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Author has written 5 stories for Prince of Tennis. I N F O R M A T I O N Likes: x sleep x romance x traveling Dislikes: x ginger x insects I am: x female x Asian x lazy M E S S A G E S o3.14.12: Happy white day! I have changed my username, my old name is CelestialxChaos c; F R I E N D S JuniperScaymoore ϐ ; XxMichyBabyxX ; Saruwatari Ayumu -0987654321- ; LollipopLawliet S T O R I E S 1. The secret (RyoSaku) Finished, unedited. This was my first fanfiction. The plot is decent, albeit a bit flat and generic. Not a lot of fluff, but it should hopefully be enjoyable to read? 2. Onigiri Kofuku (RyoSaku) Finished, unedited. Writing a oneshot was a challenge for me and I had to delete a lot to not make this into a chapter story. 3. The two of us (RyoSaku) In-progress. Lengthy chapters and long hiatus (haha...). Beta reader(s): JuniperScaymoore, XxMichyBabyxX 4. Our flower (RyoSaku) In-progress. Upcoming series (?): Search for love (RyoSaku) Title: Let me find love. Title: I lost love here. Title: Love, always beside me. Title: Love is more better than life. Thank you reviewers who gave me the strength to finish my fanfictions. And of course, thank you readers who actually took time to read my stories. I appreciate it. :D |
Cinpii (18) inushikacho (13) | Lacus Date (21) Pure Essence (9) | Uncoloured186 (6) Wolf Blossom (65) |