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Joined 02-13-23, id: 15741825, Profile Updated: 05-06-23

I am BlueHappens, and I have no idea what I'm doing!
My story(ies) are written, edited, and fact checked by me. I am winging this as I go, and if I'm lucky it'll be legible.
In the unlikely event that anyone ends up reading this, hello. You are welcome here, and I'm sorry you found this.

Whatever rating I expect a story to need, I'm rating one level higher for safety, because I do truly know absolutely nothing. Feel free to send me messages via this website stuff, reviews and advise are welcome. I withhold my right to foolishly not follow stuff, cause sometimes you gotta. But I'll do my best to reply.

This profile block will likely only change under duress, and I certainly don't know what to put here.
good luck, I have no idea how easy to read my stuff will be.