since I'm me) I always said, "Look at it from HIS point of view!!" (Even if he killed Dumbledore, which I lay crying in bed about, BTW) and STILL thought him good. I got the bookmark and sticker and window-cling-on and everything. Question 24: Do you read or write fanfiction? TOTALLY BOTH. (Though I have yet to post my (COMPLETELY AWESOME!!) stories that I've thought of and begun to write up!!) Question 25: Which spell do you wish you could use in real life? Lots. All. Yeah. :sighs: Question 26: What position would you play in Quidditch? Um. NOT Chaser. I'd be as scared as hell. Maybe.. Beater? Or Seeker? Question 27: What was your favorite moment in any of the books? I'll tell you later when I decide.. Preferably when the 8th book comes out with Harry as the uke and has a delectable seme to complement him. Question 28: What event in the series did you wish had happened differently? Sirius dying. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Any of my faorite characters dying. Ginny and Harry staying in their marriage. (Though we don't actually KNOW that DO we..?) (I'd say 'NEVER GET TOGETHER', but I love their kids.. So, what can I say..?) Question 29: Would you join the DA? Yes. Question 30: Do you think Voldemort has EVER had a girlfriend? I don't know about GIRLFRIEND, but I certainly think he had a BOYFRIEND somewhere in there... Maybe when Harry wound up in the past.. Yeah.. Somewhere around there... :snickers: Question 31: What name from the series would you be willing to change your own name to? ORION. (My ABSOLUTE FIRST pick) James. Salazar. Draco. Abraxas. Blaise. Elphias. Kendra. James. Marvolo (has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?). Regulus. So... 'Orion Marvolo', perhaps..? ... Okay. This is MY NAME that I MADE. NO ONE TAKE IT PLEASE I THINK I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE. Question 32: What type of wand would you have? Evergreen and Snake Venom. Question 33: What would your pet be? Snake or Cat. (Both, if I could sneak it.) Question 34: If you could belong to any family in the series, which would it be? Blacks (I'd be backing Sirius all the way, even when I got sorted into Slytherin and even if he didn't like me.. T-T). Question 35: Which Hallow would you most like to have? Invivibility Cloak, please. Question 36: What is your favorite horcrux? I.. :chokes off in a sob: H-Harry... Question 37: Ever seen Potter Puppet Pals? Yepz. 'Cause my friend HaruGoesMoo made me. Question 38: What would your patronus be? Well. I took a test and it said 'Tiger'. But I doubt it. So... Probably my (deceased) cat Kit.. :stops: Actually.. That would... Make a lot of sense... o.o Question 39: What would be your animagus form? Cat, again. Or maybe a fox. Dunno. It seems to fit. Question 40: Who is your favorite Marauder? Padfoot. Then Moony. Then Prongs. Then Wormtail. Question 41: If you went to Diagon Alley, where would you go first? Weasly's Wizarding Weazes Question 42: Favorite member of the Black family? Sirius and Regulus. Then Orion. Question 43: Favorite member of the Weasley family? The twins. Then Bill and Charlie. Then Mr. and Mrs. Weasly. Then Ron. Then Ginny and Percy. Question 44: Who should have won the Triwizard Cup? Cedric and Harry. Question 45: Who is your favorite actor in the films? My.. Favorite.. Actor.. ...Hm. :pauses: The two who play Dumbledore and the one who pays Severus Snape. Then Lupin. Then McGonagle. Then Flitwick. then.. Let's just say this: 'I think most of the teachers were pretty good.' and leave it at that. Oh. And Hermione, of course. She's very cute and charming. Question 46: (Insert actor here) should totally play (Insert character here). I think Riddle/Salazar should totally play Harry's lover/seme. Question 47: What would you wear to the Yule Ball? Umm... Robes... ... ...Yeah, robes. Question 48: How many times have you read the series? A few times. I always listen to the tapes/CD's first, though. But the visual's nice afterwards. Question 49: Who is your favorite couple? HARRY AND RIDDLE - HARRY AND SALAZAR - HARRY AND OTHER MALE CHARACTERS FROM DIFFERENT SERIES. Question 50: Did you like this survey? YES. Thank you. --Naruto: Number your twelve favorite Naruto characters (in no particular order) and answer the following questions: 1. Naruto 1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fan-fic before? Neji/Tobi ...O.o...no...?...theck...?! 2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Itachi SOOO Yeah!! Practically NO ONE can dissagree with this even if they don't like him!! (kinda) . 3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Obito/Iruka ...o.O...Poor Kakashi... That would actually make sense... In a Obito/Iruka/Kakashi three way love thing... You know... The love triangle and jealous stuff. 4. Do you recall any fan-fics about Nine? Namikaze Minato/Fourth Hokage HELL YESSS!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD 5. Would Two and Six make a good couple? Sasuke/Neji I suppose... A lot of love/hate going on there, though, if that happenned... 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Gaara/Hinato vs. Gaara/Minato Gaara and Hinata. ...Can YOU imagine a MinatoGaara fic...? ...Creeeepyyyyy... 7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? Kakashi & Obito/Sasuke HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! 8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fanfic. Deidara/Hinata AU. Deidara meets Hinata at school or when they're grown up. Deidara sees/realizes that Hinata doesn't know much about the world and that she should just let herself go a bit. So he decides to show her the way. Purely Brotherly/Friendly, Friendship. (I don't care who you are. This summary/plot/story is MINE.) 9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff? Naruto/Iruka FUCK YEAH!! 10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Kakashi/Obito The Lying Truth or Starlit Lies or something. AGAIN. I don't CARE who you are these titles are MINE. YES. I am VERY possesive. 11. What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? Itachi/Naruto Dude. SASUKE and ITACHI ring a bell?! This could SOO go for anything!! A threesome, a love triangle, a 'Ha. I'm better than you and get everything I want so I can get/got what you want the most' or 'HA. You got everything so I took THIS to make you mad/for revenge' ALL that stuff. 12. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? Deidara EH? I dunno... 13. Does anyone on your friends list, write, or draw Eleven? Tobi SOOO yeah. He draws 'im all the time!! ~ 14. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Sasuke/Itachi/Gaara I get Sasuke and Itachi, but... Why Gaara...?! o.O 15. What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? Hinata 'Aa-AAAAHHHH!!" I dunno... -shifty eyes- ...Does it look like I want to know...? -internal nosebleed- 16. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? Iruka Ehhhh... I can imagine what Kakashi would sing with/for him. :chuckles: I'm listening to it right now! = It's '4Ever' by 'The Veronicas'. It SOO fits! ~ 17. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be Naruto/Neji/Obito Warning: this is a Naruto/Neji/OBITO Fanfiction. Does NOT make sense to me and does NOT obey ANY laws of the universe WHATSOEVER but if YOU understand it I will give you everything I own. 18. What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Hinata/Sasuke "U-um. Sasuke-san? W-would you l-like to g-go to I-Ichiraku R-ramen with m-me?" I DO NOT approve of this fanfiction/pairing AT ALL. Sasuke belongs to NARUTO and Naruto belongs to HIM (atleast, sometimees. I make an exception with a few others for Naruto, now). Hinata belongs to NARUTO in half the cases or belongs to KIBA in the OTHER half. I also approve of Hinata and Neji belonging to eachother. Though my nee-chan is TERRIFIED of this pairing so I tend to DISSapprove of it, as well. 19. How might Eleven describe a relationship between Two and Eight? Tobi & Sasuke/Iruka "A good boy that's taught by another good boy!" -all smiles- I have NO IDEA. I don't know Tobi that well. 20. How emo is Seven? Kakashi ...Depends where you're looking from... ...OTHERWISE...70/30 or 50/50... 100/0 counts, too. --Death Note: 1. Who is your favorite Death Note character(s)? 2. What is your favorite pairing(s)? 3. Are you a Death Note yaoi or hentai fan? 4. Ever cosplayed Death Note characters? If so, who, where and how many times? I want to dress as L... -CRIES- 5. List your collection of Death Note junk and merchandise, if any: 6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Death Note character? Um... Destined..? As much as wish so, no. Though if it had to be someone... L? Maybe Near, but then again he may not think I'm up to par in the intelligence apartment - Which I'm not. Maybe the good-innocent-before-the-Death-Note and amnesia-Light. Mello would probably work. Matt...? -confused- 7. Near/Matt or Mello/Near? 8. Light/Misa or L/Misa? 9. Did you think Matt's death was fair? -STARES- ARE. YOU. ON. CRACK?? NO!! 10. Why did you think Mello helped Near in the end? 11. Do you support Kira's theory in making the world better by using the Death Note and killing off the bad people? 12. Your favorite Wammy kid? 13. Are you Pro-Kira or Anti-Kira? Half-half?? 14. Have you seen all Death Note episodes so far? 15. Have you read all the chapters so far? 16. Do you believe Misa has ADD? 17. Sub or dub? 18. Pro-Misa or Anti-Misa? 19. Lidner = Near's side or Mello's? -looks up- Oh. Her. I don't know. I think she's just in it for the Cause, but came to like both of them...? 20. Do you even know who BB is? ...That's just sad, man... 21. L = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd? Sexy nerd. 22. Which character would be the best cross dresser? No. I take that back. SO NEAR and Mello. Near would be SOOO CUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! (And then maybe Light.) 23. Mikami = Weird or Awesome? Weirsome?? 24. Which character would be the best OOC? 25. Do you like Death Note fanfics? 26. Do you write Death Note fanfics? 27. Do you like lemons? 28. Do your parents know about the Death Note characters? 29. Have you watched the Death Note Abridged Series? 30. Have you seen The Death Note fanflashes? 31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Death Note? 32. Have you ever been drawing Death Note in school and has someone recognized it? 33. Have you ever been in class drawing Death Note and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?' 34. Has Death Note affected your school life and grades? 35. Are you broke thanks to Death Note? Depends on what you mean by 'broke'... 36. Do you want to own a Death Note? 37. Do you wish the series had ended differently? 38. Do you draw Death Note fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery? 39. Is Mello still sexy even though half of his face is scarred by burns? 40. Do you have a Death Note OC? 41. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Death Note has taken over your life? Maybeee... I dunno. :grins sheepishly: --Your One and Only Wish Do it one by one, don't look ahead! 1. Write the name of a person of the opposite sex. 2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue,yellow and green. 3. Your first initial? 4. Your month of birth? 5. Which color do you like more, black or white? 6. Name of a person of the same sex as yours. 7. Your favorite number? 8. Do you like California of Florida more? 9. Do you like the lake or ocean more? 10. Write down a wish (a realistic one.) Are you done? If so, scroll down. (Don't cheat--) The Answers 1. You are completely in love with this person. 2. If you choose: Red: You are alert and you life is full of love. Black: You are conservative and aggressive. Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back. Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the one you love. Yellow: You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down. 3. If you're initial is: A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life. L-R: You try to enjoy life to the maximum and you love life is soon to blossom S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good. 4. If You were born in: Jan-Mar: The year will for very well for you and you will discover the you fall in love with someone totally unexpected. Apr-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life changing experience for the good. Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soul mate. 5. If you choose... Black: your life will take on a different direction; it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you and you will be glad for the change. White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you but you may not realize it. 6. This person is your best friend. 7. This is how many close friends you have in a lifetime. 8. If you choose... California: You like adventure. Florida: You are a laidback person. 9. If you choose... Lake: You are loyal to you friends and you love. And you are very reserved. Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people 10. This wish will come true only if you Re-post this bulletin in one hour and it will come true before your next birthday. (Hopefully.) 'Bout me. --I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. --I'm Sorry Girls Don't Realize These Things I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry But most of all I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm Sorry I'm sorry Ladies always complain and gripe to their friends that there is never any good guys out there, and they always end up with assholes who mistreat them. Well ladies, next time you're complaining, maybe look up to see who you're complaining to, maybe that special someone is right there hanging on your every word as usual, screaming in his head "Why won't you give me a chance?" If you're a guy and you agree with this letter, copy and paste into your profile as 'I'm sorry' If You're one of the FEW girls with enough BALLS to copy and paste this into your profile, and you would never make your guy feel this way, copy and paste into your profile as 'Girls Don't Realize These Things' --Thoughts on Gay Marriage! (as stolen from the profile of EmpyrealFantasy) 1) Gay marriage is not natural, and as Americans, we always reject unatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and lyposuction. 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. 9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans... Have PRIDE! Support Gay Marriage! --PLEASE READ WHAT'S UNDER THIS! I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. --Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it-- I'm bi and haven't told any of my family yet - I probably never will because I fear what they may think. I told my friends once that I was. They looked at me funny and I'm pretty sure they hoped I didn't like any of them. It's hard. Later I told them that I was mistaken and they all looked relieved. On a scool trip I told Haru my crush of the same gender. Haru said that she already knew, so I hope she thinks I'm okay. I can't bear to think of any of my friends not liking me because of it. I think Haru may be the only one that takes it okay - and I assure you Haru that I will never like you in that way. (No offense but I'm not capable of liking you in this way.) So. If any of you people have any problems with me being Bi then either deal with it or get off my profile. I mean it. I hate homophobias. Ugh... Anyway... I'll write more later. O-K-I-E-S? Bye-ah! P.S. You can find me on GaiaOnline on 'Cross - Damned Alchemist' or 'Crown Clown Mugen'. I use 'Crown Clown Mugen' more often now, though. P.P.S. (Even though p.s.s. sounds better.. :grumbles:) You can also find me on the fabulous new site called ! It's a WONDERFULLY CUTE place. (I went there just for the avatars, but I've really come to love it!) I am '.Cross.d.a.' on this site! Hope to see you there! ;D (However, it's NOT as fabulous as it oncer was. You now have to pay if you want certain things - But I still encourage peoplee to join. It's still fab and cute.) Sooo anyways... Bye-Bye!! :grins: Please reagrd me kindly. This is Cross. Signing off. |