Da SliCk RiCaN
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Joined 05-02-08, id: 1565948, Profile Updated: 05-28-08
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Pokémon.

Name: Ricky

Age: 14

Hobbies: chilling with friends, playing football and soccer and playing GTA IV

Favorite Anime/Manga: Naruto, Inuyasha, Bleach, Pokemon (Yes I consider it an anime) I really only write Naruto, and Pokemon fics anyway but mostly Naruto fics

Favorite Naruto pairings

(Naruto x Ino) I don't know why but its my favorite paring I guess blondes do have more fun XD

(Naruto x Sakura) only if she realizes that Sasgay aka Sasuke is a complete asshole and Naruto's always been there for her and he's the one that deserves her

(Naruto x Ayame) Rare paring she's he ramen shop girls she's like two years older than him but who cares I always liked her

(Naruto x Sasame) Really rare paring its obvious that she had a crush on him and he thought she was really cute so I think they just go good together

(Naruto x Shizune) now before you say anything I make Shizune's Naruto's age because there my fics and there a cute pairing

(Naruto x Tenten) I don't know why but I really like this paring its so random but so I like it anyway

(Naruto x Anko) It's a great pairing I really like because they can both understand what its like to be alone

(Naruto x Temari) I like it because she can see Naruto as a person not as a demon because he helped Gaara

(Kakashi x Shizune) yea I know its sort of random but who cares its kinda cool

Naruto pairings that I don't like

(Naruto x Hinata) she's really nice and all but I cant picture these two together

Lee x Sakura I really hate this pairing its just so weird they would never work out Lee's cool and all but they just don't go good together

(Sakura x Sasgay) I hate sasgay he's an insensitive asshole who's going to end up alone he doesn't deserve her

(Naruto x Sasgay) I hate yaoi its disgusting no offense to you yaoi writers but its not for me

(Neji x Ino) I just don't like this paring

Favorite shipping's Pokemon

(Ash x Dawn) also known as PearlShipping or AADL is my favorite paring they fit each other perfectly

(Ash x May) also known as AdvanceShipping this is a really great pairing its my second favorite

(Ash x Anabel) also known as AbilityShipping is a really cool pairing I really like it these two look good together

(Ash x Bianca) Rare shipping also known as MareShipping I think this pair is really cool and I think these two go good together

(Ash x Melody) Really rare shipping also known as KissShipping I really like this pairing I don't know why it just seems really cool

(Ash x Zoey) Rare shipping I don't know I like this paring it seems really interesting

(Max x Dawn) I don't know it seems really cool there both the same age and I think they would go good together.

Pokemon shipping's that I don't like

(Ash x Misty) I don't like misty I think she's a bitch she always used to boss Ash around and hit him and treat him badly

(Dawn x Zoey) ugh that's just sick I hate yuri no offense to all the yuri writers out there but that's not for me

(Drew x May) I hate this paring Drew is an egotistical asshole who doesn't deserve someone like May

(Drew x Dawn) hate this paring Drew is an egotistical asshole who doesn't deserve someone like Dawn

(Harley x Anyone) he's just creepy lol I don't like any fics with him in them

(Ash x Any guy) like I said I don't like yaoi or yuri no offense but its not my style

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Love in Sinnoh AshxDawn reviews
Pearlshipping AshxDawn somthing happens to Dawn and shes left in tears.Guess whos there to comfort her.Our favorite young trainer Ash.His attempts arent working so he does the only thing he could think of tell Dawn how he fells about her. Please R&R
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 851 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 3 - Published: 5/28/2008 - Complete
All I Need Is You reviews
What certain blonde couple have been going steady for months read and find out
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 629 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 5 - Published: 5/4/2008 - Naruto U., Ino Y. - Complete