Author has written 17 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Spider-Man, StarTrek: The Original Series, Doctor Who, Man From UNCLE, MacGyver, and NCIS. I discovered FFnet in summer 2008, through a discussion on the knitters' networking site Ravelry (the same site referenced in my ficlet "Velocizompire Apocalypse"). I read mostly in the MacGyver, Stargate SG-1, and Doctor Who fandoms, and especially enjoy crossovers with other fandoms I know. I won't read slash or non-canon het, but I do love a well-written friendship fic. If you're wondering about the screen name... well, it's Elvish, as in The Lord of the Rings (a work I respect and admire way too much to ever read or write any fan-fics on it). It's an approximately literal translation of my surname, and doubles as an Elvish equivalent of "MacGyver". It's a shame it's so hard to browse other people's favorite authors on here, because there are some awesome writers out there. So far, it seems to me that Stargate writers produce the best really long epics, while Who stories tend to be shorter. (MacGyver has only two top-caliber authors, Lothithil and MacBedh, so I can't really generalize.) Here's why each of my favorite authors is on my list, and why you should check them out--several of the SG-1 writers are there for outstanding Jack-whumping, so be forewarned. In the Stargate SG-1 fandom: Bixata does the most awesome SG-1 friendship fics, all (so far) focusing on Jack, and many with a good deal of "whumping", but with gorgeously happy endings. She gets into his head incredibly well. Check out her "The Guardian"--I'd been avoiding it because so much SJ ship is wildly out of character, but not Bixata's! ShooteM hasn't published under that name since '04, but... wow. The military stuff is much more convincing than most people's, the Jack-whumping much more intense (mostly physical rather than emotional), the shippiness more pronounced than Bixata's but usually not overdone. I can't recommend just a few of ShooteM's fics--they're all terrific. Her other pen name is Joni Marie, and many of her fics are archived at . SistineMay is not a Jack-whumper--she's the best Little Daniel writer I've ever run across. Four amazingly cute short Baby Daniel fics, and one long AU Little Daniel fic-in-progress, all with amazingly convincing characterization. (I do love my Jack-with-kids stories!) Teri writes crossovers. Amazing, insane, totally whacked-out crossovers. I read the ones that involve SG-1, MacGyver, or both. (Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to write Whofic.) Her "Jack?" deserves some kind of award for Most Crossover References in a Single Story. Yum does the best Jack-angst episode adds in the world. I've especially got to mention "Off the Edge of My Sorrows", a "The Light" missing scene that's better than the episode. Jackwabbit is just incredibly, unbelievably awesome. A lot of drabbles and short fics--I haven't nearly waded through all of Wabbit's writing yet! Gets into Jack's head as well as Bixata--maybe better, sometimes. I highly recommend "The End of Ice", a drabble about Jack and Daniel's friendship. Stonedtoad betas for LE McMurray, who's good in her own right... Stonedtoad has just three stories posted, two Jack POVs and a Janet POV, all fantastic. (I am so running out of adjectives here...) I'm also going to mention here some good authors who are not in my faves for one reason or another (remember, the search tool is your friend): iamdragonrider has a couple of really long fics I like, one about Little SG-1, another about "Sam gets turned into a cat", and a Little Sam fic in progress (can't wait for the next chapter!); LE McMurray has some good angst stories and an SG1/SGA AU crossover in progress; Cleo the Muse's comedy writing is incorrigibly hilarious, plus she runs the SG-1 LittleVerse; tigerkity has several good fics, and anybody who likes Jack-around-kids stories has got to read her Christmas fic "Nascence". In the Doctor Who fandom: The Second, Third and Fourth Doctors are my favorites thus far, but I'll read any Doctor if the fic is well-written, and my favorite authors list reflects that. Frostfyre7 reminds me the most of the Stargate writers I like, though her stories aren't quite as long and convoluted. She's actually here mainly for a Sherlock Holmes/Star Wars crossover, "Elementary, My Dear ObiWan". Somehow, it works. She also writes Eighth and Tenth Doctors. Jennifer writes the best Brigadier-centered fic out there, including the tearjerker "The Cheviot Hills" - the only time I've ever cried over a tribute fic for somebody who's not dead IRL. Kosh0 wrote a couple of short comedy pieces a long time ago. I particularly recommend "Clocks and Coral", a humorous take on the reason the TARDIS console room was so drastically redesigned for the new series. Pelman is a brand-new author on FFnet, extremely good at new-series work, though there's not much there yet. Primsong writes for all the Classic series Doctors; I especially enjoy her Third Doctor work. If you like the Third Doctor, you must not miss "Snowbound"; if you've never seen the Third Doctor, it's a great introduction. Other good Who writers not on my faves list for some reason include Atomdancerrr, writer of wacked-out Fourth Doctor crossovers; Nix Nada, specializing in comic poetry and short fic; aces for a lot of rather angsty fic including the Douglas Adams tribute "Where Do Babel Fish Go When They Die?", and a few comedy fics of which my favorite is "Well, That Shouldn't Have Happened", in which the Fourth Doctor meets the Fifth Doctor in prison; infiniteviking for too many good fics of too many different sorts to list here; and Kesomon for some interesting musing-fics, especially "Laugh" (which really nobody should miss). My favorite stories list has kind of blimped lately, so here are just a few recs of my very top favorite fics. In the Stargate 'verse: Anybody with any interest whatsoever in the connection between Jack O'Neill and MacGyver has got to read Bixata's "My Asgard Father" and Cairis Rin's "Variance of Luck". One claims they're the same person, the other says they're not--exactly. ;-) Jynjyr's "Ghost in the Graveyard" and Tigerkity's "Brothers in Arms" are also good takes on the topic, though a little more... normal than the others! Of General Hammond tributes, I think "A Texan Heart" by amberfly, "A Different Road" by Lynt, and "Retirement" by HyperCaz top the list so far--although they're all outstanding. And ShakNali's "Farewells", the only MacGyver/SG-1 crossover tribute I've seen, is... perfect. Don't miss it. In the Random Insanity department, I have to mention Rhya Storm's "Revolutionist Dreams", Nanari's "Sloshed", bookworm1442's "O'Neill Vs the Coffee Zombies", Cleo the Muse's "A Stitch in Time", and Aria Rayn's "Answering Machine". (Can you tell what kind of fic I like best? Well, actually I'm pretty fond of Jack-whumping--but insanity's right up there.) In the Whoniverse: (I'm getting very tired from all this fishing round looking for good fics and authors and whatnot in my favorites. I shall update this section of my profile later so I don't skip out anything important by accident.) |
amberfly (26) Azdak (35) Bixata (19) Defeated Horizon (3) Frostfyre7 (7) GM (129) jackwabbit (569) | Jennifer (13) Kosh0 (3) Lorlie (8) Pelman (20) Primsong (78) PrincessIvye (6) ShooteM (18) | SistineMay (11) stonedtoad (3) TakeTimeBack (0) Teri (90) Weimlady (9) yumawrites (44) |