Author has written 22 stories for Ninja Turtles. My name is Ash. I'm 25 years old and live in Rochester, NY. My primary fandoms are TMNT (primarily 2k3 and Mirage/Image comics) and Hellboy/B.P.R.D. comics. I have a large collection of both. I am pierced, tatted, and have hair that changes as often as the weather. I work as a triage nurse at an animal emergency hospital, and it's one of the most fulfilling, most horrible jobs I've ever worked in my life. I'm of the strong belief that existence is a dynamic scale of good and evil. There is no battle, no almighty god that sits in heaven deciding who will succeed and who will suffer. There is no devil that sits below plotting the fall of mankind. There is only yin and yang, in constant flux. Where there is destruction, there is new life. Where there is pain, there is ecstasy. Where there is ugliness, there is beauty. The most beautiful thing in life are scars, because they tell stories of real suffering, and the strength and power to overcome. This is why my writing usually involves the injury of body or spirit, and the slow journey of healing. My writing stems from a childhood of abuse, when I was not allowed to express my emotions or voice my opinions. Instead, I found quieter ways of self-expression. I write only for me, to commune with my inner voice and sort out my clouded thoughts. Sometimes it's original work, sometimes it's fanfiction. Usually it's poetry. I don't consider myself a great author. Compared to some, I'd hardly consider myself mediocre. But I pour my heart and soul into my writing, and I enjoy doing it. I can only hope that others might enjoy it too. |
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